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Everything posted by jacobpaige

  1. So, where is the "manage cookie settings" option then? I'm getting the same message as the original poster, but I can't find "manage cookie settings" or "manage CCPA settings". Googling just gives this thread.
  2. Thanks Yeah. I was planning to delete about 60-70% of the mods, which would have freed up several gigs of space. Instead I decided to just upgrade my SSD since prices have dropped quite a bit since the last time I considered doing so.
  3. I recently tried to download all of vtaw's outfits, but ran out of space on my system. So, I'd like to go into each of the mods and remove the outfits that I know I'll never use to make space for the ones I wasn't able to download. Am I fine to just go to "'mod_name' -> armor -> 'clothing_item'" and delete it, or will that break something? Also, will this get rid of all the alternate materials/textures/meshes/etc.? If not, then how do I find the ones that aren't being used anymore so that I can delete those too? They're taking up the lion's share of the space, so not getting rid of them kinda defeats the purpose of doing this. Any help is appreciated.
  4. That's fine for changing individual records, but Vtaw has a ton of items in their clothing pack, so I'm trying to batch edit using FO4Edit since it's much, much faster. I'm just not sure how to identify the records that need editing when I export them for editing (as shown in the video I linked).
  5. I used this very helpful video to go through Vtaw's latest clothing pack and remove the defense from all of the items (for balance reasons), but now I'd like to go back and find all the pieces that are taking up actual armor slots and add defense back on. I'd also like to add energy resistance so that they're equivalent to their shadowed leather light armor equivalents, and increase their weight. I've run into two problems though: I found the tag in FO4Edit that says which slot the item occupies (BOD2 - Biped Body Template\[0]\[0]), but it returns 1, 11, or 111 when I export it, so I assume I'm doing something wrong. These items don't currently have resistances, so I'm not sure if I can use this method to add them without causing some sort of problem, or if there's another script that could do this if not. If scripts aren't the right option, then I'm fine with editing manually once I've identified all of them, but I'm uncertain if it's safe to do so in FO4Edit, or the process to do so. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Adding three dependencies (SKSE, SkyUI, and UIExtensions) sounds like a bit much just to have a dynamic menu, especially when it's not the main focus of the mod. I don't know that people would even want to download my mod if they didn't already have all three. I'm sure most people already have the first two, so they aren't as much of an issue, but is UIExtensions really necessary for this? I know it makes the menu vertical and scrollable, which would make it look nicer and save me having to split it up when people have a dozen followers, but does it do anything else that would warrant its inclusion for what would basically just be a simple selection menu?
  7. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Here's what I did that didn't work: Setup a quest to find the mannequins nearest the player (with a script on the player to start the quest). Setup a perk using the same options as doomTowerPerk, but with the condition on Target being isInList [MannequinActivateTrig, PlayerHouseMannequin] and with no requirements on the Subject. Added the code below as the perk fragment. It basically just resets the quest and then polls the aliases within the quest to try to figure out which one is the mannequin that owns the activator the player just pressed. But all of that does nothing. When I walk up to a mannequin and click on it, it just opens its inventory.
  8. This is because what you activate with stock mannequins is not the mannequin itself, but an activator called MannequinActivateTrig, which passes the activation along to the mannequin processes. Also, make sure you're looking at the correct condition list: There's the condition list for choosing the perk at all, on the main perk screen, and the condition list on the perk entry point, which (for the Tower stone) will have two tabs, 'Subject' and 'Target'. In doomTower's case, the subject tab has the cooldown condition and the Target tab contains the conditions that a. the target needs to be locked and b. can't be a Master or Key lock. Well, that's why I added MannequinActivateTrig to the FormList. Just in case that was the problem. It still didn't work. Even the debug notifications didn't happen. Ah, I totally didn't think to look at the target tab of doomTowerPerk. I'll give it another look. Edit: I decided to assume that the script was simply not running because it knew that an activator can't cast a spell, so I was trying to refactor it to point at the mannequin that the activator belonged to. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a way to ask it what it activates.
  9. It would seem that I was right the first time. The papyrus fragment problem wasn't hard, but I still can't figure out how to get the perk to recognize that I've clicked on a mannequin. I've tried GetIsRace == ManakinRace and GetIsInList [MannequinActivateTrigger, PlayerHouseMannequin], but neither work. I'm really not sure what else I can do to distinguish them, and I still don't see how doomTowerPerk is identifying locks.
  10. Set operations performed on a non-ObjectReference Forms (e.g. Weapon, Armor, etc) I believe will change all instances of it throughout the game. AIUI they're also prone to unintended consequences. I haven't personally used them much, though, so I can't speak to if the ones you're intending to use have those issues. Ah, yes, if it affected all the NPCs too then that would be bad. I expect my current approach has the same problem and I've just not tested for it. I may have to give up on that mod :(
  11. I can't figure out how the doomTowerPerk is recognizing locks. Everything else is fairly self-explanatory, and I think I could probably make the necessary changes fairly easily, but if I don't understand the how it recognizes a lock, I can't redirect it to mannequins. Edit: Still not sure how it's doing it, but I think I know how I can do it. I just have to figure out how to get a papyrus fragment to compile when it won't let me define a property necessary for compilation until after it's been compiled.
  12. You have no idea how much time I've wasted on trying to find a better way to access the entire inventory. It'll help a ton with another mod I'm working on. If I alter one form in the list though, will it alter every instance, or just a random one? Specifically, I'm changing armor and damage ratings on equipment. Ah, I thought you meant the Tower of Strength perk, not the ability you get from the Tower Stone. That sounds like a much better idea than what I've been doing and should completely remove the need for compatibility patches with other mods :D I'll have a look at the perk and see how it's doing what it's doing and if I can replicate it. Thanks :smile: Well, the GetOutfit check is necessary to prevent item duplication. The fact that it also let me find followers was an added bonus that allowed me to not have it as a separate check. Still, if it's an attribute that can be quickly checked, rather than a list that has to be compiled and iterated over, then it's probably worth doing anyway. I'm just not sure if it would cause problems with custom followers. I've not made one before, so I don't know if PotentialFollowerFaction is a required faction for anyone that might follow you.
  13. How would you access the mannequin's inventories? I haven't been able to find anything that would let me do that short of removing everything then sending it all back and monitoring it through an OnAddItem event, which requires a chest for each mannequin. Or do you mean their equipped items? Either way, if the player walks into a room with 50 mannequins, wouldn't polling them all for their outfits create a noticeable lag? Especially for people with lots of mods that use scripts? Or were you thinking something like a cloaking spell with a very limited range so that you'd never catch more than a few mannequins at a time? So, how would the player decide if they wanted normal (whatever that means for them) activation vs. an equipment swap? Tie the perk to whether or not the spell was equipped in the player's hand or something? Would that also be able to switch back to the normal activation if the player unequipped the spell? I've not done much with quests or perks yet so I'm very hazy on the details. At minimum, active followers, at maximum, those that are currently willing to follow. This is mainly meant to make it quick and easy for people to rearrange their and their followers' wardrobes without having to go through a few dozen menus and dialogue trees while the followers constantly make discontent comments about carrying their burdens. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there, especially RPrs and fashionistas, that like to change everyone's outfits frequently. I just wanted to make that process less painful.
  14. @ReDragon2013 I tried both the threading suggestion and the FormList suggestion, neither worked. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but as far as I can tell, I'm doing the same thing as you, just with different variable names.
  15. It's already giving visual feedback with the healing animation. It just takes a few seconds after that for the actual swap to occur, which is what I was trying to fix.
  16. For those who are curious, it is just the base armor rating that gets changed. Smithing improvements, etc. are applied afterward.
  17. Well, the minimum functionality was just being able to swap gear with mannequins and followers. Since all NPCs have pre-determined Outfits, it's pretty easy to rule out non-followers, but if people want to mod their games to get rid of Outfits on all NPCs, then this will wind up working on non-followers. For the moment, I've decided not to care about that edge case. If it becomes an issue, I'll add in more explicit logic to identify followers. As for casting a spell on the mannequin, that was my second approach (after giving up on dynamic menus), but I couldn't get the spell to hit the mannequin. Even when I turned off it's isGhost and isInvulnerable flags, it still just ignored the spell. It's why I switched to having it cast the spell at the player on activation instead. Regardless, I wanted to avoid doing it through dialogue since follower dialogue trees can get pretty crowded as it is and a large part of this mod is the convenience factor, which would be reduced by having to go through the dialogue options. It would definitely be nice if it didn't interfere with other mannequin mods, but I wasn't able to manage it. It's not hard to patch my modifications in (assuming you don't care about accessing the inventory directly), but it does currently require a patch. Honestly, I'm a bit on the fence about the fourth one. It wouldn't be that difficult to implement, but it would slow things down compared to my current implementation, and I'm not sure how much use people would actually get out of it.
  18. I actually put the credit in the mod description where people are actually likely to see it. You can click the link in my signature if you'd like to check. Also, I like to help people, especially those that are trying to help me. I'm sorry that my attempts to help offended you instead. I didn't realize that there were two updates you could simultaneously register for. I'll have to revisit the code and see if I can work that in without breaking anything :wink: Thanks :smile: In the SwapEquipments function, why are you casting the two Actors as ObjectRefrences? I did originally try what you're doing in EquipPlayer with the FormList, and while it did compile, it didn't actually work. Though, looking back on it, I was still making a lot of mistakes with properties, so I'll give it another go and make sure that that's not what was going on. Does threading not spawn a copy of the function and its variables for each thread? If it does, then why have two GetWornEquipment functions? If it doesn't, then that's incredibly bad design.
  19. I suspected as much (and will be testing once I've done a bit more research into my options), but I was hoping someone already knew. Thanks :) Would the cloaking method be a good idea in a dungeon or cluttered interior? Some of them, especially player homes, have a ton of containers. Would tagging them all be likely to result in a noticeable slowdown? I'd just test it, but my machine is quite weak and probably couldn't even run the more extreme mods. Though, I'm not sure it matters since I can't seem to find a way to actually "see" what's in a container.
  20. Specifically, which armor rating is it modifying? Is it the base armor rating of the item, or the adjusted armor rating after accounting for smithing improvements and player enchantments, skills and perks? Or something in between? I was wanting to make a mod that would ignore the base armor value of all the armors in the game, but still care about smithing improvements etc., but I wasn't sure if simply using this function in an OnItemAdded event to set the armor ratings to zero would do that, or if I'd need to do something a bit more involved. Also, is there an event (or whatever) that I could use to catch and modify any armor/shield item before the player sees its armor rating? Without individually modifying each of them in the CK that is. Perhaps a way to scan through any containers or barter menus when the player opens them? Or a way to intercept the information as it's about to be displayed to the player? Or maybe a hidden armor perk?
  21. I figured out why it wasn't working. It was a load order issue. But now I have a new problem. My mod is overriding the re-texturing from another mod now that I've moved it down in the order, and I really hate the way vanilla mannequins look. Is there a way to attach my script to every mannequin in the game (not just vanilla) that will work with other mannequin mods? I considered using a quest, but, as far as I can tell, that won't allow me to affect all mannequins period, nor would it actually allow me to remove the vanilla activator script from the mannequins so that I could attach my own, so that I don't have to worry about both scripts trying to run at the same time.
  22. If you're working *strictly* with mannequins you should be able to pull the list of forms from their mannequin script and check those with IsEquipped. Honestly, the most common use case I expect for this is people casting it on a mannequin and then on a follower and then on the mannequin again. So much so that I considered making it three spells, one to target self, one to target an NPC and one to actually carry out the swap, but it ran into a problem with not being able to hit mannequins with spells. I also considered just doing everything through a dynamically created menu that would list the player and all the player's followers when clicking on a mannequin, but that didn't allow the player to swap with the followers directly, and would have added a SkyUI dependency.
  23. As I was coding up the non-SKSE version, I realized that I was also using SKSE to figure out what the two actors are equipped with. As far as I can tell, there is no vanilla equivalent. Is that right? If so, then my script is basically just going to have to print a message/notification to the player letting them know that they need to get SKSE if they want my mod to work.
  24. At a minimum, I want the activation to result in the mannequin casting the spell with the effect we've been discussing on the player. I can do this quite easily if I alter the activation script directly, but then the mod can never be removed, so that seems like a really bad idea. This is why I was trying to simply make a child of the activation script and override the OnActivation event, which failed for unknown reasons. Here's the code for reference. It's basically just the original code with a lot of the commented code removed, a single line changed and an additional property. If possible, I'd also like to make it so that other mods affecting mannequin behavior can coexist with mine. Though, I'm not really sure what that would entail. I was kind of hoping that kicking control back to the parent script would solve the issue for at least some of them, but I honestly don't know if it would since I don't (and can't) know how they all are ( or will be) implemented.
  25. I actually noticed a very clear difference after switching to FormLists. Before, the NPC would be naked for a while. Now, the clothing swap is basically instantaneous once it happens. The only slow part is the actual compilation of the lists. I'm trying to make it affect all mannequins in the game. So, if someone were rearranging their displays by swapping gear with various mannequins, and changing a few items they themselves were wearing inbetween mannequins, then both lists would be changing constantly. Or is there a way to create a FormList linked to every mannequin in the game (that wouldn't waste massive amounts of memory)? If so, that would dramatically reduce the number of checks I'd need to do since I could just adjust the lists in the OnAddItem and OnRemoveItem events. Though, in this case, I'd be back to the problem of keeping the lists straight during the swap and subsequent EquipPlayer(). The non-SKSE version is a good idea. I'll work it in once I've taken care of the other, higher priority items. Though, I'll have to leave the player naked if I don't use SKSE, or specifically ignore player enchanted items. Or was that bug fixed in EquipItem()? Speaking of mannequins, I was checking how hard it would be to uninstall my mod, and even with a complete reinstall of the game the changes to mannequins didn't go away. So, I manually reverted the changes and I'm currently writing a script that inherits from the mannequin script that I'll attach to the mannequins instead. And since I'm doing it this way, it occurred to me that I could add a menu and have one option be Swap and the other be Normal Activation (or whatever), which would call the original activation method. This would allow the possibility for other mannequin related mods (posing or whatever) to function as intended, and give players the option to dress the mannequins without stripping themselves. Is there a way to pass the activation event to the parent script, or do I just need to duplicate that part of the code and not worry about compatibility with other mods? Edit: Actually, just tried it in game and, for whatever reason, the parent script's OnActivate took precedence over the child's. Is there a way to fix that without altering the parent script?
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