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Everything posted by Furrywolf

  1. Hello again from... 160 pages back when I started a few year-long idea of studying. I'm still playing Skyrim, overly modded as ever since I got my gtx680 4GB. So I can fit a s#*! ton of mods on it :P And still using this wonderful mod I got to beta test back then. Is this still under development or has a final version come out? :)
  2. Um. Actually I was mocking them.Oh! Awh :( I thought it was nice ideas..... *In shame*
  3. <p>I like the ''tippity-toe'' idea you where on there. I think of the Argonian mod now, like that. But The argonian digits look very slick, muscular and lizard/beast like :3 They be perfect ^^<br /> And I always used Grunt, Morin and Tali as my team-mates in ME2-ME3 cause their digits where so cute *^^*</p>
  4. Would it be weird if you'd shift the weight and made the back bend a little for a more ''feral'' look if you're increasing shins and thinning the thighs? Or would that just make him look like he's in a hunting mode all day long. Or more beastial, I dunno :)
  5. I love them colours on your body :P I always wanted the face colours I choose to change the colour on the rest of the body to ^^
  6. hihi ^^ Ok. I'll await more news about all of that!
  7. OH! So skinning would look better then? And so we need to move the tail around? Can we keep the delicious looking rump though? :3
  8. The poly count looks nice! It's the feet/toes that's bothering me! The shape is to fat and round :P
  9. Yay for the claw pic! And if this mod goes to the top hits I'm sure lots of other modders will want to make compatible stuff! Shame bigger balloons and such often are the first to go but I'm hoping an armor modder comes along and drools over the idea of making footwear possible :P Doesn't someone have some motion capture tools and such lying around!? We could make our own animations and build some ''digit'' styled legs to put on and do some walking and such :P That would be cool!
  10. I would never ask for pink claws! It's super gay :P And awesome.... but the picture there looks awesome to da max! I want them claws on my Argonian nows >:3 That colour is pretty cool with the rest of the hands!
  11. Take the boring stuff first and save best for last :P It's good to have the heavy baggage out of the way ;) Also, the claw looks super nice! Will they come in different colours?
  12. *Buys Derok some time....* :3 You can tell me what has to be done and I'll give it a try :P
  13. Haha! oh my that comic was fun :3 She makes humans look cute and innocent ^^ I'd rather have a lizard chick! With them digit legs, cleaning my home.... Anyway. How's about an update on the mod! Was a time I saw an image on the Khajiits :P
  14. OH MY! My Argonian female will definitely have her claws like that!
  15. That's the most silly thing I ever aw... this week :3 But cute! ^^
  16. I think the new claws on the Khajiit looks nice :3 *Draws them pink* >:3 And I'll await an update on the legs!
  17. My bad... back to complaining about the leg work and read everyone's different ideas how a toe should look :P I want pink nails on my lizard!! With sparkles on them. Oh god help you all if they don't sparkle >:3
  18. Everyone's so sensitive and think I'm a pervert >:3 The finished product shall be hidden and guarded by dragons and argonians in maid outfits! :P
  19. Awah I thought it'd be a real book with long pages of text with cute and teasy things happening.... :( Imma write me my own and add it to the game :P
  20. I never know anything about any of this! I've had the game for years now! I demand to know where I find them books to :P *wags like crazy* Gimme ,Gimme, Gimme!
  21. I remember there actually was an Argonian Novel in-game in Oblivion called the ''Lusty Argonian Maid''.... The only book I ever read in that game... = _=! No judging! I wonder if it exists in Skyrim to :)
  22. It's because they're light creatures.... tip-toe-tippity-toe ^^ it's cute :3
  23. I can't help but wish you'll make as sharp turns and long feets as the argonian but on khajiits. It looks like the Khajiits paws are looking to domesticated. A more feral ''big cat'' paw with longer heel would look more appealing for the khajiit frame I think. And no one makes a sexy joke about that cause it's from an artistic view >:3 Everyone's to sensitive = -=!
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