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About TheMalevolentTrout

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    mostly Fallout 2 and Fallout 4, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Final Fantasy VII
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    Baldur's Gate 2

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  1. In the ADS Automatic Fire animation, the barrel casing (the outer part of the barrel with the charging handle on it) doesn't recoil backwards. It does recoil backwards in the Automatic Hip-Fire animation, as well as both Non-Automatic Fire Animations. I assume the file responsible is this: ...Meshes\Actors\DLC03\Character\_1stPerson\Animations\GammaRifle\WPNFireAutoSighted.hkx I tried to figure it out but converting .hkx files to .xml is about as far as I got, I can't seem to get any of the other software required for editing .hkx files to work properly. This has been bugging me :D ever since Far Harbor came out. If someone who knows their way around Animations could fix this, it would be greatly appreciated. Regards
  2. Yes please, I'd love to have "undercover" gorilla arms that look just like your regular arms. I tried to replace the gorilla arm meshes with the arms from: ...\basegame_4_gamedata\base\characters\common\player_base_bodies\player_female_average\arms_hq\ But that resulted in the new arms having a vastly different skin color than the rest of the body. :sick:
  3. How were these mods sparking controversy? Is it up to moderators to interpret which mods are sparking controversy and which mods are not? I find it a little dubious that a file is not judged by what it is, but apparently by the mod author's intent for uploading it, interpreted from a message he posted AFTER people got their panties in a knot in the comment section. There are much more controversial mods on this website, featuring Nazi or Communist imagery. (I don't advocate for removing these mods.) If the mod author has earned a temporary ban for some reason then ban the mod author but don't remove the files.
  4. What TOS did it violate? What TOS did the "Blue Lives Matter Flag Replacer" violate?
  5. Yeah if you have the Creation Kit: In the Object Window, in the list on the left, go to Magic -> Potion. There's all the consumable items in the game. Then double click an item. (I recommend opening one that already has the model you want to use, so you don't have to look up the model path again.) Maybe you could use VegetableSoup. Double click VegetableSoup, give it a new ID for example TatoSoup and a Name Tato with Water On It. And on the right side of the window you can choose the effects the food item should have. When you're done with that click on OK and your new food item will be created. Then in the Object Window go to Items -> Constructible Object. Again I recommend just double clicking a food recipe (ID has co_food in front of it). Give the recipe a new ID as well for example co_food_TatoSoup. Under Workbench Keyword make sure it has WorkbenchCooking and under Recipe Filters you can choose under what Submenu (Soup, Roast etc.) in the Cooking Station the item should show up. (Right Click in the list under Recipe Filters, click Add, filter for Recipe and there you get to choose.) In the Required Items List you can choose all the items required to craft the item. And then on the top right, by Created Object you need to choose the ID of the food item you previously made. In this case TatoSoup. Then click OK and you're done. DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR WORK.
  6. That's what I was afraid of, but thank you for your help. It requires a lot of perk entries. Just in case anyone has a similar issue, here's a solution. e.g. if you have 6 Luck and 3 Ranks of Finesse you should be at 9% Crit Chance. 6 + 3 = 9 (+3) Now if I want to achieve the same result with a multiplier, I will use 6 x 1.5 = 9 (+3) But because the multiplier for Finesse needs to adjust to the amount of Luck you have, you really need a lot of perk entries to take care of all Luck values (I did it from 1 Luck to 25 Luck). At 25 Luck, 3 Ranks of Finesse still need to add only 3% Crit, so then you'd have to use: 25 x 1.12 = 28 (+3)
  7. Actually no that doesn't work properly either... mostly because the condition GetVATSMode doesn't seem to work in a Magic Effect. Under the Perk Owner tab in a Perk's conditions it works flawlessly, but in Magic Effects, even when I run GetVATSMode == 0 on the Player, I'm still critting in VATS... Sad!
  8. I think I may have found a solution... after spending an entire day fiddling around with this... 5 minutes after posting my topic I got the idea of installing New Vegas and looking at how Finesse is set up there. So in New Vegas, the Finesse Perk adds the Magic Effect "Increase Crit Chance" via an Ability instead of using the Entry Point "Mod My Critical Hit Chance". I now use the same Magic Effect for Finesse in my FO4 mod. Seems to work so far, because even when I added +100% Crit Chance via the Magic Effect, when using the gun with a 0.0x Crit Multiplier, I never critted. But when using the gun with a 1.0x Crit Multiplier, I critted with every shot. Unless I've missed something.
  9. In my little FO4 overhaul mod I wanted to set up Critical Chance outside of V.A.T.S... similar to how it worked in FO3/FNV. Right now I have this: 1. Each Point of Luck increases Crit Chance by +1% (5 Luck = 5% Crit Chance) 2. a Perk called Finesse with 5 Ranks increases Crit Chance by +1% per Rank (5 Ranks = +5% Crit Chance) 3. The Crit Multiplier: each weapon's receiver (or sometimes barrel or a melee mod) has a Perk that multiplies the Crit Chance by a certain amount, based on rate of fire or speed of the weapon. (There are different perks for each Multiplier, from 0.15x (Minigun or other high RoF weapons) to 1.3x (bolt-action guns, slow melee weapons.) So here's an example for how I want it to work. Bobby has 5 Luck and 3 Ranks of Finesse = 8% Crit Chance. Bobby uses a Minigun which should multiply 8% by 0.15 for a total Crit Chance of 1.2%. The problem is this. The formula should be: Crit Chance = (Luck * 1 + Finesse Rank) x Crit Multiplier = (5 + 3) x 0.15 = 1.2 But currently the game does this: Crit Chance = Luck * 1 x Crit Multiplier + Finesse Rank = 5 x 0.15 + 3 = 3.75 The way I have come to this conclusion is: I gave myself 60% Crit Chance through Luck (6 Luck x 10). When using a weapon with a 0.0x Crit Multiplier (no Finesse), I never critted. (60 x 0 = 0). With 3 Ranks of Finesse I critted very, very rarely (60 x 0 + 3 = 3) (This should not happen! It shows that it's using the wrong formula.) When using a weapon with a 1x Crit Multiplier (no Finesse), I critted around every other shot (60 x 1 = 60). With 3 Ranks of Finesse I still critted around every other shot (60 x 1 + 3 = 63) My question is, how can I set up the Perks so that the Crit Chance will be calculated correctly? My Perks currently look like this: PlayerPerk: (Entry Point) Mod My Critical Hit Chance, Function (Add Actor Value Mult) Value = Value + Luck * 1 Finesse: (Entry Point) Mod My Critical Hit Chance, Function (Add Value) Value = Value + 1 (2 / 3 / 4 / 5 for higher Ranks of the Perk) Crit Multiplier: (Entry Point) Mod My Critical Hit Chance, Function (Multiply Value) Value = Value * 0.15 (for the Minigun) I guess the functions don't work together in the way that I want them to. I've fiddled around with other functions but I can't seem to hit the right combination. There's a list here about the functions: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk_Entry_Point, but it's incredibly confusing to me. :confused: Thanks for any help!!
  10. Sweet mother of christ please help me I'm at my wit's end. I spent another 30 minutes trying to solve the captcha... failed about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time the little login window closed after I successfully solved the captcha. So I had to open it again, to be presented with another string of street sign captcha. I know what a street sign is... I have to waste 30 minutes of my life because the idiots who make these captcha can't make them properly? Now after 30 minutes I finally solved the captcha correctly AND the login window didn't close. It's like winning the lottery. And when I request an Audio thingy it blocks me right away... why???
  11. I hate this so much... currently locked out from Nexus on my PC for the 2nd day because of this captcha crap. Had to log in on another device to make this angry rant. Street signs: I click all the squares that have even a little bit of a sign in them -> Fail I click all the squares that only have a lot of sign in them -> Fail I click all the squares with every little bit of sign AND the metal poles too -> FAIL Cars: Click all the squares that clearly have a car in them -> Fail Click all squares that clearly have a car in them, get really close to the monitor and click those that have tiny tiny cars in the distance too -> FAIL Storefronts: Click all the storefronts -> FAIL Click storefronts and garages -> FAIL Click storefronts, garages, doctors offices & the like -> FAIL Click storefronts & doctors offices & the like but not the garages -> FAIL WHY AM I IN THIS HELL?? The only one I can win is the one with the buses. My bus recognition skills are off the charts. Also this time I was at least smart enough to request an Audio thingy after I got the third Street Signs crap... click on Audio clue -> Your computer is sending too many requests. Locked out. ON THE 4th try??! Apparently I'm a f***ing donkey. I used to be smart enough for this website but not anymore. I hope they teach kids how to do these captcha in schools, otherwise our next generation is in for a WORLD OF PAIN.
  12. Eh I wanted to buy a few credits to try out the Shotgun and the Gauss Rifle, they look pretty ok. Can't find a way to purchase credits though. Pressing X or clicking on Purchase Credits does nothing.
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