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Everything posted by Furrywolf

  1. Well I only have like 3-7FPS when taking those pictures! I have a GTX4602 in SLI with only 1GB of VRAM to spare so I can't play with that good mods :3 Just for pictures for the moment so I can take nice looking lizard pics for your mod ^^ And YAY! is there anything we can help you with?!
  2. If you mean in my pictures I can link you the mods! The stances are a mix of 6 different animation mods I hand-picked files from. But the particular magic stance and idle stance is from *YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight. I added female presets for both genders in my game so that I get a slightly feminine lizard even when male :smile: The extra horns I did not notice?! I believe it must be from *ApachiiSkyHair. Search them on Nexus :smile: Rest of the mods, excluding this Argonian mod, is a mix between 173 texture mods and 2 ENB's :3 Edit: Sorry it was High quality Beards mod! To get the extra horns on the face :3
  3. Awah! Oh well if the mod page is dead then Imma show you the pics here :3 You might want to click the image to get it to original resolution I think! First test with the new digits First test, Front look First test, Front look with sheathed weapon First test, Front look with drawn weapon - Sorry for the reticle in the middle of the lizard! First test, Lizard with magic First test, Up close And just for nice looking picture by the river! - And I also found how to change text colour :P
  4. Oh awesome! Was just thinking loud, thought when you had the argonians done their ''digit base'' could be converted to Khajiits and then fine tuned which would save time :) Imma go and make some cool and nice looking photos of your mod nows!
  5. Would this mod be easily converted for khajiits or is that a whole other deal?!
  6. Ya you're right! Screw the bigger bulge! Lets add a penis instead >:3 A lizard/dragon panis :P Nah just messing with you :3 But I also saw that the tail was modified somewhat, does it come with better textures? I thought it looked way better then before! :)
  7. Got to try it and I have to say it's super awesome :P Apart from the obvious clipping at the feet I can't find anything to report so far. Looks great at max and min weight and so sexy feet now I could never wear shoes again :3 Shame the armors don't work when they come with legs! But oh well :3 Many thanks for the brilliant mod. Any help you need just ask and I hope I can be of service, any service >:3
  8. You wanna play a nude, male argonian but you're against bulge?! Now you got me confused! >:3 But.... OH MY! I MUST TRY THIS SO FAST *Explodes, dowloads and runs away with computer*
  9. Oh! But the legs must have 1 additional node now right? as the heel is moved up? Or are you using the plantigrade skeleton and just changing the feet/legs to look like digitigrade?!
  10. I have to check up references on the internet now to know what you guys are talking about but I'm all for oversized things, naked lizards (if they're female) and digit legs :3 Also you wouldn't mind sharing the full skeleton review of this mod? An image would suffice! I just want to see if I can help with any calculations regarding gravitational pull/stance for the body now when there's working digit-legs and all :)
  11. What are you talking about!? This isn't wow, the image is not nearly as pixilated and the graphics don't cause me eye cancer >:3..... And I didn't knew there where lizards in wow :)
  12. Yay ^^ Well completed weight slider would be nice! You should film your work on one of those free streaming sites so other people and modders can see your work and talk there! Maybe some of us, (me), can learn some things to!
  13. Running around naked sounds like lots of fun but, isn't the main problem the way the feet, paws, legs move and animate when your walk and run?! And that pants will clip super much with the new feet? Why don't make armor that ends at the waist or knees. And leave the rest as it is :smile: Also, could you send me a copy of the mod perhaps? Can't get any of your files on the Nexus to work. I would like to stress test it and do lots of slow motion running to see how the mechanics work!
  14. As far as I've heard it is more aimed to feed the sexual preference of some zoophilc players and is one of the reasons that "social get-together game" makes me wonder how much the internet f*#@s up the human psychological health. So pretty much like the Skyrim Nexus, yes. :v I was mostly referring to the leg area of them walking anthro dogs and whatnot ;) How many different modders made the legs appear digitigrade when the actual skeleton is plantigrade and the heel and the paw is ''empty'' textures and meshes and such stuff without any bones.
  15. Oh gosh this looks awesome to da max! it's uncanny how special and unique this Argonian is from the original :3 I want to try it out now so much! Whatever support and help you need I shall get it for you >:3
  16. I saw this mod a few days ago and I want to support it to fully! Them beast races need their feet back! Also, if someone is thinking on making footwear mod for this, don't bother! Beasts, specially Khajiits has paws and does not need protection on their feet for cold and such! You don't see wolves and cats with boots :P Except ''Puss in boots''! Foot-wraps like the one you start with that covers the ankles and between the paw-pads on the heel and paw would look good for epicness in an artistic view! Like this: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/7010038/ Anyway! The only reason I don't play as the beast races is because they have plantigrade legs instead of digitigrade ones. The whole unique feeling I want to experience when playing a Khajiit or Argonian disappear when I can't watch my buff warrior cat walk around on epic toes! Or sneak around lizard-style before nailing an arrow in their.... eye. I'm tired of knee-arrows >:3 Anyone here who played Second Life, which is some sort of social get-together game, knows that there's a ton of wolf, cat, lizard, dragon, dog etc characters called ''Furries'' who walk around with modded bodies that has digitigrade legs. I don't know if the idea is similar to Skyrim!? Obviously it's harder to make nicer looking digits for this game as it has a higher quality per say. And then there's the animation issue to... But I really want to see the Beast races with their proper legs and feet :3
  17. I just tried searching it on Nexus cause I forgot where I got the mod! Put this s#*! on Nexus pronto >:3
  18. I didn't notice any difference in clipping as per usual! And put it on Nexus cause it's a good one :3
  19. This doesn't work at all for me! it says that none of the files are a valid file type and cannot be added to the archive. :( I have these files: xxxxxxx.bsl xxxxxxx.bsa xxxxxxx.Bethesda plugin data file They load up in th game but the textures and armor versions are ALL WRONG. So I dunno how to install the bsl file as I never seen that before. Thought this might help but it doesn't work!
  20. Worked very well with the Creation Kit thing :) First it didn't but it was due to human error so my bad ^^ Thanks for the help and Garathos for explaining it further! I wouldn't had understood jack otherwise :P
  21. Hai there! I'm a 23 year old femboy :3 I think this would be cool but the ''femboy'' community is so small so this will probably not take root I'm afraid. It's nice knowing there's other fembois out there though ^^
  22. I downloaded the Creation kit today (2012-03-24), for my Skyrim which is up-to-date. When I tried to start the CK it froze after saying ''initializing system-something'' and then stays like that for ever and eating 25% CPU power and 7GB of RAM!? I have tried to re-install Skyrim, with and without my mods. Clear the ''Save folder''. Reinstall the CK several times, restarting my PC a few times...etc. have not reinstalled Steam though, and I do not get any error messages! Anyone that experiences the same issue or anything related that know how to fix this?!
  23. My creation kit says it's initializing system soemthing and then nothing! THe whole application freezes in that stage, eat 25% CPU power and 8GB of RAM and stays like that for ever!? I dunno what to do I've tried reinstalling Skyrim, steam and CK!?
  24. I haven't started my creation kit yet! It just stands there eating 25% of my CPU and 6.8GB of RAM in the task manager :( I've been waiting for 20 minutes! Does it take long time cause I have lots of mods? I could run the CK when not using any mods! Then mod the game and then continue with CK if that helps?!
  25. Can I not do this manually without the creation kit by copy and paste around files in the Skyrim dir? Cause I can't start the CK!? It just freezes, eat 25% cpu power and 7GB of RAM and just sits there in the backround forever... :(
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