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  1. IA could be involved (the simplest way for Kajana to test this is just to temporarily move IA out of the override folder). In my case, when I encountered the missing Redcliffe Chantry board, I could get it to reappear by temporarily by uninstalling either IA or Extra Dog Slot (uninstalling EMAT did nothing for me, so I was able to rule that mod out). First I thought those two mods were somehow conflicting until I found the thread I linked for Kajana (and documented my own experience in that thread). The difference in Kajana's case is that she isn't using EDS. But if this is an issue of event overload, she could be using any number of other mods that I am not using which is triggering it at Redcliffe. Anyways, this just goes to show everyone how OCD I am when it comes these things. I am pretty sure Kajana cares less about this than I do. :)
  2. Yes, she mention that. But as I mentioned, I use EMAT and "Advanced Quickbar" and has no issue running them alongside of IA (I *just* completed an Origins campaign a couple of days ago). There are only 3 "Advanced...." mods I know hosted on the Nexus: 1) Advanced Tactics + some fixes variants (which EMAT is based on); 2) Advanced Quickbar; 3) Advanced Party (which I don't use, but that one she can disable without problems). Unless there are other "Advanced..." mods not hosted on the Nexus that I am also unaware of, it should be possible to have IA, with at least AT and AQ installed, and still have the Redcliffe Chantry board appear. "Advance Tactics" is the one that she has found that could re-enable the Redcliffe Chantry board once it is disabled. The problem is that if she has to disable this mod and make a save (to activate the quests), she would have to reset her party tactics again (which she said she did not want to do). Depending on how elaborate her party tactics are (mine can go up to 40 slots for one character, when using mods that enable more than 25 tactic slots...), this may take a while. It may certainly be faster and more efficient alternative to try and disable some override mod that may contribute to event overload. I am betting there are all sorts of dialogue fix/extension type mods in her override folder, overriding default event handler..... She can still turn in the quest with the chanters from the Chantry boards other than the one from Redcliffe....unless you meant that the plotflags won't set properly once she re-enables whatever mod(s) she disabled to ease the event handler congestion, and she may not be able to complete those quests....seems the only way to know for sure is to test it.
  3. The whole "oh, I shouldn't have sold those garnets???" was literally burned into my memory after my first playthrough that I had dreams about it and it was the only sidequest that I *always* remembered when I started my subsequent playthroughs, even years later....
  4. I am guessing that, in an ideal situation where the developers had sufficient time and resources, the warden would have gotten a fade sequence specific to their origin. Considering the amount and type of stuff that were cut from the game during development, I'd say this isn't so bad. They did try to do something like that during the Urn of Ashes quest, albeit it was extremely brief.
  5. It wouldn't take very long at all, but I guess that depends how many mods you have in the override folder and how badly you want that Chantry board back. Just divide the subfolders in the override folder into 2 groups (exempting IA, of course, and all the hair mods, and make a save in the Redcliffe Chantry for convenience), move group 1 out of the override folder, test in game. If still no Chantry board, then restore group 1 and move group 2 out. Then subdivide "problem group" into 2 groups and repeat until you track down the conflicting culprit. With some exceptions of mods like IA, most of the mods in my override folder are mods that can be un/installed at any point in the game without any serious issues (and you really just need the Chantry board back long enough to pick up the quests). Some changes from IA are baked into your save once you visit an area but I don't think this is one of them, so it should work to track down the "conflicting" mods in question. Last time I had to do this was when the warden cuirass didn't appear on Sophia. I probably have like 80 or so mods in my override folder, not including my own mods. It took me about 3 minutes to find out the conflict was with the runeslot fix from "Dain's Fixes." I am virtually OCD when it comes to modding and could personally never let something like this pass. But it's your game. Good luck.
  6. I use "Even More Advanced Tactics" instead of "Advanced Tactics." I also use "Advance Quickbar." I did not have issues with those mods installed alongside IA. As theskymoves said in the thread I linked, this seems more likely to be an issue of "overloading" the event manager. Absent uninstalling IA (generally not recommended in the midst of a campaign), your best bet is to temporary remove mods from your override folder (by moving the subfolder outsides of the override folder--I am assuming here that you manually installed override mods into their own subfolders inside the override folder), rather than uninstall the dazip mods, to test and see if temporarily removing any of those mods might ease the event manager congestion and allow the Chantry board in Redcliffe to reappear again.
  7. Read the second page of this thread, see if it applies to you: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/278428-npcs-missing/page-2
  8. don't agree. in vanilla mode game is ok.. of course there are always some things for improvements but difficulty of vanilla game is good for me. Although I never picked blood mage so I don't know what are you talking about. You don't know what I am "talking about" because you never chose to play a blood mage, much in the same way that you can choose not to use the DLC items (incidentally, there are countless YouTube LP videos, guides, and online discussions about Arcane Warrior and Blood Mages, so you could have did some research on your own if you were really interested in understanding what I was "talking about"...). The vanilla game is balanced/"ok" if you choose not to do things that would make the vanilla game imbalanced--that doesn't mean it's inherently balanced. Anyway, it's much, much too late to be talking about whether this game is balanced or not because Bioware most assuredly will not be releasing any more updates for this game. So good job exercising your ability to choose what you can do and not do in game to make it a more enjoyable experience for you.
  9. There isn't as far as I remember (and keeping in mind I am no "DA lore expert" :smile: ). To my knowledge, the only claim that Harrowmont has is that he was Endrin's closest adviser and received an apparently uncorroborated "deathbed confession" anointing him as the successor. There are letters indicating that Endrin suspected Bhelen's treacheries but they do not explicitly state he did not wish Bhelen to succeed the throne under any circumstances (even as the last surviving heir of House Aeducan), although it's strongly insinuated and may be logically inferred. If Harrowmont had some written proof or at least corroboration of his anointment, Bhelen's claim and support from the deshyrs may have been weakened to the extent that a paragron's involvement may not have been necessary to resolve the succession crisis. Given the nature of the in game information about the Dwarf political system, anyone who steps forth to claim the throne in this instance would probably need to be able to trace their claim to being a chosen heir by Endrin (and no doubt need to be noble caste). I would imagine only then would any deshyr risk the reputation and the safety of their house to publicly rally behind the candidate. Anyway, it's just a video game, and it was compelling drama, especially by 2009 video game plot standards. If we were going for realism, we'd have to adopt Witcher 3 2015 standards, which means all the candidates would turn out to be arseholes, and you would end up having to go with the lesser of all evils--just like in real life. :smile:
  10. It's my understanding that while the deshyrs in the assembly can formally vote on who the next king will be, in practice their job is merely to confirm the heir chosen by the previous king (so they can't just vote for anyone). I can't recall exactly which NPC says this (I think one of the nobles in the tavern?), but I do recall the statement. In this case, though, the succession is being contested (by Bhelen, as Harrowmont is Endrin's chosen heir), and he's apparently managed to gather sufficient support among the deshyrs to unsettle the norm.
  11. This game is already unbalanced in vanilla mode. An arcane warrior/blood mage is completely OP and breaks the entire game on nightmare difficulty. So saying that a few DLC items makes the game "unbalanced".... IA is modular DLCs can be toggled off But like Thandal says, you should just ask your friend, Ms. Self Control, to help you out. I don't know where I'd be in life without her constant guidance and help....
  12. One good thing about modding DAO is that it is relatively easy to troubleshoot mod conflicts compared to many other games. Try moving mods out of your override folder (I keep override mods in their own respective subfolders for organizational purposes, which makes this easy), loading from a save prior to entering the area of the issue you encountered, to test and see which mods might be implicated. The most efficient way to do this is to divide your mod into two groups, move group 1 out, test, then swap group 1 into the override and move group 2 out if nothing changed. Further divide the trouble group, and so on and so on, until you can narrow down the culprit.
  13. Huh....thanks for that. You saved me a lot of time that would have otherwise been wasted unpacking the files and squinting at them in the toolset (when it comes to mod conflicts, I am just OCD like that...). I guess I've just been spoiled by Bethesda games where you can dump 100+ mods and make them work together through sheer stubborn persistence. I guess I have to remember this game is from 2009--which is like...20 years ago in dog years, and every engine has it's limits.
  14. Well, this is indeed mind boggling. I experienced this issue and found this thread, so I just uninstalled EDS to see if it's indeed the "culprit." Low and behold, the Chantry board in Redcliffe is back. After some testing, I've found that this is caused by conflicts with Improved Atmosphere. I can understand why EDS would impact on the "Captured" quest, or why IA would conflict with a lot of mods, but why the heck would EDS even impact on the rearrangement of the Chantry board by IA in Redcliffe?
  15. The Denerim Market is definitely the most CTD prone area of the game. Something about the design of that map. I remember playing an unmodded 1.04 campaign a long time ago, on an old PC that didn't even run the highest graphic settings, and the game would somtimes CTD there during the Origin campaign, as well as the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC version of that map. I wasn't using the 4 GB patch at the time though (because that PC didn't even have 4 GB ram....). Try that if you haven't. Save often when in Denerim....
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