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  1. That looks pretty cool! have you tried it with a Khajiiit to confirm the tail looks ok? I realise there aren't many Khajiit in game so..? personally this is the first Khajiit I play, and I think he's great as a rogue, just too bad about the tail-cape problem. still, know anyone who's got the cape fixed? cos personally I quite like it..
  2. Let's hope a modder sees this post and picks it up, its the first time I'm playing a 100% rogue and it's great fun, with all the "naked women" mods out there, how difficult can it be for a modder to fix this problem? eyes open, and walk with darkness my friend
  3. Hi there, is there anyone who could fix this? I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds it annoying to see my Khajiit rogue with his tail sticking through nightingale armour.. any way to fix this? obviouls y im no modder, else I'd have done it myself.. well, thanks!!
  4. Yes I tried coc as well, sorry I forgot to mention that. no success though, still got a CTD.
  5. Hi there, maybe someone can help? here's the situation: I randomly found and visited ReachCliff Cave before starting the Taste of Death quest. No problems so far as of course I couldn't see the entire cave area. Then later in game, I went through the taste of Death intro, and am now standing outside the cave, with Eola. All fine until there. but, when I try to enter the cave, CTD. as I'm on PC, I've tried resetquest on both quests, I've tried resetinterior (using both the cave name and cave id), and various combinations - all on a new save I have. All without success. Any ideas how I can fix this? the only thing left I have tried is to set the queststage to consolefinish the quest, as I would like to follow it through correctly. and help more than welcome! I'm no modding-console-expert.....
  6. Hi there, thanks I've already got two people who's set me right on this! awesome response time on this forum. So a big thanks, and I guess I'll just live with it, and get wet! cheers,
  7. Sorry, I should have posted this in "mod request"... my bad. if an admin can move it thank you, either way, apologies...
  8. Hi all, well I'm new here but just like most of you, I've been a hard-core Elder Scrolls fan since Morrowind. Sadly I'm just plain rubbish at writing any code... and so I'm one of the happy mod-users that can't write his own stuff. So, here's my question - and apologies if it's been covered already - has anyone got a mod that stops it raining indoors? like when you're at the lumber mill in a storm? maybe it just annoys me.. don't know. apart from that, thanks to all those that have been modding since Morrowind, through Oblivion, and into Skyrim, it's part of what what makes these games my favorites of all time. cheers, Uzgul77
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