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  1. After uninstall, pardon that, I would delete the folder before reinstalling it. As for the install order, yes, it was in the order of Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.
  2. Not currently. I originally had the 'Vampire Embrace' and 'Vampire Realism' mods (the former being unusable due to the crashing Bloodmoon), but removed them both when reinstalling Morrowind as an attempt to fix the problem. I have not touched the .ini file. As for data files and subfolders, if you're referring to the Icons, Meshes, Textures, and the like, yes I have, due to putting the mods on it, but as I said, I had removed them due to reinstall. (That...was alot of commas. ) Otherwise, no. I forgot to mention that I manually deleted the Morrowind folder after each reinstall.
  3. Oi...my first post here has to be one asking for help. Anyways, a few weeks ago, I purchased Morrowind: GOTY Edition from my local Wal-mart. I installed it onto my computer without the expansions, and I have to say, it worked perfectly fine (not much to boast about that, since it's an old game) and excellently. Then, a short time afterwards, I decided to install Tribunal and Bloodmoon, which I did in order of the two. Upon installing Bloodmoon, I receive an error message as the game starts up, reading "Failed to load snowflake: Meshes\BM_Snow_01.nif. " and the game suddenly closes. If this has occurred before, I am wondering if someone may point out possible solutions for me. I am aware that it is possible to play Morrowind without Bloodmoon, but I am wondering if there is a solution so I may be able to enjoy both. As for Tribunal, I have not yet 'activated' its set of quests via sleeping upon its installation, so I am unaware at this time if there is any problem with it as well. Awaiting a reply and possible solution.
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