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  1. a) You do not need to install any mods for this. Simply press the " ` " button(beside the 1) in game and type in "player.advlevel 1"(without the quotes) then hit enter, redo this as many times as you would like the enemies to be above you, each time counts as 1 level. b) Never tried to raise level cap yet.
  2. Ya Im pretty damn glad I found these mods as well.....makes the game fun again. lol sounds like good times. I usually do most of my playing on weekends since I'm usually pretty damn tired from work during the week, I'll post my progress on playing with +17 levels.....
  3. I'd like to hear about your progress. 15 levels were maybe a bit too much for my abilities. Maybe I could do it, but I would need to really progress slowly fight by fight to get some perks in order to compete against decent opposition. Yesterday I managed to get to level 20 (=5), but stand no chance in Bleak Falls Barrow (Troll I could avoid by running :-), but final Draugr impossible), first quest of the Companions (Valtheim Bandit Leader) seems hopeless, also first Potema quest I get killed in the first fight all the time, same as first civil war quest for the imperials. I guess 15 was a tad optimistic :-) By the sounds of it I'm going to have to lower mine as well, maybe to 12 levels, we'll see. Either way, I love that crafting matters now!
  4. Not sure how the setlevel command works, one thing you can do is save the game in the keep before doing advlevel and reload it and change it that way....thats what I had to do. Im playing it with 17 advlevels on Master. Not sure how far I will be able to make it, if I get stuck I will start over lol.
  5. Not sure how the level cap works with the command, as far as I know you can not move down in levels with a command. Basically if you add 10 levels you reduce your perk and stat base by 10 each not to mention making some of the mobs 10 levels higher than normal.
  6. I feel much the same way. i expect not to have to fiddle with files when playing a game i bought for 50 bugs. it gotta be so easy for the designers just to make it harder. from a game i expect the hardest difficulty to be so hard that i voluntarely play second hardest. i am playing a cloth wearing khajit mage and save for dying from one well aimed arrow the game is no challenge at all and it hasn`t been since level 20 or so. reason i see is the insane time the enemies need to regain their stance after getting hit by a mighty blow. i mean as long as i had mana drinks there was no way dying to a dragon just because it always gets stunned when hit by a fireball. since i enchanted my cloth with 102% destruction magicka not even magicka is an issue anymore. so you can say dumb your char down dumb your npc down/ don`t use one. but that`s not the point. of course i am trying to get as good as i can get cause that`s my reason for playing rpgs. With the "player.adlevel 1" command you can play ANY style you want and it will be a challenge. Keep adding levels until it is. Also the PISE Improved SKyrim Experience pack is great. Makes enemy mages have healing spells and use them, gives humanoids health potions and they use them, makes bartering harder, etc etc Right now I am using PISE pack with most of the optionals, the command to reduce health regen, and have the level increased 16 times. Starting at level 1 like that since I still have a lot of the game to explore on my main(lvl 40), No excuse for a PC player to be complaining about difficulty unless they think the default settings are too hard.
  7. You want immersion? Try clearing Bleak Falls Barrow with the mobs set to 25 levels above you. The troll on the road there is impossible to kill so being a wood elf I used my daily and kited it up to the tower then mind controlled it, used it to help me kill all the mobs there, a few weren't that bad, one of them was tough as nails and would have been impossible for me to kill without the troll. Then the troll chased me up to the top of the tower once the mind control wore off and I jumped to my death. THAT is immersion. lol Im gonna have to start a new game again this time only up the level by 15.........25 is impossible. Either way this game has got my attention again now that there is actually a point in playing it. And as for your reasons: none of those are valid in any way once you up the difficulty using the player.advlevel command. I am trying to find the perfect setting where the game is very difficult but still beatable while using ALL tactics/resources. That way there would be NOTHING to make me lose immersion. I can not fathom why anyone would want to play SkyRim in a way where assigning perks, stats, and crafting are not VERY VERY important. To me the game gets extremely boring and repetitive once the challenge is gone. If you don't have to use your brain to advance in the game, the game sucks.
  8. You might have to start from level 1 to get any benefit from "player.advlevel". That's what I just did, was about lvl 40 archer that would 1 hit mobs while sneaking(playing on Master obv...) and I also exploited the crafting system to the tune of $40000 gold - in other words the game was pointless to continue. Made a new game, loaded the "PISE Improved SkyRim Experience" mods, also used the command to stop all health regen in battle, also played with the level command and exited the cave to skyrim at level 51 lol....just to see how it would be, tested it on the bandits at the camp just outside WhiteRun and I couldn't even do any damage on them with my bow in sneak mode, then they 1 shotted me. Decided that was a bit too extreme, so loaded back and lowered the level increase to 26. So I am starting the game with most mobs having 25 levels on me lol. I am also playing the same type of character as before, wood elf archer. It's nice to know that I might actually NEED to exploit the trades and use my perks wisely in order to advance in the game. This game is very challenging now, as I also added most of the optional mods in that "Improved Skyrim Experience" pack, so now mages have healing spells, humanoids have health potions and use them, prices are higher at stores, sell price lower, etc etc
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