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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Toidio

  1. Groovy sounds like the way to go. I'll try it out. Thanks.
  2. Yeah. I got him to follow for most of the main Zeta quest. However erratically; he sometimes left for long periods of time. When I finally got to leave the ship he didn't want to leave with me; I went through the teleport and he has yet to reappear anywhere else .
  3. Paulson as a companion. Correct me if I am wrong, but a cowboy companion would probably be awesome. Anyone willing to help me out?
  4. Are there any tutorials on doing so yet?
  5. Truly depressing. But my question stands. Is there a way to convert user-made armor from for Fallout 3 to Oblivion? There are plenty that I'd like to see converted.
  6. That is interesting. I've never heard anything about that before. Is it that they don't want meshes and textures from their own games appearing in mods? Where does it mention that?
  7. So when I got Fallout back in October I immediately noticed that the file types were strikingly familiar. Being a huge fan of both series, a few friends and I decided that crossover mods would undoubtedly begin appearing with the arrival of the GECK. I waited several long months. Cut to the past couple days. I took it upon myself to try making a Power Armor Helmet mod. It didn't pan out... I've done some research and found a tutorial for Oblivion Hair models to be converted over to Fallout. While it helpful and leads me in the right direction... it is above my skill; I'm only a novice when it comes to making mods. So I come to you guys: Can anyone help/guide me in converting armors from Fallout 3 to Oblivion? I'm speaking about leather armor and t51b and/or brotherhood armor specifically. Thanks!
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