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  1. God is Jesus, or vice-versa. To put it in a simple point of view: Jesus is what God would be, if God was human. So when Jesus is about to bring the apocolypse upon us, that is God working through Jesus. It's actually a complicated subject, the whole Jesus/God thing. (basically everything in the Bible is complicated). But Christians are taught at a young age that Jesus is God in some way or another.
  2. Tyjet, i think you need to do some more studying on the Christian religion, because you just aren't understanding anything. I seriously suggest that you read into the Christian religion before making conclusions about it. Yet again, you're taking the word learn way to literally. We're not supposed to actually learn things about God through war/famine/poverty. We're supposed to learn to pray and believe in God to get through these difficult times. Yes, people's hearts get broken and they can be in a state of depression because of these horrible things, but haven't you heard of that guy who got through a drinking problem, divorce, and a death in the family because he turned to God, and prayed for better days, and giving thanks to what he already had? And if you died through these terrible things, and did what i said above (praying and believing God) then you are on the next stage of existence, and welcomed in heaven. *Sigh* Man i hate when people make fun of the word faith, when they have no idea what it means because they have no religion to have faith in. Yes, tyjet, as a matter of fact, faith can overcome every single thing in the world. There have been people that have gone through a living hell yet they believe in God with such a passion that they overcome these difficulties. Quit dissing faith tyjet, you have no idea of what it can do.
  3. Um...i guess my last paragraph didn't do anything for you people You're taking what I typed way too literally, I was trying to put it in a certain view that some people would understand. The key words were example and metaphor When did I mention you couldn't sin? I said by ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS, and living like a christian should (meaning obeying the ten commandments as best you can) you pass the test, but then again maybe i shouldn't mention the whole test thing, people thought i was viewing the whole religion like a test. When i say "sweet prize" that obviously means that heaven would be a nice place to be. I can't believe I was just scolded for saying heaven was a sweet prize...i mean is it that ludacris to call it that? Yet again, people are taking things too literally, thinking that when i say theres a prize at the end, then that means all you should think about is the prize. You missed my main point at which i was trying to explain why there were things such as war and the devil, for some reason the word test was etched into your brain. I wish next time that people try to actually read into what i type. Like i said, it was simple. But I guess i learned something valuable, next time i'll copy/paste the whole Bible so people won't be offended at the way I put things in my own words.
  4. Well........knowledge is power. I think i speak for almost everyone when i say that people don't like to be ignorant. Remember, almost everyone......
  5. Its kinda simple. I view life as a test, if we pray to God, ask for forgiveness, and live like a Christian should, then we pass and we get a pretty sweet prize. How would God seperate the non-believers from the believers if he made life a breeze by taking out war/famine/poverty and the devil? What would we learn? By making those 70-90 years of life difficult, he notices the people that are faithful to him through thick and thin. And once those years pass, we get to spend eternity in heaven. Now this was all put into context with examples and metaphors by a teenager, if you want your questions answered in detail, read the Bible.
  6. How do you carry all that? Wait, was this your whole armory that you have ever owned, or just what's in your inv.
  7. Full set of Adamantium armor Orc Tower shield (theres better i know, but it just looks so cool) Black set of clothes from Mournhold, not sure what to call that.... Trueflame (a sword for those of you who don't know) Hopesfire ( another sword) And a bunch of amulets and trinkets i got from the Neverine quest and other places, they don't weight much so i have no need to get rid of them, some are pretty useful. A bunch of keys and picks and probes....money, and some books I've been thinking about changing getting my heavy armor skill real high and switching from adamantium to daedric or possibly the Nordic mail.
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