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Everything posted by StayFrosty05

  1. That's not so easy to answer....Texture Mods are generally the least likely to cause problems or run into clashing issues....though that being said, too many High Definition Mods can mess with your game, slow it's fps right down, cause stutters, CTD's, etc....just purely through overload. Script Mods bake into your game saves due to the way Bethesda has set up the Skyrim game engine, so Script Mods can be very difficult to get rid of if you don't want them anymore....usually starting a new game will do the trick, but not always. Sound Mods, I don't know as I have none and so never looked into what can happen. I follow the general rule of trying not to use Mods that effect the same in game objects, objectives, activities, etc....and am very cautious about Mods with large or complicated Scripting...I use one Mod with a large complicated Script (aside from official DLC's that is)....due to the one large Mod I use, I pretty much build almost every other Mod I use around it to compliment it and will not use any other large heavily scripted Mods, just the one.....I can run my game for 8 -10 hours solid without any sort of failing, no stutters, no CTD's, etc...I'm on about 45 - 50 fps....that's with an ENB running also and am very happy with the performance of my game.....But I remain very cautious in what Mods I do add to my game, I learned the hard way over a number of months with trouble as I learned what I can and can't have running together. All in all it's not so much the individual Mods, it's what Mods you decide to put together and how they can effect each other and the game when run together.....my general rule is 'Don't over lap their functions'....and keep Scripted Mods down to a very dull roar.
  2. All depends on the Mods you use really....I don't freeze, stutter or CTD either...leaving Solstheim was the first CTD I have had in a very long time....I have just received word the CTD may be due to the game engine trying to load texture mods, of which I sit about mid range in usage....(has been suggested to maybe disable many of them when returning to Skyrim) didn't run into any actual bugs in Dragonborn, but then again I haven't finished it as yet....am about two thirds of the way through from my understanding of what to expect...I do hear the Boss fight with Miraak can be quite buggy, but as I haven't done it yet, as such I can't speak for that myself.
  3. The only problem I have encountered with it is trying the leave Solstheim to return to Skyrim....can CTD when trying, but persistence eventually pays off....I run between 80 -90 Mods.
  4. All of those nude body options do in fact come with underwear options by the way....just make sure you download the file with underwear, they make it clear which is which.... Males...: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2488 This skin texture Mod (is very good) also offers an alternate underwear for males....: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26145 Females...: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2666 With this female body mod it gives you the choices on installation....just install it via NMM and it will offer you the list of options on install. I am pretty sure the UNP Body also offers an underwear version. I use a number of Armor Mods and vanilla Armors, the difference won't show, the bodies will fir the Armors according to the Armor shape. I don't know about Xenius sorry, I haven't come across that mod so have no idea.
  5. :blink: ... :ohdear: .... :ermm: ... :huh: ... :devil: ....you first!.... :woot: .... :biggrin: ....LOL...beautiful Senviro....post of the week.... :biggrin: ...a kudo for you.... :happy:
  6. Is someone nasty forcing you to look at them or worse still use them?... :(
  7. Oh Lordy 'NO!'....remove all penises from the world?.... :ohdear: ...How traumatizing for we who love the male bod.... :ohdear: ...I don't think my hubby would be over joyed either....would be a lot of sad puppies in the world in fact.... :( .....And nothing wrong with Gay,....what consenting adults do in their bedrooms is no one else's business....don't want to wreck anyone's fun.... :dance: ...makes life all the more worth living.... :woot:
  8. @Anska....lol, I forgot Frea's line about plundering rooms...so true...that IS the spirit.... :biggrin: A friend turned my primary Dovahkin into a Follower for my other Dovahkins and on my request gave him Stenvars dialog.... :happy: ....fits the fearless adventurer perfectly. Yep, I used Mjoll once and never again, the woman just never shuts up.... :pinch:
  9. I know there are long distances between many quest objectives, I don't mind these personally though....just more exploring and meandering as I go along.... :happy: ....takes my Dovah quite awhile to get anywhere....but hey, it's always an interesting journey... :happy: .....though to be honest I have included a couple of encounters Mods to make those journeys more interesting.
  10. As a 40 odd year old woman...married with three daughters....I do not find the nudes in Skyrim degrading in the least, what does irritate me, well I find childish and immature anyway is the glued on underwear. I like my 'realism', it's important to me with my gaming, or I just don't enjoy the game....among other things 'realism' includes nudity for both male and female....To be honest, I also love beauty and the body is a great deal more beautiful without underwear than with. If anything were to receive the ban hammer for being too graphic, that would be the excessively graphically violent, wouldn't it. Not that I want to see them go....I use some extreme violence graphics Mods myself....'Realism'....But if the 'prudes' are going to focus on what they feel people shouldn't be seeing....shouldn't it be the violence, not a nipple or penis?...I personally find it disturbing that all the hate is on the exposed nipple, not arterial spray, beheading's, dismemberment, etc...
  11. Frea hands down by a mile....she may be quite vanilla, but she is not the insane irritation Serana is. Serana is a nightmare for a Stealth Archer, always jostling you and blowing your cover....never stops whining, it's a constant stream...and the mandatory 'love in' with her.... :dry: ....As for her interactions and back story, was a nice idea, but she doesn't have the personality to make it worth it. I don't like Fast Travel and refuse to except for three occasions: Up and down High Hrothgar (gets tedious otherwise), when traveling with that guy who wants to go to Eldergleam Sanctuary with you (keeps him alive) and when forced to have Serana along for the ride. As for vanilla Followers I do like, I would use Frea, she's alright, though I prefer Stenvar and Kharjo.....Much prefer just going solo most though....But I have been checking out Vilja and Hoth, I like them.
  12. I see only two issues with the Powers you are giving the Races....the Talos Worshiping for Nords and Skooma Addiction for Khajiits....both of these are immersion/RP breaking....Someone playing a Khajiit may have zero interest in RP'ing a Drug Addicted character....and I know for myself as a staunch Nord player (love my Nord... :happy: ...though he isn't technically a Nord, I just use the Nord race) I have never played a Talos worshiping Nord and would not be attracted to a Mod that enforces or encourages it.....Addiction and Worship are very limiting additions....best off if you design the Racial abilities to be more RP friendly I think....otherwise looking pretty good so far.... :happy:
  13. As Anska and sisterof comment on also....I also RP my games and only do quests that my Dovahkin would do and only use a certain limited skill set (Primary: Archery, Stealth, Alchemy, Speech, Two Handed....Secondary: Smithing, Light Armor, Lock Picking and sometimes Pick Pocket)...I am able to reach into the low 60's with that skill set if I really persist....But yes the Dovahkin can level fast at first, but after a while it really begins to slow down. I do know going by your list though, I could not complete all those quests and still be level 36, I would be somewhat higher...that is I believe due to the fact that I don't fast travel and my Dovahkin also has a bit of a problem with wandering off track while on route to his next destination.... :happy: ...."Oh, look a cave/crypt!" and checks it out....most generally landing him in hot water and having to fight his way through it...is a very good way to find word walls though.... :happy:
  14. I don't like things like that because and RPG should be about decisions and consequences. And the blades pfh who are they just a relict who will be dead soon for a good reason. Though I use a similar Mod I agree with you completely Vanadinit...I don't like choices being consequence free either...I use the Mod simply to be given the option to tell Delphine and Esburn to "F U" or kill them and close down the quest. Then just make the personal choice to stay away from Sky Haven Temple after that if I have not chosen to kill them because I don't want to have EVERYONE on my side, I want consequence and so have to satisfy myself with creating my own in my own head....simply RP'ing my Dovahkin is no longer able to communicate with the Blades....Not that their any kind of loss to be completely honest though.... :P Edit: And 'No' I have never killed Paarthurnax and never will.
  15. Do you have some sort of Mod that slows your leveling?....And I am hedging a bet that you Fast Travel everywhere? You are leveling rather slowly for so much done....I would suggest straight off as a good start, don't fast travel....go on foot everywhere, that means no Horse back either, as people tend to move faster and thus see less and explore less and can outrun many encounters.
  16. Sleeping Dangers Sands of Time....Have had it since about a month after it's initial release in March 2012 and just don't enjoy the game without it....is the 'Must Have!' Mod in my list....: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12452
  17. Though to be fair billyro, that also depends on the body mod your using if you do use one....Immersive Armors doesn't cater to all body mod types....it would be unfair and rude to ask the Modder to change that fact, but it can have an immersion breaking impact if the body mod you use isn't catered to. I use the Favoredsoul myself for male bodies and find the chest exposing vanilla and mod Armors don't fit my Dovahkin so well....Unfortunately for me I do like his chest and back exposed, but the only Armor Mods available for the Favoredsoul Body all have his Mr Happy bouncing around in the breeze too...good for a momentary laugh...but not good for RP, immersion or extended game play...I would like to see that trend change, am trying to work on changing it myself...introduce a variety of Armors for the Favoredsoul.... but with my lack of PC knowledge that's still going to take a while before it eventuates. For anyone interested the CBBE Body Modder has refit all the vanilla Armors to the CBBE Body in a separate Mod....the link is on the CBBE thread....Use that with an Armor retexture mod and it looks good...:)
  18. If you want immersive play...RP, etc...you don't really need 'realistic needs' mods, 'no fast travel' mods or the like....just your own self discibline. There are certainly Mods that do help due to Bethesda's limitations, a number of which are already listed.....The most important thing is though, just stop and think about what you do need and what your Dovahkin would need to do....I am personally very strict with my RP, my Dovahkin has a detailed backstory, a staunchly played personality, morality, etc...with a lot of demands on and restrictions in what he needs and can do. What I find most important myself are the little things....such as what does he have to drink, food, where can he sleep, what does he carry, how much can he carry, how warm are his clothes (what their made of), does what he is doing make sense, etc... Drink: The Mod 'Be a Milk Drinker' is a very good and often overlooked little Mod...it gives you Water, Milk and Juices....It gives small boosts, but negligable...just don't use the Carrot Juice, as it gives Night Eye. Food: There are a small number of Mods that offer realistic meat drops from animals....plus cooking this meat without needing salt. Sleep: A Bedroll Mod....possibly with a Tent....I don't use a tent myself, because how does he carry it?....I just make sure he uses his Bedroll in an environment not exposed to the elements....he sleeps every night, decent hours. Carry Weight: Just limit yourself to a set carry weight number, I don't go oer 220 no matter his Stamina or capacity. He also never loots Armor or Weaponry or any other large bulky items...where does he keep them?....I limit him to small valuable objects such as Money, Gem Stones, Soul Gems, Jewelary, Ingrediants. Also, don't carry extra's...My Dovah has one set of Armor (which he wears), one Bow with Quiver, one Cross Bow with Quiver, one Two Handed Sword and one Dagger....Plus his small collection of Poisons, Bandages, some Food and Drink and a few 'Skyrealism Crafting Kits' (Mod)...the crafting kits that make sense...and the Bedroll....that's it....Everything else are small items loot to be either used in his Alchemy, Tanned and Forged into leather/hide Armors for sale and anything else is just temporary loot to be sold...If you make something that's just worth too much, just dump it...I must have dumped alchemy bottles littering Skyrim's wilds in droves now. Clothes/Armor: Thick and warm, I use Leathers and Furs for this reason and keep him fully bundled up and kitted out. Bathing: Your Dovahkin must stink with all the blood and sweat he/she is so often covered in....I know mine has to...:P...so jumb in a stream on a regular basis and thus washed and cleaned up a little....especially if your about to enter a town. Exposure: Don't do anything crazy, like taking long dips in the northern waters or sleeping/waitng in the snow....If you must swim in frigid waters, find the shortest route (less time in the water the better) and make a fire, stand near the fire and eat when you leave the water. Combat: I like Duel Combat Realism myself, buts that's just personal taste. Fast Travel and Waiting: Just don't utilize them, ignore them....Once in a while my Dovahkin may wait for an hour until the Shops open if he woke too early and I must admit I fast travel up and down to High Hrothgar because I am sick of the repetitve journey and fast travel when I have that guy with me who wants to visit ' Eldergleam' (keep him alive), otherwise no fast traveling what so ever. I find the above helps me a great deal with immersion and realism myself....hope it helps....:)
  19. I have heard of this happening and now it's happening to me, but I am having trouble finding information on how to get around it....Anybody able to point me in the right direction please?
  20. And I can't understand people who try to put themselves in a game and find that 'immersive'....but I don't have a problem with them doing so, if that's what's they enjoy, then by all means play it like that...so long as their enjoying it....So why are you so concerned and affronted by how other people choose to play their first and third person game?...Funny how a 'first' person comes in 'third' person also huh.... :rolleyes:
  21. Why do you stare at your character's butt anyway? And do you only play in third person? I just never understand the butt thing =/ If you play in third person, that's what's going to be in your line-of-sight. I guess by that logic, better to have something enjoyable to stare at? Just a guess, as I play first person. I play in third person only...I find first person very disorientating, can't play it, gives me a head ache....As such anyway, as a female I know I would rather be looking at a mans broad shoulders and his butt than a womans if I am to be spending that much time watching the back of my Avatar.
  22. @RatcatcherOfKvatch Ouch!.... :pinch: ....Loosing Monique that way, I feel for you.... :( ...I have lost two Kane lives the same way, teach him for all his Mountain climbing.... :( ...so much for glory in death.... :P
  23. That's it!!!.... :woot: .....Thank you Georgiegril.... :biggrin: ...very,very much appreciated....Thank you.... :happy:
  24. This is very much like what I have in mind myself....one day in the far distant future it is something I am intent on creating, have been thinking about it for some time. But unfortunately I am only currently taking my first baby steps into the world of Modding...finally have myself a teacher.... :happy: I have in mind a realistic animal behavior Mod, whilst swapping out Skyrim's wild fauna with their Ice Age counterparts and extra's for those not represented....I hadn't thought about the Megatherium, would you mind if I pinched your idea and add it to my list?
  25. Guards and Civilians follow on dialog or combat....but I have very rarely had Bandits, etc....follow me through, which is inconvenient as my Dovah is best at ranged combat and having space to move, his a bit squishy up close.... :blink: ...I have seen the Mod, I just can't remember it's name..... :(
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