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Everything posted by bradmillerbiz

  1. IDK of such a mod, but just a tip: if you include the mod your requesting in the title, you might get more/better responses. Example: "Mod request: unlimited horses in stables."
  2. I knew what the mod was called and what does while I was tracking it, obviously, or I wouldn't have been tracking it lol. I will take your suggestion to heart and perhaps create a list of all my tracked mods on my notes app or something. Hopefully someone else will come along that knows of a way to locate it. I know that there at least used to be a way to view a list of activity on your account, including tracking events. I'm just not sure if they removed that feature, or if I just can't find it again.
  3. Is this intended for me? Because I can't just search for the mod. I don't know what it's called. I don't know the name of the mod, what it does, when or even if I've ever downloaded it, etc. I know literally nothing about the mod. Literally nothing, other than the fact that I'm no longer tracking it. Literally. And not literally as in figuratively, literally as in literally.
  4. But I can't describe the mod because I have literally no idea what mod it was. I clicked the X button on my tracked mods page by mistake and didn't catch which mod it was, and it was just gone. And I have my tracked mods sorted by last updated, so I couldn't even guess what letter the mod name starts with.
  5. I don't know what mod it was though. That's the problem. I have an extensive download history, and I have no way of know when I downloaded it, or even if I've ever downloaded it since I have a lot of tracked mods that I've never downloaded.
  6. Help please! I accidentally stopped tracking a mod and I don't know which mod it was. Is there any way I can find out? I could have sworn that there was a way to view this but I can't find it now. It's not in activity history for my profile, which is where I thought i saw this, but it's empty. Anyone know a way to see mod un/tracking history? Thanks.
  7. Not working for me. Steam GOTY. Only a few other simple mods installed (skip cutscenes, skip dialogue, and fast stash). Though it is installed on Linux (Steam Deck) using Proton, so maybe that's why?
  8. Has anyone done this yet? Either idea.
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