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About longboardskier

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  1. I used the NMM to install all the mods. They were all there before that NMM update, but once I updated and it restarted they were all gone.
  2. I don't think so. I know it updated, but I never enabled Survival Mode or anything. Just loaded up my old save and it wasn't working.
  3. After the last update I'm not able to get into the console at all. The tilde key always did it before. I've since gone and tried to hit every key on the keyboard both normally and while holding shift and get nothing. I went into the Fallout4Custon.ini file and made sure that bAllowConsole=1. Anyone have any more ideas?
  4. None of my mods are showing up in NMM. It's been doing this since the beta update (I think two updates ago), but I haven't had time to mess with it until now. All the esm's are there and checked, but it's not showing that I have any mods installed. Before that NMM update I had 20+ mods installed. Screenshot below:
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