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Everything posted by Syndharos

  1. how about something with a Ram head for 2handed?
  2. OMG! A pack of Hammers?! That is something new... so much edged pointed/weapons arround there. Will you consider adding a baton? For dual wielders Well for hammers I think you have very cool ones, but I like those with skull shapes too: And some just not so fantasy styled: Hope to see this pack released soon, those images aint exact requests just ideas of models I think would be nice to see in game ;)
  3. Ok pm sent, hope that aint too hardcore stuff, just osme ideas. About the hammer: well I am not a very fan of wood weapons expt for clubs but they do look nice indeed, its just that I rather crush bones with something more "stone/metalic/" stuff. But yeah seems very good considering the time as you said and rich in details.
  4. Hmm I liked the idea, and in fact I dont realy think the texture to be the most important of those itens you make... since they are all so outstanding and completely new they always cativate us, in fact for texturing I believe in a simple formula that Rolling Stones told us a long time ago: "Paint it Black" Believe me, most of the things that have black/gray/silver/red are very welcome by most of ppl. and that just talking about colors. In texture the leather/metalic or glowing aspect, in most thigs, also work fine, withou need of much details Too bad that I am completely useless about those modder terms like "alpha chanel" "seamless" and that kind of stuff, so I cant say about that :( Sry if my coments aint that constructive or of no much help at all, I just cant help about say what I think and like :D GL on your weapon pack, dont know if you have many other weapons in mind or will just grab stuff from the request, but if you allow me I have one more weapon request that I just dont want to put on the forum becouse I dont feel like to let anyone make stuff that I want. I rather choose ppl that I beleive skilled enough to make it and try asking for it :whistling: PS: in fact I have 3 more request but 2 of them I dont know if possible becouse there is nothing like that in game and I just know one mod that made something similar :( just let me know and I will PM you about it
  5. OMG and now I want that "Doomhammer's Hammer" too! :woot:
  6. Well, then I guess the banishing effect and +dmg on those factions Fan mentioned earlier. Even with that it sounds like something else could be added but IMO those 2 should be the main ones. The problem is that the banish efect as it is seems very useless, unless you could expand the faction it efects.
  7. I think that if there would be any other efect than a "+damage" on specific factions, like explosion, fear, desintegration, banishing or things like that it should be on a % variant, like 30-60% and not in every hit. I think its something funny to wish for that efect to proc when you need it the most, and thanks for it or blame it for not happening. Also imo it reflects as the Gods are watching and judging your ways to deserve that "hit" Even more if its going to be a "flashy" efect like in mjolnir :D, plz dont missunderstand me... I love that thunder efect, but as I said b4, it gets a bit anoyng when fighting enemies with large health bar, or dual wielding.
  8. OMG!!! That Hammer is geting so AWESOME!! you are a Dream Maker!
  9. Tracking this post waiting for updates... man that WarHammer will be my new partner in Skyrim. Thank you very much.
  10. I have some ofensive spells in mind: 1.a Ignite: the mage puts the targets body in an state of spontaneous combustion burning the target for 10 seconds dealing 10 damage per second and making the target flee in despair for the spell duration. (use the Fire cloak efect on the target) 1.b Fever Raising the body temperature of the target in a way that it starts to alucinate and explode in a blind rage of despair atacking everyone arround. Does 10 damage per second and make the target Frenzy for 10 seconds. (use the Fire cloak efect on the target) 2. Hyphotermia: The body temperature of the target drops for 10 seconds making 10 damage per second and slowing the target for the spell duration. (frost cloak efect on target) 3. Convulsion: By controling the target body eletricity the mage causes a violent and painful contraction in every muscles causing the target to become paralyzed, making 20 damage per second and paralyzing the target for 5 seconds. ( paralyzing an enemy for more than 5s might be too OP, so the short time with more damage over time to balance the three. Use lightining cloak efect on target too) I dont know if those spells would be better in the alteration school, or would be better to put in the restoration scholl, considering that some restorer might get to know better the way that living beings system works, and they are kind to based on "medical" knowledge. At the same time it is an alteration of the body state. So these are the ideas... feel free to change damage, duration or description, I only would ask if you could keep the name and efects, and if possible mention my name there
  11. Hey I love the Ebony version, just like said b4 those "horns" seems a bit misplaced but still cool in general. As for next after Daedric I voted for DragonScale/Bone, but I would like to sugest some more simple changes in the mounts: One was to made them a bit more muscular, and the other was to add some tribal tattos if you going to add the option to change/remove armors/sadles. There is a guy who made werewolves more muscular in the mod Big Bad Wolf, the idea would be to take the horses a bit on that way so they d look more like eipc war horses. Thank you for your mod waiting for next releases.
  12. WOuld like to request a pack of spell in wich the caster would just point/curse the target and the Gods/nature would send the spells and efects on the target... like 'shoot' a invisible ball at target and then a thunder hits it from the sky. Also looking for ppl that could add efects to when we hit a critcal hit with weapons... like a thunder explosion, or another element... just to make an AoE efect.
  13. Hello there I am looking for someone who could retext the blade of woe or make a new dagger in the game in the shape of a kukri here is an idea
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