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Everything posted by BadKappa

  1. In response to post #55023428. #55028243, #55028883, #55030358, #55063573, #55066428, #55067553, #55072113 are all replies on the same post. Eh... I fail to see where your initial critique was meant to help anything in any way. I mean, if anything, you and the others are damaging motivation. Don't get me wrong, you're not (not significant enough to do so), but still... /i/ if anything/i.
  2. In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553 are all replies on the same post. Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now. ;)
  3. I appreciate the response, and I know you're a busy person, but could you elaborate? I managed to remove the objects, generate visibility, and pack the vis file with the create archive function. My problem is that the mod size becomes 9mb when I do that. I'm sure it will go only up with precombined meshes, etc.
  4. Hey, sorry I didn't see this sooner, I'm getting the hang of these forums... anyways, I've got ONE. LAST. QUESTION. I swear! ---> When creating an archive, my mod size becomes upwards 9 mb! That's insanely big for the intent of my mod. Should I only be including the .vis files? What should I remove/keep when creating an archive for my mod?
  5. Awesome! Last thing --- What exactly does the "precombine geometries" function do? I'm very nervous to click it. I've removed only a few things, and navmeshed where they once were. About to finalize, don't want to break anything. EDIT: Also, Am I safe removing the changes from cells 2+ blocks away? I generated changes in cell -12, 1; but I've got changes in cells as far as -9, 4; and -16, 3. I already archived and made the .BA2, would I be okay in removing those cell changes from my mod in FO4Edit?
  6. I was told I need to also pack the "vis file" in with my mod, in addition to generating visibility for all adjacent cells. Will uploading to Beth.net do this for me? If not, where do I find it?
  7. Problem: Upon deleting the train car along with the two red crates it is carrying on the railroad bride between the settlements Graygarden and Oberland Station, walking in the now opened space causes graphical issues. Specifically, objects in the distance begin to disappear, at some points the entire worldspace can become invisible depending on where you're standing. I've concluded it to be the cause of the objects I have deleted because after deleting other objects in the CK, and then walking through them, the same graphical issue occurs. Question: Is there any way to prevent this issue? I can't find any tools on my own right now, nor any visible options to change anything about this. Thanks for the help. -Kappa
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