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About georgiel

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  1. I was browsing reddit and actually agree with this dude here. A weeping angels mod would be awesome, I suppose it'd be like add in a cave where they only spawn there and a single questline for them.
  2. though i hope it gets added. I wonder how sleep and that would work for vampirism and lycanthropy? I'd suggest werewolfs need little to no sleep but much more food, and vampirism needs no food but must feed from humans more or sleep for longer.
  3. Bag of holding has been made now on the steam workshop. I'm now holding out for this and some more awesome mods to come out thanks to the creation kit.
  4. I hope that with the creation kit finally out we will find someone with the skills to make this (and maybe a mod for better mage gear)
  5. me thrice. TBH cloth wearers have uncool clothes in general and I'd love a armour mod that adds more caster clothes.
  6. I wonder if someone could get in contact with the F:NV mod creator? Let him know there is interest for something similar.
  7. I love this idea so much I made a similar thread yesterday. (however your thread describes the problem much more thoroughly, so I actually like it better) http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/518989-bind-item-set-to-single-hotkey-equipment-manager/page__p__4231906__fromsearch__1#entry4231906 But seriously, I would love a function to bind multiple items to a single number key. It would make combat flow much better. At the moment the only mods that most folks are making are visual edits as without the Mod developer kit it's only the best modders that can figure how to change and add items and new functions.
  8. Well, I actually thought bethesda might have noticed how succesful the adding of hardcore mode in fallout NV was and decided to bring it into other franchises of theirs (they seemed to have borrowed a few new things from there other games that aren't Elder Scrolls series) You never know, it may end up being one of the few added features that gets added later by Bethesda instead of a modder.
  9. Well yeah not only for armour sets but to switch more than one thing at a time in general through a single 1-9 key-press. Having to stop mid-fight can ruin the flow of things sometimes. I know it can be done with console, but it's a bit cumbersome having to edit a macro every time you get better gear or a better spell, if it could be turned into part of the interface and run through a single 1-9 hot-key it'd save lots of time.
  10. So your talking of a "Be A Jarl mod"/Citizens mod? I think it would be awesome, The only hard bit would be the building generation as you'd need to find a bit of land empty and big enough for it.
  11. I actually agree, the dragon priest robes do look pretty Badass and I was surprised that they can't be obtained (almost every other npc Armour can be obtained, although some are incredibly rare.)
  12. Yeah seems a good idea for a mod of those wanting to try steampunk skyrim to me.
  13. nobody even slightly interested in the idea? Hmm no clue how to delete posts or if it will even let me.
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