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Posts posted by gblouin86

  1. Here's an example of what I am talking about.


    Let's say you have Vampire Dust. You can eat it to find out first effect. Then you can start combining it with other ingredients in attempts at uncovering what it's other 3 effects are. So you combine it with Snowberries - not result? So means it shares nothing with snowberries. Next try Garlic, no result? Try Salt - oh ok uncovered a new effect! This leaves two more unknown effects. So you keep doing this but it's easy to lose track of what you already tried. Did you already try combining it with Garlic? Yes, No? I dont remember!? Thats what I am referring to.... And I dont want to use a cheat to ruin the fun :) I just need an easy way to keep track of what I have already tried....


    If you have already made it and it didn't work, it will be greyed out. If you've already made it and it did work, it will show you what potion you'll get out of it before you make it instead of displaying "potion of unknown effect".


    This is not true though...


    I know I tested it - I combined 3 ingredients and got no potion.


    Then if i gain selected one of the ingredients the 2nd and 3rd ones remained white, not greyed out.


    It is true if you only combine 2 ingredients. Do that until you've uncovered the properties completely, then you can start mixing 3 ingredient potions based on common effects to get more powerful ones. For the sake of uncovering properties, 2 ingredients is the way to go.

  2. Is there a way to get rid of dead bodies. I don't mind leaving them out in the wild but it's really jarring to have NPCs going about their business with a dead body sitting there all the time. I usually hide the ones I find distracting but is there a way to permanently get rid of certain dead bodies? If not, would love to see a mod that gives a "dispose of body" option when you look at one.
  3. Here's an example of what I am talking about.


    Let's say you have Vampire Dust. You can eat it to find out first effect. Then you can start combining it with other ingredients in attempts at uncovering what it's other 3 effects are. So you combine it with Snowberries - not result? So means it shares nothing with snowberries. Next try Garlic, no result? Try Salt - oh ok uncovered a new effect! This leaves two more unknown effects. So you keep doing this but it's easy to lose track of what you already tried. Did you already try combining it with Garlic? Yes, No? I dont remember!? Thats what I am referring to.... And I dont want to use a cheat to ruin the fun :) I just need an easy way to keep track of what I have already tried....


    If you have already made it and it didn't work, it will be greyed out. If you've already made it and it did work, it will show you what potion you'll get out of it before you make it instead of displaying "potion of unknown effect".

  4. As far as I can tell, any combination that will fail is greyed out (once you've discovered that of course). At this point I'm just working my through as many combinations as possible, trying to unlock the properties for everything. If you want to make a specific kind of potion, you pick from the list on the left of attributes and it will show you only the ingredients that will produce that effect. If you've already made a potion with two ingredients, when selecting them it will show what the end result will be before you make it.
  5. Whiterun has a house for 5000 gold, which comes equipped with a storage chest. You can also get one additional chest by buying the "alchemy lab" -furnishing from the salesman.


    Not to mention all the other dressers, end-tables and cupboards you can get as well.

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