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  1. In response to post #26138034. These look awfully like SPECIAL stats - attributes. Skills are upgraded every level and there are supposed to be much more of them (like barter, speech, unarmed, energy weapons - that kind of stuff). Attributes are picked up at the start and only increased under specific circumstances - perks, bobbleheads, implants - depending on the game.
  2. Do you guys think the infamous Reddit post was a marketing trick by Bethesda? To stir up the fans a little and then calm them down at E3? I mean, the post itself was pretty obviously designed to piss people off. You have the obvious 'no female' part, the 'like FOBOS part' (nobody liked FOBOS) - it seems to be aimed directly at causing controversy. Now watch the E3 presentation. 'Of course you can play as a female' got Howard an applause. An enthusiastic applause for a feature that has been in games for decades (and in every single Fallout game) already - as if they discovered it completely from nothing. That is some genius marketing.
  3. Not doing MQ and Dawnguard in order to prevent random attacks is already overkill if you ask me. Have you ever thought about downloading When Vampires Attack, and/or Run For Your Lives? Seeing how the main cause of NPC death is being a suicidal moron, they are pretty likely to be very helpful. If you're desperate not to lose any NPCs, I suggest No More Redshirts, a BAT file you thought about making yourself. It'll save you some work. That said, I've never seen an NPC die without charging a dragon/vampire with nothing more than farm clothes and bare fists. Please consider the 'suicidal stupidity prevention' mods listed earlier.
  4. Okay, I think I got the right one. Here. The bad news is: It does not show on the screens, so you gotta download it and see for yourself. The textures are not included. The solution requires finding the textures in Broken Steel's .bsa file (you need Broken Steel and by extension FO3, of course), extracting them (look for 'armor\apa\apa_d.dds' and 'armor\apa\apa_n.dds') and copypasting them into the NV 'textures\dlc03\armor\apa' directory. You might not find the armours in the safe the author has placed them in. This is what happens when someone puts new stuff into an already existing container. Just in case, I suggest putting the .esp file low in your load order.
  5. Hey whaddya know? There is a Fallout NV version, just by a different author. Adds 3 different sets of Japanese Power Armour. Is that it? If you don't want the Japanese insignia or the colours, just download the flagless texture from the original FO3 mod and swap the textures.
  6. Also check if the gun you're adding to the footlocker is set as playable (otherwise you won't see it). If I remember correctly, Windows 8 had some problems with saving changes, unless you launch as admin (not sure, but Win8 has that problem with a good portion of everything, so it's worth a try). What really got me curious though is you asking how to put weapons from mods you have downloaded into lockers. Because most weapon mods are already placed in game somewhere by their author. Still, if you want an explanation on how to do this: Download the desired weapon mod. Extract the files from the archive into your Data folder. This is to say the meshes, textures and possibly sound folders and the .esp file (and anything else in the same folder with them) is supposed to go directly into the Data folder. Open up the GECK (if you're using Win8, do try to open it as admin), open the .esp file (select it as 'active'). Wait for it to load. Open the weapon you want (found in Items->Weapon). Make sure the 'Playable' box in the 'Flags' section is checked. Also, if you want, you can check where in the game world this weapon can be found by right-clicking the weapon and selecting use info - it'll show you any NPCs that use it, containers or cells that contain it or scripts that mention it. Open a regular empty footlocker (found under WorldObjects->Container under the ID Footlocker01Empty). Change the ID to something else (like MyFootlockerWithModGun) that is not already in use by another object. Click 'OK' and then 'Yes' when it asks you if you want to create a new form. Open the newly created footlocker (the one with the new ID). Then go back to weapons, find the weapon you want and drag it from the Object Window into the white section labeled 'Item List' on the Container window. Click 'OK'. Open up the location you want to put it in by double clicking in on the Cell View window. It should be visible in the Render Window now. Go back to containers, find the new container you made and drag it into the Render Window. Then use your mouse to position it properly in the cell. Hit the save button in the upper left corner of the screen. Do not save mods while they are loaded in game while the game is running. It won't work. Close GECK. Download FOMM. Open it, select Fallout New Vegas, find the mod you are interested in and check the button next to it. Start the game. Although I take this opportunity to remind you that in most cases there's absolutely no need for that because modders do usually put their weapons in the game somewhere. Also try not to add the item into an already existing locker, unless you're sure you know what you're doing. If you don't you might end up with a hundred or so guns spread around the wastes in random lockers.
  7. You mean Shi? They were descendants of the crew of a Chinese submarine that managed to establish a settlement in the former San Fransisco Chinatown. By 2240s they were a major research and development house in the wasteland, but they were rather reclusive, prefering to stay out of wasteland politics. Seeing how there were some descendants of Yakuza in FO2, the Shogo thing could have been a Pre-War Japanese company, specialising in high tech weapons and armour. It's quite clear that they weren't employed by the US government, but some private companies in the US could have used quality equipment. I expect whether or not the business was legal, the company might have found quite a demand for their goods. The bunker was just an underground storage space, hidden in the Mojave desert for security, later discovered by a bunch of resourceful people, who decided to make a new Silver Rush out of it. Also FNV begins 41 years 2 months 23 days 23 hours and 36 minutes after the start of FO2 (unless I miscalculated). Also Tactics is quasi-canon, so anything from it is rather debatable (especially if it's the BoS taking over half of Post-War USA with the help of a brain-computer and it's army of robots) and even then the mentions in other games seem to suggest a bad ending, with the chapter reduced to a small group in Chicago. EDIT: But if you remain unconvinced, you can still download this one (has the armour and is smaller), open it in FO3 GECK, open the armour you want, memorise the stats, then recreate the same armour in NV GECK using meshes you downloaded (or add different stats, NV has somewhat different damage system, relying more on DT rather than DR - you can just copypaste stats from a vanilla power armour). Also I do not believe that the outfit you want (Yamato Heavy Assault Armour) is actually included in Shogo Heavy Industries. I am sure it can be found in the Japanese Power Armour Set mod for FO3.
  8. It's the first sentence of her note to you. I've quickly looked through her dialogue in the CS and she only confirms that the rest is only of interest to her and the PC would not understand it. She pretty much treats the player character as her 'little helper', who does not need to understend what (s)he does and why and simply has to obey and be rewarded. The reward is a note describing how to get the spell. The book you get is a misc item and cannot be read. There is a readable version, but it is blank an not accessible during normal gameplay. And even if it was there is a script on it that would just display a message:
  9. If they weren't supposed to be in French, then there is probably a mod that changes the location name somewhere lower in your load order, try checking that first (smartest way to do so if you have a longer load order is to use FNVEdit, load all your active mods and check which mods edit those locations. One of them is probably responsible. Alternatively, if you have a shorter load order, you can just check out which mods you suspect of having this effect. For instance, if you are using http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37708/?'>Chryslus corvega - Post-Nuclear edition it might be the cause (or not, I just know it was translated from French).
  10. XS Skill Training Signature Weapons Signature Armor Signature Weapons - Balanced Edition
  11. The general thing that is always a good idea in these situations is to open FNVEdit, load all your mods and check which of your mods edit ED-E, his dialogue or his script. It sounds tedious, but most of the time it's worth it, as it'll give you a rather short list of suspected mods. What remains is finding the guilty one.
  12. The required FO3 mod likely includes meshes/textures needed for it to work. If the file says you need an FO3 mod, it probably means you need meshes and textures from it, because the .esp/.esm files will not work and will crash your game on startup. We cannot give you a specific answer without the name of the actual mod, but if it says: 'download this FO3 mod' what you probably need to do is: 1. Download the mod. 2. Extract the 'meshes' and 'textures' folders into your 'Data' folder in Fallout New Vegas directory. 3. Do not extract the .esp/.esm files - they won't work and will just clutter your 'Data' folder. 4. Install the mod you wanted in the first place (the mod for New Vegas). 5. Activate any .esp/.esm files that came with it.
  13. This one apprently works (comments suggest so): http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54604/?. There was also CAGE, but it is set to hidden, so it's gone at least for now.
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