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363rdChemicalCompany last won the day on June 30

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  1. Thanks for the pointer. however I found an easier solution with console command in another thread. ~player.setghost 0
  2. Sometimes the presets simply wont show up for whatever reason. Maybe the file path was incorrectly packed by the author for a mod manager download, or the plug-in failed to enable. Solution: Download your presets Manually, and then after unzipping take the .json file and put it in your presets folder by "hand". Check the attachment for the path in a steam install.
  3. I had a very similar issue on my laptop out of the blue the other day. A friend of mine speculated it may have nothing to do with the game ( as both the GOG and the steam versions were affected, no matter whtehre I tried to start via F4SE or not.) but might have been a corrupt .dll file in windows. A windows update that was recently pushed that same day seemed to have fixed the issue for me. Maybe its just a coincidence , but still the two events closely match in time.
  4. If you are on .163 , I assume you locked down your game against updates to include setting your .377160.acf file to read only ? Its a lot easier to stay on .163 than it is to rollback. But if you want to update any log on to steam will auto update you (unless your game is locked down as described above)
  5. AAF is something you have to get to work seperatly from any Nexus collection you may download. I apologize I overread that particular portion of your post. As others alluded to, it is generally best practice not to download a whole collection but merely use it as a guide to what mods may be interesting you and then donwload that. There are some very short collections lists that work well ( though fewer than ever before due to the update and Collections mod links not having been updated so if u run the updated game, then collections will almost never work for you as an in-toto download) As I mentioned earlier getting AAF to work is a whole day in and of itself for most. You may want to check this thread that explains it. Do not be intimidated by the long list of animations added (you need only a couple) and the long list of mods listed athe end that may use AAF on there (just pick one to run that you may like. I recommend SEU, its remarkable bug free) https://www.loverslab.com/topic/139374-aaf-the-f*#@ing-manual-~-adult-oriented-setup-guide-7thapril2024/ As for the other mods you like: Please let us know what direction you ;like your game to go, or what collection you were looking at for more specific advice. Also I wish to aoplogize this post is what I should have written right away but it was late at night in my timezone and I did not do my due diligence.
  6. Thank you thats awesome answer! Also I was just coming here to post that the problem has magically disappeared. maybe my recent windows update fixed something.....
  7. Maybe I should post this in the General Nexus help forum I am beginning t suspect this may have nothing to do with Fallout4 but a corrupted .dll file or the like.. Are there windows tools to verify your windows registry files?
  8. I am not a moderator but it seems to me there is nothing wrong with posting what you are looking for. Chances are good that at least some of those things have already been done and you migth get the occaisional link to a pre exisitng mod out of it.
  9. Odd FO4 crash problem on gaming laptop that had been unused 4 weeks. Was working fine when I put it up. Now when I try to start via any method: a)my F4SE pathed to GOG install or b)via F4SE pathed to Steam install from Vortex (different shortcut and my usual method) or c) Start from Steam launcher (do not expect this to work fine since I am on .163 game version d) even just just try to start plain GOG game Vanilla install on my HD, via GOG's launcher, game instacrashes. No launch game menu, no option to launch save games, the FO4 wont even start. Also I noticed that even if I try to start via GOG FO4 launcher or the F4SE that is pathed to GOG. it still seems to trys to launch the Steam copy of the game. Which is real odd. I even reinstalled GOG as to tends to be robuist and the problems persists even if I try to start direct from GOG game files. Same with the Steam install. I cannot of course have Steam verify my files as it will delete my HD pack from Luxor and well as try to update. PLus I have my .acf locked down to read only so Steam likely cannot verify anyway. But I verified install via GOG during my reinstall. And event he Vanilla GOG wont start up from game menu. Uninstalling and reinstalling my steam copy is not an option since its .163, but I did it with the GOG version which I have a copy on my D drive, but this did not do a thing, game still instacrashes on load attempt no matter which method ( F4SE or vanilla) is used. Did not even get to FO4 load menu crash-2024-07-12-10-31-45.log crash-2024-07-12-09-51-28.log crash-2024-07-12-11-10-45.log
  10. Sorry for all the typos. I wrote it middle of the night local time Edited for typos and clarity.
  11. Wow thats some fortress you built there! About those NPCs, it's like herding cats , especially at Starlight. Plus NPCs are notoriously bad with vertical displacement. The issue I noticed at Starlight is my farm girls going on walks well outside the perimeter ( by an estimated 50 yards outside and at some spots outside the range of my machine gun tuttets. I dont mind if I my tough-guy guards to that, to me they are just condtucting a sweep, but my hotties its an issue to me.)
  12. Do some searches on there, for his username. Looks in Fallout 4 discords. Then there is also Moddingham (another mod oriented site as the name suggests) and loverslab (focuses on erotic mods, but many folks who left Nexus went there and show their general mods in a subsection there as well.) Unless he doesnt want to be found, you I'd wager you'd be able to find him using the same username on one of those.
  13. Hi welcome to the forums. I have no experience with SIm Settlements so may not be able to give any good input if it is the cause. In 4500 hrs in game have not encountered such a bug yet. So the map shows up unbidden on your screen? And/or when it has weird artifacts or excessive zoom? Are you on the .163 game version or did u do the new update? In the past ( no promise if this will work for you) I have been able to get rid of persistent bugs not fixable by restarts, by cloning the vortex profile I use , then move my latest savegames and start form that new profile.
  14. Thanks! Yes I have that backed up. Plus a complete GOG copy of the game sitting on one of my harddrives also.
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