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About ArthurStrife

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    TES V
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    TES V

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  1. Wouldn't it be cool to know more about the the other islands beyond Tamriel?
  2. I tried doing something like this just recently but found out I was too late.. :( Hardcore mode, Difficulty is set to very hard, got some mods that make enemies harder and tougher, Project Nevada makes my screen go blurry when ever my life gets too low making it harder to fight back or get away, Stimpacks take time too heal and many more! Problem is, I only found out about mods when I was like level 30 (note that I also have the DLCs so my level cap has been set to 50) so I had the advantages. :( Going to try and make a new character with all of the above settings in place... oooooh boy. :)
  3. Thanks for the reply! Was able to fix the FOMM problem thanks to you. But about the game crashing, I don't have any mods or DLCs installed as of this moment. I tried playing it but it still crashes even without the MODS and DLCs. :( (UPDATE!!!) Was able fix the problem about the game crashing when ever I try to equip the Anti-Material Rfile+ or when I try buying stuff from merchants! So I did what you told me to do about the FOMM and that fixed the problem inside FOMM! Great! I noticed that the package manager was empty and I remember you telling me that the problem about the game crashing is probably due to an invalid Weapon Mod. So I tried putting in Weapon Mod Expansion(WME) again and tried playing the game. The outcome? IT NO LONGER CRASHES! JUST LIKE BEFORE! (SAD UPDATE! It happened again after installing my other previous mods. :( Going to try and remove WME again. (UPDATE! Got it working again after removing WME and installing it again. Do you think a conflict is happening? Thank you so much! I'll just update you if the problem persists again. :)
  4. Something is really wrong and I can't solve it! (Update 1 - June 6, 2012) 1.)Just all of a sudden, every time I try to point the cursor to the Anti-Material Rife+ while in the pipboy, the game just suddenly crashes. I tried removing some of the mods which I though was causing the problem but the problem still persists. I even tried to sell it but every time I try talking to merchants, (for example, I click the "What do you have for sale?") the game also crashes! I tried Re-installing New Vegas and all but the problem won't go away! (further update) I tried playing without any mods installed and tried to browse through the weapons menu to see if the Anti-Material Rifle would still cause the game to crash. The Outcome? The Game Still Crashed. :( (FOMM PROBLEM TOO) WHUT ON EARTH??? this problem also appeared just all of a sudden..... When ever I click package manager in FOMM and put in my log-on details and set it to Stay logged-in, an error occurs saying ""something bad seems to have happened. The weird part is if I don't click the "Stay Logged in," that message doesn't appear. Here's the Crash Dump thingy: I'll put in more info tomorrow because it is kind of late now and need to sleep. Thanks for the help.
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