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  1. So far, nothing bad has happened. I haven't made a save yet with Darker Nights and/or Tactical Flashlight enabled though. I'm just testing the various settings through reinstallation on my mod manager or by adding variants. I play for around 15 minutes before I leave the game without saving.
  2. What are shp settings? Just to clarify, if I want to try Darker Nights with different settings in my game, I should: Uninstall the mod completely from my mod manager Load the modded save and type "shp 4.0,0.02,0.02,0.65,0.2,0.3,1.5,3.6,2.0" in the console Save and exit Reinstall Darker Nights but with different settings Did I get that right?
  3. Darker Nights mainly alongside some other lighting related mods like Tactical Flashlights Unfortunately, I haven't memorized all of my mods that have FOMOD installers. I also use STS but the mod author already told me it was safe to reinstall via FOMOD. Why do I need to back up plugins.txt and the game folder? I have already backed up the saves in case those get corrupted by mods but what's the purpose for the other ones?
  4. I'm in the middle of a modded playthrough and wanted to change the settings of a mod or patch it. Unless it has MCM integration, the only I way I can do this is by reinstalling the mod using the FOMOD installer. Is it safe to do this in Vortex? Unless it's explicitly discouraged by the mod author in the description/posts tab, I honestly can't tell.
  5. @fraquar @peacefulhomecare Thank you for sharing your suggestions, insights and experiences! I appreciate your detailed feedback and will definitely take into consideration as I continue my modding journey.
  6. I got NotSoPerfect21's patch for the F4NV SAA but, unfortunately, it disabled a few attachments. I checked FO4edit and they are marked as such. How do I re-enable them? Please and thank you.
  7. Can I change the full name on the mod itself or is it better to make a merged patch through copy as override into?
  8. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge @geala ! I definitely won't try to remove script injected weapons, especially ones with quests. Way too risky. Yeah, I'm definitely avoiding AWKCR since it's near universally criticized from what I've read. ECO seems to be more liked but I don't need it. 1. For the INNR, I was just wondering if I had to rename the attachments as well to match the new name. For example, I change Blue Revolver to Red Rifle under weapon tab but the attachments still say Blue Revolver sights/receiver. I tested it on one mod and the INNR still functioned normally even if I didn't change the attachment names. 2. No, I don't want enemies to spawn weaponless. It's just that I see complaints on some mods regarding spawning too much and not seeing the other weapons. That's why the author usually removes them from the LL. I was thinking of adding them back but without encountering those issues of monotony. 3. Also, do you know how to safely delete a merged patch that was made with xEdit? I can only disable the plugin on Vortex.
  9. I was trying to resolve a conflict in FO4edit between Protected Named Settlers and Deirdre Bugfix. They both alter Deirdre from The Slog and I discovered "Is CharGen Face Preset" in the former. What does it mean and what does it do to Deirdre? Should I make a patch that includes CharGen? If so, what kind? Or is it negligible and I should let it get overwritten? Please and thank you.
  10. Thank you @peacefulhomecare for your explanation 1. What if the weapon mod has INNR due to attachments? Do I just change the full name under weapon tab or do I have to change OMOD and Keywords? 2. Also, how do I lower the spawn rate of a weapon using the LL?
  11. Could I still change the ammo/name used by a weapon mod that was added via LL injection at least?
  12. Help please! I want to tweak some weapon mods on FO4edit in the middle of a modded playthrough but I'm not sure how far I can go without breaking the mod or corrupting the save. Are there any rules on what I can or cannot change under these conditions? Can I: 1. Completely change the weapon's default name like from Laser Rifle to AK-47? Even if it's in my inventory or personal containers? 2. Remove or add the weapon mod to the leveled lists (whether injection or edit)? 3. Remove attachments whether they're equipped or not? What about adding more attachment options? 4. Change the ammunition type to Munitions, Caliber Complex, Vanilla and so on? Thank you.
  13. Yeah, that's what I did in #2. I even tried it again twice to no avail. I wonder if using MO2 and hide could make it work though I'm currently on Vortex.
  14. @fraquar I'm not. I'm not signed in.
  15. A patch made by kbiru for asXas' Lee Enfield gives it both Bullet Count Reload and TR. However, I only want to use the BCR aspect of the patch. The description notes that TR is only a "soft requirement". So far, I've tried two solutions: 1.) I removed "AnimsReloadReserve" from the weapon tab in FO4edit and cleaned the masters to remove TR dependency. It did remove TR but also enabled BCR to function only for the full/half bullet reload. 2.) I removed the ESP and the meshes folder through Vortex (but keeping the BCR .ini) and redeployed. That ended up removing all BCR functionality on the Lee Enfield. Is there any other way or should I just give up? Please and thank you for any help.
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