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Everything posted by ciki15

  1. bro im sorry i just wanted to show how i would like the hammers looking u know...it would be cool if it was like on that pic andd voice is no needed but for the hammer damage would be 49 damage and make it some enchantment like holy to glow u know but not that much and it would look much better because these hammers are not looking good in game..thank u man for responding
  2. I want someone to make me a new hammer please more like a mace...i want it to look like this... (http://www.google.rs/imgres?imgurl=http://percivel.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/uther_j_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://percivel.wordpress.com/&h=599&w=459&sz=31&tbnid=_oIRpaZwajIiZM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=69&prev=/search%3Fq%3Duther%2Bthe%2Blightbringer%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=uther+the+lightbringer&docid=y8cANaTS__aR1M&hl=sr&sa=X&ei=NYYBT47ZMZHL8QP1m4j3Dg&sqi=2&ved=0CEgQ9QEwBw&dur=2819) This is the hammer i want....dont replace it if u can add it please, also i will need to shange my nords male voice when he swings weapon he sounds little soft haha so please make it to be like UTHER THE LIGHTBRINGER from warcraft 3 thats all from voice...u can get the voice from warcraft 3 world editor...IF U WANT TO ADD ME ON FACEBOOK HERE I AM http://www.facebook.com/mcikaric
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