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Everything posted by neotropic

  1. Thank you! I needed something like this. I have not used flash since MX, need a refresher. But also need a little direction, hopefully this article will help me.
  2. I myself am waiting to see someone crack then. I come and go tinkering with it. Been 12yrs since i played with Flash. I had a targeting system on FNV that when you hovered over NPC's would give you indicators (red/green text) of who they were and some info. I would love to get this going in this game as well! Right now being held back by finishing another mod that would really benefit from this!
  3. I am also looking forward to MCM. More options for our options :) Next... to figure out how to add new HUD items via Flash. Use to be a Flash master back in FlashMX days building apps connecting to MySQL ect. Now I look at it and I am a little lost (Adobe Animation) I know you have to load each SWF by a level. Now... if we can get someone (or myself) create a new HUDMenu.swf to load another .SWF in which that SWF reads an XML file and that XML file is a generated XML file of HUD Items and load each SWF file to a new LVL ect.... Kinda like FNV that one mod in FNV that merged HUD items via XML This is in theory, I am going off of previous knowledge of Flash. And also wanting to figure out how they are passing or retrieveing (most likely this) values to the Flash Files.
  4. Ya, I just released a mod with two Versions using: [settings] Name of Tape or [Holotape] [Mod] Name of Tape The whole [sPACE][settings] it a bad idea IMO. Not sure why you would want something you may hardly use or use once or twice at the top. They should be at the bottom. I was initially going to ask for a [settings] Tab to keep them seperate from other holotapes.
  5. Agreed. As I was creating my mod, which is using a holotape for the settings. I realized the same thing. We need a universal form of naming that everyone could try and follow. What was suggested was my exact thoughts on the idea. Also, people being aware and hopefully making a second version or so, to work with item sorters. All of which I am doing.
  6. Nevermind solved. No idea what it was actually exactly. I did two things differently. Named the file "name" - Main.ba2. Then went into game, into Beth mods disabled it. Reloaded. Enabled and it worked.
  7. So I created a mod and it has a lot of scripts. I attempted to put those loose files into a BA2 file. I went to test it by actually removing the loose scripts in the scripts folder and just use the BA2. But when I load the game, none of the scripts fire. What am I doing wrong here? I named the BA2 file the same name as well. Only one file, just scripts. I can only get my mod to work when I have the loose scripts in the scripts folder. Thanks in advance.
  8. I beleve so. There are ways of tricking the game to use a suitcase via scripting. You can even go as far as making it either. A: Timed Activation B: Detinated activating something. Think I will venture into this after I release my first one this weekend. Just sounds fun and I immediately saw some cool uses.
  9. Well, you'd need to make a .dll plugin to actually use F4SE, which requires knowledge of C++. As for making a mod that requires F4SE, you would just have to use an F4SE only function or command in your mod's scripting. EDIT: if you want to learn more about making plugins, I suggest downloading the SKSE example plugin and dissecting that, because F4SE doesn't have an example plugin yet. Making mods with it is not all that hard once you find or have a list of the functions and what they do. Did it with FNV, but they had somethign to extend GECK to use SE. My problem... is finding somethng that will compile the scripts with these functions. I tried using Caprica Papyrus Compiler, but having Quest scripts it does not know what the "Quest" property is. As it says.
  10. Really was not using the age of my account for anything. More or less I just needed more clarification, which I got in the first reply. Rest was unnecessary. Thanks.
  11. I have been on here for years. I have seen a slot of mods. Made a few yself. This time I made a mod using 32 second sound clips from: (GUITAR SOUNDTRACK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g1FDXs2OCo (MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK) I can not use those? But people can use The Last of US? Or people can use full length Audio tracks by actual classic artists? Yet mine gets banned for copyright? Im not all that upset, not going to be my "big mod" I have planned. But I am rather confused and upset at the time I spent into putting it all together.
  12. So as Fallout 4 was loading. I am here moving mods I unchecked down while it loads waiting for it to uncheck all the others. I sit there wait, wait more. Then realize.... it is not going to uncheck them. So I tried it again. This time, as the game opened up I sat there checking and unchecking one mod. While doing that I kept the plugins.txt file open preventing the game from deselecting all my mods. What I am assuming any ways.
  13. This is FOMM install script code. I use the same code on two other mods. But someone is getting an exception error with this one. And I am curious as to why. Other than changimg class Script : FalloutNewVegasBaseScript to class Script : BaseScript And would that cause it? What else? Thanks. using System; using fomm.Scripting; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; class Script : FalloutNewVegasBaseScript { public static bool install; public static String title = "Neotropics Targeting HUD"; static ASCIIEncoding encoding; public static Form installStartForm; public static PictureBox backgroundPicture; public static Button okButton; public static Button cancelButton; public static Image GetImageFromFomod(string filename) { byte[] data = GetFileFromFomod(filename); MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(data); Image img = Image.FromStream(s); s.Close(); return img; } static bool InstallFileIfNotPresent(string path) { if (! DataFileExists(path)) { return InstallFileFromFomod(path); } return false; } static bool UpdateInclude(string path, string includePath) { bool editSuccess = AppendInclude(path, includePath); if (! editSuccess) { MessageBox("Failed to access " + path + ". Reinstall the mod with all other applications closed, or try a manual installation (see readme).", title); } return editSuccess; } static bool AppendInclude(string xmlPath, string includePath) { byte[] data = GetExistingDataFile(xmlPath); if (data == null) return false; string tmp = encoding.GetString(data); // Include is already there? if (Regex.Match(tmp, "<include src=\"" + Regex.Escape(includePath) + "\" />", RegexOptions.Singleline).Success == true) return true; tmp += "\r\n\r\n" + "<!-- BEGIN Added by " + title + " -->\r\n" + "<include src=\"" + includePath + "\" />\r\n" + "<!-- END Added by " + title + " -->\r\n"; data = encoding.GetBytes(tmp); GenerateDataFile(xmlPath, data); return true; } // Installs include from fomod if not present, appends editString otherwise static bool UpdateUIFile(string path, string srcPath, string includePath) { if (! DataFileExists(path)) { return InstallFileFromFomod(srcPath, path); } else { bool editSuccess = AppendIncludeToMenu(path, includePath); if (! editSuccess) { MessageBox("Failed to access " + path + ". Reinstall the mod with all other applications closed, or try a manual installation (see readme).", title); } return editSuccess; } } static bool AppendIncludeToMenu(string xmlPath, string includePath) { byte[] data = GetExistingDataFile(xmlPath); if (data == null) return false; string tmp = encoding.GetString(data); // Include is already there? if (Regex.Match(tmp, "<include src=\"" + Regex.Escape(includePath) + "\" />", RegexOptions.Singleline).Success == true) return true; string includeStr = "\r\n" + "\t<!-- BEGIN Added by " + title + " -->\r\n" + "\t<include src=\"" + includePath + "\" />\r\n" + "\t<!-- END Added by " + title + " -->\r\n"; tmp = Regex.Replace(tmp, "<menu name=\"(\\w+)\">(.*)</menu>\\s*$", "<menu name=\"$1\">$2" + includeStr + "</menu>", RegexOptions.Singleline); data = encoding.GetBytes(tmp); GenerateDataFile(xmlPath, data); return true; } static bool InstallFileFromFomod(string source, string target) { byte[] data = GetFileFromFomod(source); if (data == null) return false; return GenerateDataFile(target, data); } public static void CreateStartForm() { setUpStartForm(); setUpStartBackgroundImage(); setUpButtons(); AttachHandlers(); } public static void setUpStartForm() { installStartForm = CreateCustomForm(); installStartForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D; installStartForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; installStartForm.Text = title; installStartForm.Size = new Size(500, 250); } public static void setUpStartBackgroundImage() { backgroundPicture = new PictureBox(); backgroundPicture.Location = new Point(0, 0); backgroundPicture.Size = new Size(500, 250); // load picture file from .fomod and stream into picture box backgroundPicture.Image = GetImageFromFomod("fomod/banner.png"); // add BackgroundPicture to list of controls installStartForm.Controls.Add(backgroundPicture); } public static void setUpButtons() { okButton = new Button(); okButton.Text = "Install"; okButton.BackColor = Color.Silver; okButton.Location = new Point(335, 165); okButton.Size = new Size(130, 33); // cancel button cancelButton = new Button(); cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; cancelButton.BackColor = Color.Silver; cancelButton.Location = new Point(25, 165); cancelButton.Size = new Size(130, 33); backgroundPicture.Controls.Add(okButton); backgroundPicture.Controls.Add(cancelButton); } public static void AttachHandlers() { //Attach a handler that will fire when the apply button is clicked okButton.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { install = true; installStartForm.Close(); }; cancelButton.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs args) { install = false; installStartForm.Close(); }; } public static bool OnActivate() { encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); bool GetNVSE = ScriptExtenderPresent(); Version CurrentNVSE = GetNvseVersion(); Version RequiredNVSE = new Version(0, 2, 0, 12); if (CurrentNVSE < RequiredNVSE) { if (GetNVSE == false) { MessageBox("NVSE not detected. This mod requires NVSE v " + RequiredNVSE + " or higher. Please update fromhttp://fose.silverlock.org/"); return false; } else { MessageBox("NVSE not outdetected. This mod requires NVSE v " + RequiredNVSE + " or higher. You have " + CurrentNVSE + ". Please update from http://fose.silverlock.org/"); return false; } } CreateStartForm(); installStartForm.ShowDialog(); if (install) { InstallMain(); InstallMenu(); } return install; } public static void InstallMain() { InstallFileFromFomod("NeotropicsTarget.esp"); SetPluginActivation("NeotropicsTarget.esp", true); } public static void InstallMenu() { InstallFileIfNotPresent("menus/main/hud_main_menu.xml"); InstallFileIfNotPresent("menus/prefabs/includes_HUDMainMenu.xml"); CopyDataFile("menus/prefabs/Neotropic/Neotropic_TargetHUD.xml", "menus/prefabs/Neotropic/Neotropic_TargetHUD.xml"); UpdateInclude("menus/prefabs/includes_HUDMainMenu.xml", "Neotropic/Neotropic_TargetHUD.xml"); UpdateUIFile("menus/main/hud_main_menu.xml", "menus/main/hud_main_menu.xml", "includes_HUDMainMenu.xml"); } }
  14. Thats funny, because after I posted that, I thought of the very same thing. In essence, ya. But was thinking more like mini ed-e's, minus the intenna's. Playingwith companion creation, will see where it goes from there.
  15. Craft little orbs that shoot lasers. Low HP. Maybe make like a pack that makes 2 or 4. Then deploy them at once. Not to powerful though. I thought about trying this out, just do not know where to begin. Limited right now to just the scripting aspect, not this type of creation, nif's ect... Started out by looking at FO3's spider drones.
  16. Im on a mod creation kick (little late in the falout bandwagon). Im sure I can get this over no problem. Just looking at the screenshots I can see what they are doing. Would be actually really easy to make. WIll look into it this weekend. Like how this looks.
  17. Ok, so it looks like everything is done. I have this working for companions now too. Will be putting up a new video tonight. Add Jet to the chems. Altered actually all chems to a newer system. Values are increased based on what your medicine is at. I will write out what each chem is doing later. They basically increase every 10 points of medicine. Like Jet for example. Below 10 you just get 4pts. Above 10 you get 7. ect... Med-X 25 at first, 30 or 35 (at work, so numbers not in front of me) next 10. Higher the medicine, the less stimpaks needed to heal as they will heal for more. The only chems not altered is Psycho, Buffout and Doctors Bags as they are standard. You can add or remove companion systems (Limit 5 in inventory). Just click on the item and a menu pops up to add a remove a system from your inventory. I tried adding this to the main MCM config. But was being difficult in one section and was not allowing an 11th sub section. When companion stock is low, a message on the upper left is displayed. Will not display simultaneously if they are low and take 3 stimpaks. Trying to find a way to pass names over to messages, but seems that just will not happen. Wanted messages to say something like: "Willow is low on Stimpaks!" Messages do not like ref vars being passed to them.
  18. Should see my web coding ;) Yup all hand coded, have all sections of code, quests ect.. saved into text files. Thought I was the first till I saw PN's floating around while searching for information. Which is useful for learning as well. A lot goes to those who already created similar mods. Great references. How I learned a lot of my web coding. Try and find who does or is similar to what you are looking for and reference them. It is actually really easy, more like Javascript. Easier than PHP for sure. Some what like Flash with the Stages when it comes to calling/reading script. To me any ways. Like any language, learning and knowing what the function calls are and what not. And properly setting variables. And speaking of using other mods as references, I just now I used GARU (Companion Ammo Refill unit) to see how he is checking if it as ANY sort of companion to make this work with companions :) Looks like it just might work. But will have to test to be sure if I am getting what I need. Looks like it though. Good thing I am using the Willow companion mod to test it out. She will be upset with me for shooting her when testing this :( If I do get companions to work, will add a button in Config to add another med system if you get more companions. As well as remove selected count from inventory, which would seem logical in a sense. The idea originally came from the FO3 mod, PIMP. Was not happy there was not one good enough for FNV. Kasdars was nice but dislike the collar. Played around with that on other items. Then decide to just make my own. I am a coder, why not. It also did not do doctor bags and some others as well as a counter. Where I got the idea of using audio alerts from. Finding a decent text to speech converter was a nightmare.
  19. @harvengure Yeah, why you can disable the alerts. And why I added options to enable/disable. Sometimes I was like, what did you just say? You injected what now? No, not coded for companions, yet. Will look into it though. Still a few things to work out. With being able to to adjust the settings you should be able to not have that problem as much. ------ I still need to add Jet. I do not use it, like Buffout or Psycho, but should be there for people that use Bullet Time, or PN sprint. Couple other things I thought of while in bed last night that I can not think of now.
  20. Hoping this would be the right forum to post this in to raise awareness of it coming out. Here is a video that explains it all. To damn tired to type everything all out again. Why there is a video! This is my very first mod in a manner of speaking. I am a web application developer/designer by day, so picking up the coding was not all that hard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRSsnqlBz8&feature=youtu.be More info on the youtube page.
  21. Nevermind. Figured it all out shortly after posting. Making my own for my character.
  22. Man how I would love to be able to add a jacket to my outfit. Like having this Duster Jacket: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/images/34683-2-1293895416.jpg With this outfit: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/images/34985-1-1287776034.jpg I found a single, solo jacket in one mod. But it is sleeveless and looks funny. Also is tan. I am just barley adventuring into modding. Doing textures, not there yet. Any resources to start from? I can find editors, not sure how to go about making a jacket/duster.
  23. I know I am opening a dead topic. But I was debating the same thing, but not all in one package. Merely for friends and most likely not uploading them. Hence, above he initially said for a friend. Which would not have stopped me from any of the above if for just one person. Reason why? Because setting up FOOK, EVE, PN, NVEC, WMX, AWOP, MoMod, MMWE together can be a huge pain in the ars! Getting the right files ect... Just getting everything together for an easy installation is what is really needed. That or someone to actually come out with some documentation for installing certain packages together. Especially ones mentioned above. Like what order should you install, what is installed first and whats last. Then have a smaller rar file with basic files. Like 'Better ...' (Fill in the blank) , stutter remover ect... and other 'useful' fixes, adjustments and my personal item mods. Not god items. For just myself though. I do this now before installing ANY large mods. I get all the files I need, put them all together, re-rar them and import to either FOMOD or NMM. Depending on the size. FOMOD dislikes very, very large files. Its a matter of mostly combining mods that work together for the same purpose. Since I know what 'I' want. I do, by combing mods together: Weapons Mods - WMX, Weapon Retexture Project, Compatibly patches, Fixes A World of Pain - Main Files, Fixes, Compatibility patches. Project Nevada - Left Alone Project Nevada Plugins - Patches, Fixes, Options ect... NVEC - Download all needed, required files updates, patches and compatibility plugins into one install. Monster Mods - MoMod and all files 'I' want. Monster Mod Wasteland and any compatibility patches. Zombie Headshots, Slower Zombies FOOK - All required files plus plugins and patches. EVE - Same as above. The pain is, what installs first. What do you not overwrite when it comes to textures ect.. who is on first :) That's what we are lacking. Doing it this way got me going faster to get playing again if something requires me to start over. Plus, you can not always find all the patches/fixes you need sometimes. For me it helps keep everything organized. And with the game being pretty old and not many updates coming out, not much to worry about as far as updates. But then I would manually update the rar file with the updates and just copy paste overwrites of the updates. But would be nice to have something like this set up with the ease of use and ease of finding what files are needed. I think the idea is very useful for large mod packages. Standalone, simple mods can be easily downloaded installed on their own.
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