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  1. I never said I hadn't worn armor of any kind, I was directly referring the plate armor I had mentioned in the previous sentence when I said that I hadn't worn any. I have worn chain armor, and I have worn a plate curiass, just not a whole set. While true, I haven't worn an IBA either, I was commenting the weight recorded by multiple sources based on their own research for full gear, prepped for battle with extra ammo, rations, IFAK, and other essential combat equipment, which would weigh in to pretty close to 60 pounds, if my research is correct. And that is all hung off of the MOLLE straps on the chest piece, whereas on plate armor, the weight is distributed evenly across the entire body, with a tiny bit extra hanging off the belt. So, comparitively, a combat-ready chest piece of modern armor weighs in at about 40-60 lbs, while a medieval chest piece, with all the trimmings, weighs in at under 20. Plus, most plate armors, especially early plate armors, contained joints that allowed a knight to bend over and touch his toes. But of course, since I have never worn any of these, my points are all moot. I apologize for not bowing down to your obviously superior mind. Now let's get over this petty pissing match and get on with this topic. Ok, sure, because a man in a plate harness is COMPLETELY analogous to a man in IBA with full kit. It's not like a man-at-arms would have the funds to have pack horses and therefore wouldn't be carrying everything he needs to carry when campaigning, and we all know that soldiers carry EVERYTHING they can at ALL times.
  2. So, despite you never having worn armor of any kind you feel you can comment with authority on the flexibility and weight of modern body armor when compared to medieval armor? An IBA (Interceptor Body Armor) weighs between 16 lbs(the base vest and plates) and 33lbs (vest plus everything else), whereas a plate harness weighs between 40 and 60 pounds.
  3. There is not joints because it is an armor for fighting horse, thanks for endorsing I'd say that apart from the cut out in the right pauldron that is primarily an harness for fighting on foot, with the possibility that the owner of the original harness would swap out the pauldrons if engaged in primarily foot combat. I think it would safe to say that despite the lack of jointing in the breastplate that either you could bend over (unlikely) or that bending over was not as important as having a solid piece of metal guarding your vitals, also the armor in the op is similar to visual depictions of armor used by combatants in judicial duels on foot, solid breast plates included. I have to ask if either of you are late medieval reenactors or western martial artists studying one of the armored arts of that period? I have, but more importantly I spent 4 years in the armed forces and OUR body armor isn't flexible over the torso either.
  4. Have you ever seen anything lacquered? Using an obviously wooden texture would defeat the purpose behind something being 'lacquered'.
  5. Um...wooden armor? Too much anime? Aside from bogu used in modern kendo and related arts, the Japanese used lacquered leather and iron/steel armor. Besides, you really wouldn't be able to tell at a glance, especially in a video game, if something was lacquered wood, leather, metal, plastic or paper.
  6. There is a difference between brand-new and care-worn gear.
  7. Well UNP and CBBE have the options for no nudity, and I know of at least one mod, Art of Magicka, that has thongs that occupy a different slot from armor so you can wear both.
  8. And then it would apply to every NPC aswell as the PC.
  9. Traditionally the majority of kendo and kenjutsu curriculum is made up of two-handed forms, so um...what are you talking about specifically? Sounds more anime based.
  10. Take a look at that shield makes your bashes inflict a bleed. I know it works by giving you a perk that causes that effect. It seems likely that you could make an item that has a perk that makes your melee attacks inflict extra fire damage.
  11. Yes a kukri is a large knife used by the Gurkhas.
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