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Everything posted by tonycoolmen

  1. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23309/
  2. In going through my saves folder I noticed I'm accumulating a lot of .skse saved games. Are these good for anything? Do I need them? I already back up my .ess's, I'm just curious if SKSE actually needs both types of save to function.
  3. SFBryan18, tredmillion, thanks for your help. I haven't replied in a while, but I just thought I'd check back in to say thanks, and that your advice was solid. I check back here from time to time because I just go crazy with mods, and I usually have to delete everything and start over. Anyways, thanks again for the help!
  4. so if i were using NMM, would I still need to bash tag my mods? could you describe what a bash tag does? if it's not necessary in using NMM, just let me know.
  5. by the way, i came across this topic while searching d2helmets.esp; do you know what mod that is?
  6. I had a problem with animated prostitution messing up the animations for mounted combat. I'm no modder, but people told me it was because that mod plays the the character's "skeleton." perhaps one of your mods is doing something similar.
  7. That sounds legit enough. I may try it here soon, but I have one other thing to ask. I recently moved all my steam files from one hard drive to another. When I loaded up NMM all the mods were gone from the list, but the game still had them activated. You know what I mean, like when I played skyrim, the SkyUI was still there but it was no longer in my NMM list. So I'm fearful I'll never get rid of them, that's all. But you're sure your solution will right this wrong?
  8. I'll have to wait for someone to confirm that would work first. I appreciate your input though. Thank you.
  9. Hello everyone, Recently I had to move skyrim to a new folder because it was taking up so much space. I had all these mods still activated, and it's causing some problems. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had a sure fire way to make Skyrim new again. I'm not worried about save games or my mods, I've taken the time to write down the names of the important ones. I basically want to refresh the skyrim folders and the nexus mod manager so that I can begin again renewed, like a glorious phoenix. Thanks, tony c.
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