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Everything posted by DarthFalcon

  1. I was previously using Mod Organizer Alpha 2, and decided to upgrade to Alpha 4. I chose the install option that would let it handle multiple games, installing it in the AppData folder. I manually moved my installed mods/downloads from Alpha 2 to the new Alpha 4 folders, and now none of my mods work properly. I have triple checked every ini, they are all configured properly, and none of them are set to be read only. I've also triple checked the inis via the MO's built in ini editor, those look fine as well. The mods appear in game to an extent, but all of the textures/meshes are either purple or non-existant. My main menu theme replacer doesn't even work, and a full reinstall of Fallout 4 is not really an option right now because our ISP has gone insane with data usage restrictions. A few specific examples of mods that don't work: I have a main menu theme replacer that doesn't replace the main theme, I have a modded scope attached to my gun that isn't there, but hasn't been removed either as I have no iron sights, the clothing I was wearing is still in my inventory but is invisible in game (I forget which specific mod, it's one of Eli's sleeveless outfits), and I'm using CBBE but have no body, in third person it's invisible and in first person my hands/arms are purple. Any ideas? I'd rather not try NMM as I strongly prefer the ease of use Mod Organizer offers, especially when dealing with mod conflicts. EDIT: Just to confirm that it was an issue with my mod installation and not MO, I downloaded a single mod (the main menu theme replacer) and installed it with NMM, still not working.
  2. teracopy works great, thanks for the suggestion, I'll just use that for now, back to moving pictures instantly lol, if it's a windows 10 issue maybe it'll be fixed in an update someday and I can go back to just using drag and drop EDIT: I see I can just select "move with teracopy" when I drag, guess I should have tested it a bit more before jumping to the conclusion that I would have to manually run it every time, this is awesome! thanks again!
  3. I lost power one night when I was in the process of moving some photos into a folder, after rebooting any small files I try to move into a folder move extremely slowly. I use Windows 10, so I can't give an exact speed as it shows items/second rather than MB or KB / second, but when I look on task manager it's showing my write speed (if that's relevant) as around 50 KB/s. I've used MyDefrag to do a System Disk Monthly defrag, no change. Larger files, such as concert recordings, move almost instantly, but a handful of images can take up to a minute to move. Any ideas or suggestions?
  4. More or less, I think the outfits they wear in the video could suit maybe an evil mage character, the shoulder plates in particular I like. I don't think anyone would have much interest in making this, but it's far beyond my skill to do so, so I thought, what could be the harm in making a mod request? Link to music video as an example: http://youtu.be/WIKqgE4BwAY
  5. Just checked, can confirm that both my download history and endorsing now work, thanks for the quick fix! =)
  6. I've been having this issue as well, it seems to only be affecting downloads for skyrim, I thought it might be because i was using Mod Organizer instead of NMM but it doesn't even track my manual downloads.
  7. so nobody knows of any MMOs other than the ones I listed that let you throw your shield? I'm out of luck?
  8. To clarify, I did own the game at one point, so I have played GW2, and while I did enjoy it for a time, eventually there was just nothing to keep me interested in the game. I didn't like how you learned all your abilities based on what weapon you have equipped, I prefer other MMO systems where you have a spellbook, although it was nice to have your weapon function as something more than a stat stick. I actually ended up refunding the game when they started offering them, and who knows, I *may* go back to it one day if it's ever on sale for like $20 or something, but for me it's just not worth it's current price.
  9. I'm not necessarily even looking for a "great" MMO by most people's standards, I just want to be a tank who can throw his shield at people lol, considering trying out the tanking classes in Everquest 2
  10. GW2 is not really something I'd be willing to get into, it's more of a pvp centered game, which I avoid whenever possible, and Marvel Heroes is only an MMO in the barest sense of the word, not to mention a huge ripoff in terms of monetization.
  11. I'm looking for an MMO, that isn't WoW, which lets you throw your shield at enemies. Rift used to have this, but no longer does, and I believe FFXIV has it as well, but I'm wondering what other options I have.
  12. nope, might have been something with a similar title, but this has always been a console game. Maybe you're thinking of Time Crisis?
  13. You don't now nor have you ever needed multiplayer to get the "best" ending, I got it at launch without ever touching the multiplayer, you just have to really work for it. Get the best possible outcomes in all scenarios, and you should be fine, I didn't even do any of that "searching the galaxy for supplies" bs that they tacked on where you have to avoid the reapers.
  14. Timesplitters was an amazing series of shooters, hopefully there will be a reboot soon with all the other reboots being thrown around lately. For those of you who haven't already heard, a fourth one is on the way. Sort of. There won't be any campaign, it'll only be multiplayer modes, but you will be able to play solo with bots if you don't want to go online.
  15. I used Seagate's hard drive tool to run a check on it, didn't find any issues, maybe it's the CPU or RAM, I'm having another issue where it hangs for a bit after closing any games
  16. I personally like that it's gonna have a subscription model, F2P games generally have terrible quality/actually free content, the only exception I've seen so far being Rift. As for other "more profitable franchises" going F2P, that's because their games weren't anything special to begin with. I didn't play Star Trek, LOTRO, or DDO at launch, but SWTOR was just a glorified single-player game with a few MMO aspects tacked on for good measure, I had that game the week it came out, leveled a character to cap (didn't rush it, took a couple of months), and up until that point it was fun. But after you hit level cap, there just wasn't enough to do, and over a year later there still isn't that much to do.
  17. the repair tool wouldn't run, something about an external device being plugged in, but nothing is unless it's detecting my mouse because it's a steelseries, one of those that has to have a program running for it to work right. Did manage to run the memory test though, it came back clean.
  18. System Repair won't erase anything will it? I ask since you mention the boot disk, I'd rather put up with the long boot time than spend 4 days reinstalling everything lol
  19. ran chkdsk, it didn't find any problems, not sure how to do System Repair
  20. Every time I have to boot my PC, whether it be just booting up because it's been off or because I have to restart, it takes at least 8 minutes to boot to the login screen, before it would take less than two minutes. This started happening one day after a power outage, and has happened every time since. The computer runs fine once it's booted, it's just getting it running that's an issue, and I'm worried that something might have been damaged by the power loss, I'm not using a surge protector on it. Are there any programs I can download that will check out my computer parts for issues? Preferably some that don't require a reboot, but if those are the only kind out there, guess I gotta use what I can get.
  21. I tried that before, it kept locking up and making my computer blue screen, might have been because I tried to play it while EQ2 was downloading though lol, or because I downloaded it from steam, starting to hate downloading MMOs on there. Like that MMO C9, tried three or four times to get it from steam, the UI buttons were always blank, so I could never create a character, had to get it from the actual C9 site. Will give it another go from the DDO site though.
  22. The Hitman series doesn't have any online part, you play through a single player mission and then other people can play through it and try to kill targets the way you say to, there is no actual multiplayer. Maybe I'll just have to stick with normal MMOs, Action MMOs might not have any stealth classes yet.
  23. Yea I know about the thief, but it's not a toggle, which is specifically what I'm looking for, otherwise I could just stick to Neverwinter =) is not an MMO? Also cause I realize it could cause some confusion only after posting the topic and not being able to change the name, by stealth i mean invisibility.
  24. Something like the rogue from WoW, or the stealth classes from SWTOR. And by action MMO i mean something like Tera, or Neverwinter. I've been searching for other MMOs with a stealth mechanic like this, found a few outside the action sub-genre (Ragnarok Online 2 for example).
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