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Everything posted by huntinggary

  1. It would seem quotes don't do well on phones. Anyway, blowback would be an issue. And its not a very black op if i waste half a town for corn. The Brotherhood would be held responsible for me going rogue, and rightly so. I may misremember the dialogue choices, it's been a while and I only did the one question of it.
  2. Also, something I mentioned in a mod thread (How it Should Have Been, sounds like a great project, and a super nice guy doing it) was the fact that there's no and/or system for quests/triggers. If I don't visit the BoS, do they still rebuild Liberty Prime? They have a plan to use a Diamond City scientist to help them if D . Li can't/won't. If X amount of time goes by without my intervention, things should happen on their own. If I don't go to Concord in say, a week, then the Minutemen get wiped out. If I don't visit the Cambridge Police station, then Paladin Brandis doesn't get found until later, when the Prydwen shows up. Things like that. I can see the Institute stuff not happening without you, but come on. They should still take out Libertalia by themselves. Say the Stockton girl gets killed if you wait too long . Make me not doing things have consequences too. Kill folks in Raiders onslaught. Let me bribe the Raiders attacking my settlements and sic them on somewhere else. Make the world feel like it doesn't revolve around my every move, all the time. Hage the BoS get pissy if I don't complete my missions in time, I'm just an Initiate/Knight. Paladins get more leeway, for sure but there's no feedback for just abandoning what your superiors told you to do. That's not how military organizations work. Let me give my Minutemen orders to secure locations and start settlements, or clear enemies. Give me the freedom to construct miles of tracks and sidings, stations, some sheds. Let me recreate Thomas, Percy and Gordon in loving detail and send them on runs. Allow the freedom of abducting random yahoos from Baastan and doing weird experiments on them, then replacing them with robo-clones for NO REASON! Forge a synthetic army and rule with an iron fist? Sure thing! TL;DR Playas gonna play. Let that happen, better .
  3. And what about travel options? No one rides Brahmin? More specifically, bicycles. It's been 200 years, and the CW probably had a yuppie population who rode them to the subway or bus station. No one in the Boston Library read A Connecticut Yankee, seriously? And it could totally be done. Elder Scrolls have had horses since...Morrowind? Oblivion, at the very latest. And those work ok. Survival took out fast travel, but didn't add in bikes, I call bullshit.
  4. I would say that they are at least beginning to go the route of slaughtering civilians in FO4. The radiant quests for collecting supplies for them say they don't care how you get those. Killing everyone there and doing it yourself is totally fine. So is turning the settlement over to them to run for themselves. I was actually kind of pissed when I got that, they made it sound like 'just pay them for this food' but the dialogue options skew heavily towards 'join, support, or die'
  5. I have an Xbox, and so have to get my mods from Bethesda.net. I've seen multiple threads where people are bringing up mod theft (usually from here) that's been posted there. Is there any way to tell if any particular model is stolen on there? I'd rather not help rip people off if I can help it.
  6. I think a 'living commonwealth' style thing would be super neat to implement. Something kind of like the War of the Commonwealth mod, but with timed alternates to quest finishes. So if you don't go to the Concord Museum in, say a week, they're all killed by Raiders. Or not doing the mission where you kill Kellogg until forever, the Prydwen would still come in after a couple of months, and the BoS quests at the police station would time out, cause it was about getting them up there. Basically making it so that the world did its tjing regardless of your choices, and putting a squad in place of you for faction quests. So they'd still DO the quest (if possible), just without you.
  7. I would like to see something changed at the start too, alternative beginning was mentioned early on, I thought it was weird that my single female lawyer (cue theme song) was able to just pick up these combat rifles and armors and just use them with no issues. I could see handguns, maybe a hunting shotgun or rifle, but T-45 armor and a minigun is just too much. Also, if PA training could be brought back, as a perk for joining BOS or finding a manual would be grea . The game says he was an occupation trooper in Canada, and they had to ship in PA units for riot control, then send them on to China or Anchorage. So he shouldn't know it either.
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