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Everything posted by misterhamtastic

  1. There seem to be multiple copies of the mods I'm using and my HD space is limited. Can I delete the mods that are outside of the game folder, or are there any of these files I can delete?
  2. As the title states. I have wayyyyy too many mods running, but they're mostly smaller mods with one or two things going on each. I want to extract it all and make a merged mod file so that I can do more and make the game more stable. Any advice here? Good non video tutorials(I'm better at reading them)? Any reasons this is a terrible idea?
  3. The problem is not the concept, but the content. Project Brazil(complete)? I'd drop 5 or 10 bucks on that. The full Project Nevada? Probably 3 to 5. One suit of armor? A backpack? Yeah, not so much. MAYBE in some kind of combined BA2 file that's a large content thing.
  4. From what I understood-there would need to be some kind of record's you could carry to a shrink or something, maybe an output data file of decisions made. The stipulation would be that the person would have to legitimately roleplay as themselves. Quests which have strongly positive effects for "good" choices and strongly negative effects for "bad" choices could be used to help people work with their illness. Maybe some kind of "self-talk" system, where it asks what you think of a person you are dealing with, or how you would deal with a situation. Like this: "What do you want to do with Joe Cobb?" Possible responses:"Kill him and take over the Powder Gangers and rule goodsprings like a king; Join him and burn these hillbillies out; Befriend him and hope to talk him out of this path; Kill him and then help goodsprings defend against his friends; Help goodsprings organize a defense; Ignore the whole thing, not my problem, my problems have moved on from goodsprings" Then, quest lines could be set up according to those choices, with quest lines to follow, where if you choose the "bad" choice, it gets progressively worse, possibly where you end up facing a horde of powder gangers with nothing but a switchblade, and if you follow one of the 'good' routes things spawn in a way that it's reasonable to defeat them. Just an example, of course. I'm no shrink, and I'm not sure what they would think would work well, either.
  5. http://psychescircuitry.wordpress.com/2013/07/11/the-game-doesnt-care-why-the-gamification-of-mental-health-isnt-working-yet/ This blog is an interesting read. Apparently, shrinks are trying to make games to help people, but their games suck. How hard would it be to mod this sort of thing into the game? Any mental health people out there? What sorts of info would you need? I'm going to link this back to the comment section of the guy's blog. I wonder if Obsidian or Bethesda would be interested in this sort of thing. Thoughts?
  6. I want to recategorize the weapons and armors available for smithing-from a "sorted by material" list to a "sorted by type" list. In other words, all one handed blades, two-handed blades, one-handed axes, two handed axes, etc. Armor would be light armor, heavy armor, and shields. If this can be done, but no one wants to do it, if someone could give me some basic instructions for how to manage it, I'd appreciate it. If this works, I'd like to add in the ability to "hide" unconstructable items, and perhaps use the smithing level as an additional base for whether you can make an item. In other words, just because you can smith a Steel Dagger does not mean you could smith Steel Armor. Thanks!
  7. Another thought: they could be in some sort of Dwemer "shrine" on mannequins, with a book nearby explaining the basic manufacturing processes and a journal by the paladin. There could also be a schematic for a "Dwemer power armor" powered by soul gems and using dwarven metal.
  8. Concept: A BoS paladin in T-51B armor with a partner in T-45D, one with a minigun, one with an assault rifle, are on a mission to investigate a rumor of old tech in a secret government lab. Upon arriving at a small compound, they discover that a secret Enclave experiment to build a time travel device is almost complete. They battle their way through the bunker, and find themselves in the test chamber, facing an Enclave trooper in Tesla Armor with a Gatling Laser and an Enclave trooper in Advance Power Armor with a flamethrower who are trying to defend it. The BoS Paladin manages to survive the firefight and bar the door, as Enclave troopers are coming in to reinforce. They quickly manipulate the controls to the time travel device, and set it to override all safeties in order to make it explode. Upon turning it on, but unable to set the time or location, the software chooses a random set of numbers, which tears a hole in time and space, the Paladin and the other three corpses through time and space, through dimensions and realities, to a place called Skyrim. What's necessary:(Things that are definitely not already in game) Graphics 1: T-51B Armor 2: T-45D Armor 3: Enclave Tesla Armor 4: APA Armor 5: Minigun 6: Assault Rifle 7: Gatling Laser 8: Flamethrower 9: Bullet for Minigun and Assault Rifle 10: "Laser" projectile 11: "Gatling" animation Sounds 1: Power Armor "sounds" 2: Minigun rev sound 3: Assault Rifle and minigun "firing" sound 4: "Laser" firing sound Recipes 1: 5mm ammo 2: explosive powder 3: 5mm case 4: 5mm bullet(without powder and case) 5: Electron Charge Pack 6: Electron Charge Pack (depleted) 7: Flamethrower fuel Comments: First-I know this isn't lore friendly, but someone put WH40k into New Vegas, so why not? You have to admit, it would be fun to light up a bunch of stormcloaks or imperials with some guns. :P I think it would be within the realm of reason-power armor is nuclear powered, and thus there shouldn't be an issue with charge. "Explosive powder" is alchemy. The case and bullet are smithing, all reasonably possible for someone to figure out how to do. Obviously, the power armor would be probably the equivalent of steel plate with a carry weight enchantment, as well as maybe some sort of resistances. The use of the firearms would probably fall under the "Archery" skill. As to difficulty-so many of these things already exist, it's just a matter of porting them. I know there is an enclave armor already ported on a different site, in a mod that includes a whole bunch of such things. There's also a tutorial on how to port armors, which I'll be investigating. Dawnguard brings in the crossbow, which is held and fired like a normal firearm, the only issue there becomes the animation and hand position on the larger weapons. The flamethrower, with the animation for holding it, is pretty easy, I'd think, as you just have to use the existing "flames" spell animation. AFAIK-all of these things exist, it would be more a matter of porting them over. Game experience-this would be an interesting roleplay, although initially you'd be starting with a wildly overpowered character, almost all their knowledge is near useless, and they'd have to "get along" until they could use the firearms again. If you preferred, it could be that the player could "come across" the ex-BoS survivor, who trains them in the use of everything as well as how to make everything-doing this, you could more reasonably have your elf or Khajit or whatever in Power Armor. Suggested Armor rating: Equivalent to Ebony? Suggested weapon damage: Per shot-minigun and gatling laser should probably be in the 10 to 15 range, the assault rifle 20ish, and the flamethrower similar to the "flames" spell. Damage scaling: At some point, the really high end, legendary armor should exceed this one, and the advantage of firearms is not their inherent damage production, but their ability to cause damage at a distance. Past level 30 or 40 this would be more of a choice of playstyle than anything, I'd think. What do you think?
  9. I have been playing with modding new vegas for personal use. Now I'm thinking of something more ambitious. The MEGA buster from ST Robot Race uses the old "Arm Mounted Weapons" stuff from Fallout 3, but not all the meshes. It's also pretty limited as weapons go-pretty weak across the board damage wise. What I have done so far: Created a new ammo type-MEGA ammo. You have to craft it, but the ammo sizes determine damage. The idea is sort of terminator 2/3 with a gun arm capable of changing it's characteristics on the fly to accept better ammo which does more damage. Thus-MEGA 9mm is the normal round, while MEGA 308 does 2.5x dam, and MEGA 50 does 5 times. I also changed the MEGA Ballistic to a submachine gun, with a fire rate a touch lower than the assault carbine. The "clip" is upped to 200(I picture there just sort of being a big drawer of ammo or something for it). The energy weapon is also upped dam with a slow recharge and fast firing rate, the missile launcher does real damage. I have never had much use for flamers anyway, but I just made that into more if an incinerator, assuming it's "better". But it's not boss, you know? I set it up so it's be accessible to humans as well(in a world of implants and such, why not?), but it's just sort of weird to me. Here is what I'm planning, let me know what you think: 1: more guns-to me, lvl 1 should be a power fist, a submachine gun, a flamer, and a recharger pistol. perk 2 would be a grenade launcher, a plasma rifle, and a decent ballistic rifle. perk 3 would be a gatling gun and a gatling laser, perk 4 would be a missile launcher, perk 5 would be a tesla cannon, perk 6 would be an anti-material rifle and a gauss rifle... why? I play with signature weapons and armor, and while it's awesome to have my signature settings cross over between the bullet sizes, it's just sort of TOO awesome, you know? If I have to choose a "specialty" from 11 available weapons, then it will be more accurate. 2: using the meshes-I want the weapons to use more appropriate meshes. So-the submachine gun can stay as it is, but the power fist would be the power fist image, the recharger pisto and similar would be the energy weapon, the minigun would be the gatling gun. All the meshes exist from fo3 mod arm mounted weapons, so mostly an issue of pointing it to the right mesh. The hardest part will be a redo of the script, for me. The rest will be mostly tedious and repetitive. The script/quest thing is still new to me, but it looks like adding the right selectors to the qst item script and associating them with the right perk, and from there everything should already be in place. Future goals-make it take up an implant slot a la Project Nevada(or 2 or 4), somehow relate the powering of the weapon to a power source-similar to Powered Power Armor, (Although this will change the way things are powered probably. Maybe all the energy weapons become breeders, larger clip size when wearing power armor (maybe a power armor mod a la PPA)) Anybody with thoughts/advice, it'd be welcome. Just a thought-trait or perk? additional "implant component" if easy cool, but if it's tougher it's down on the list. Also, possible "robco certified" robco remote weapon? What about melee weapon? Also-how do I get all this into one seperate mod? Right now all the parts that I've done are in a "patch mod" with some changes to the original files as well. What about permissions? It's an old mod-is smileytops still handy?
  10. There's a glitch. It's causing a crash in the DLC's. Not a big deal, as it's just a "nice thing to have", and easily replaced in game, but if you have hit this crash, try it without this mod running. I saw an old 09 question about this, and it showed a load order-it was the only new mod I had installed that shared with the list. I tried it,it works. I guess do the DLCs early without it, then maybe load it back in when you plan on doing the "main" quests. No idea if it affects anything like AWOP or anything. Hit the crash in both HH and OWB. I suspect Dead Money doesn't matter, but no idea if it's in Lonesome Road. Good luck.
  11. Fallout:New Vegas could provide an interesting platform for a "true" survivalism experience. It would be a fairly good sized overhaul, I suspect, and would probably degrade the "fun and exciting" factor if taken as far as possible, but I'm sure there would be an easy way to provide "degrees" of realism to it. What would need to happen, in my mind: (much of this will not be lore friendly) Ammunition and Guns-Scarce to the point of being ludicrous. Gun battles at the "boss" level. I know, Gun Runners are making weapons and such, but still, in a more realistic world a gun would be on the level of luxury. Heirlooms, perhaps. Most weapons are either in near perfect condition(family heirlooms, cherished weapons), or borken/about to break condition. Also, simple weapons would be more common. Pipe rifles replace most rfiles in the hands of common folks. I would rearm the fiends with 99 percent "scavenged" NCR weapons, with "boss" weapons being the high end stuff. (addition here)Weapon cleaning is a vital part of firearm use, but it's almost glossed over in the game. Maybe a multiple use cleaning kit, repairing no more than 5 percent of the weapon, or maybe a "weapon jam frequency" buff/debuff on use, use eating time mostly. Say an hour? More alternative weapons-If the end of the world comes, I will probably go in the woods and build some neolithic tools and weapons. I will also look at what I have as potential weapons. A screwdriver can be a nasty poker, a claw hammer will cave a skull pretty easily, and how hard would it be to make older, simpler weapons. Bow and arrows? simple stone hatchet? Thrusting Spear? I mean, these could all be easily craftable in real life. Just need to interact with the trees a la bess brahmin maybe. Explosives-Make gunpowder at a workbench, etc. Mining, Farming would be more viable options, and crafting of salable items important for barter. Food and water-Farming and hunting should be more vital at this stage, for personal survival. You should be able to "make water" in the desert using solar methods, although you may need to "read" the methods. Most survival methods would be things to learn and then use, even at lower levels. Chance of wasting stuff and failing crafting at low skill levels. Sure, you can make a yao guai hide blanket at level 1, but you'll probably screw it up 10 times in the process. Hardcore mode-This could be incorporated using Imps stuff, I think. Expanded a little with previously mentioned stuff. Armor-Who wears armor, past light armor, all the time? There are some mods that change light armor, but maybe the restrictions should be increased, and the negative effects more pronounced. The advantages of light or no armor might need to be more pronounced, as well. Shelter-Wandering the nevada desert on foot should suck really badly. Ambient temp affects this, but it should change things more than it does, I think. Creatures more nocturnal/in hiding from the sun. Damage over time mitigated by light clothing, maybe a hat. Faster dehydration. You should WANT to be inside SOMETHING if possible. Weather-NSkies brings rain, sandstorms and radstorms, but they are mostly an impairment/improvement. This could be tweaked to make it suck to be in the weather, maybe through buffs/debuffs. Survival is hard. It's a full time job by itself, and I think this platform would be a good place to try and start RP'ing it. Too bad it's been 200 years. Maybe a "FO:1 or 2" seperate area for a harsher more primitive experience. Just my thoughts:)
  12. I have to reinstall on a new computer, and lost a gob of mods. This was a favorite, even if it was...well... a bit odd. lol
  13. He hasn't been here for a month. Can't receive any new messages. Can anyone contact him just to make sure he's not dead or in jail or on walkabout or something? Shrapnel's great, and all, but I wonder at the big absence. Can one of his friends let us know dude's alive?
  14. There is a backpack mod by TokeRoaches simply called "The Backpack" that does most of what I am talking about. It does a number of things I would want to change. Like accessing the bag while it's on your back, it has a campfire function, a bedroll, and some kind of weight calculation. I'll have to try it out and see .
  15. HAM uses something interesting. It allows you to carry six "hands" of weapons before you start taking a weight penalty.
  16. I have found that Powered Power Armor is pretty cool as far as recharge cells and special abilities or mods. The armor "carries" itself, which makes sense. I think that's the problem I have, the fact that I should only be able to carry a couple of things, but they should be almost as heavy as I can possibly want because of the power assist. Maybe there could be "slots" for specific things. I'd think there'd be a main weapon, a backup weapon, ammo for both. To be honest, I don't know how you'd carry 1000 rounds on you. I don't know that I'd want to make limitations on ammo beyond weight, though.
  17. In Robco Certified there is a "safebot" you can build. It holds 250 lbs. I find the mod overpowered in all honesty, but it can be fun to pwn everybody with your robot minions. I say that to say this: A robot has been done. A pack brahmin has been done. I wonder if we could get permission from those mod owners to use their mods, and probably tweak the values. Mass/weight modification-It may be easier and more effective to write limitation scripts for different containers. Ammo box-you can put ammo into it, supplies for reloading, that sort of thing. A desk would take objects that are very small. Pistols might fit in it. Grenades or mines. Ammo. Leather Armor, not so much. Regular cabinet:clothes, guns, bullets, food, drugs, etc. Power Armor: I'd say not so much. I just think you need something larger to put power armor in, thus enclave crates and things like that. The crates could hold 2 suits, and let's say it's molded on the inside to fit power armor, so that's really all you could put into it. If anyone knows scripting, they could probably do this. If containers are not categorized in vanilla, you might be able to sort them by name. Then it's just a matter of making a list of what can go into what type of container. This should probably be optional, so I'd say that the addition of weight limits to various containers would probably be a different list and script. Just a thought: What about belts and potential containers to mod them with? I think you are right about power armor, they mostly got airlifted in and out of the battle area. Maybe the vertibird dropped a supply cache with them, with the intention of camp being set up right where they were dropped. If you go that route, you'd probably need to make "slots" for where you could hold your stuff with power armor. You might only be able to carry one two-hand, one one-hand and ammo, but that's really it. I'd question even stimpacks really, as the soldier would be expected to rely completely on their armor. What are you going to do, take your power armor off so you can inject a stim? I'm really thinking hard about the whole backpack thing. I don't know how to use the geck very well, and I'm baffled at how I'd create a container that looks like a backpack. I'd think it'd be as easy as making a copy of a box of some sort and assign a new graphic to it. Then I need the option to open it or wear it, making the container no longer accessible. I'm looking through tutorials, so I'll let you know if I get anywhere.
  18. Power Armor- it kind of depends, doesn't? I picture T45D having a spot you could maybe modify to attach a backpack or something, but not T51b, since one is basically riveted steel and one is molded composites. I think if you're going to be using power armor, the idea is that this powered suit should be able to take care of you well enough that you can fit a couple of days worth of supplies in compartments or something, I don't know if that matches lore or whatever, it's just what I picture. I run powered power armor mod, and there'd probably be a way to make a seperate armor mod that somehow negatively effects your combat ability if you're using it, but you could take it off, much like a backpack. I dunno. It's still not quite right, you know? I mean, weren't these armors designed to be in a place they were supplied with food and carried a few meds, not much, and a weapon or two. I think of power armor as needing to be something you wear when you REALLY need it. Maybe even something you keep packed up until you see something in the far distance. My position on stims and caps having weight: how many bottle caps does it take to weigh a pound? how many stims? I mean, if we're talking a starting weight capacity of 35 or so pounds, They should probably weigh the equivalent of 3 or 4 to a pound for stims, but probably several hundred bottle caps per pound. Of course, you'd think that if they are going to use bottle caps for currency, they'd have some means of having different denominations. Maybe a Star bottle cap should be worth a thousand caps or something. Nukas could be 100s. I dunno, if that's even something to include with a weight mod or not. Ammo is something different to consider. A bullet doesn't weigh much, but you should be able to carry three or four hundred rounds without completely overencumbering yourself, imho. Here's a thought for you: When they designed power armor, if the power armored soldiers were to go on a long range mission into enemy territory, how would they carry their tents and stuff? Robot? Special armor mod? Cart they could drag?
  19. Just to deal with this backpack thing, I think I need to make a copy of a box in GECK. Have it use the backpack graphic. Then write a script that when it's not equipped it's this backpack painted box. When equipped it's a backpack that you can wear so you now are effectively carrying this box on your back. Then I need another script so that when you take it off it calculates your str and end by the formula I mentioned and applies it to itself. Then I could make the backpack weigh 1 lb or so and it can only carry what it's figured out as my weight allowance. From that, I think I could figure out how to apply weight limits to boxes and such. I wonder if there's a way to categorize the boxes and stuff, or if I need to go through and change the weight limit manually on every placed box, desk, cabinet, cash register, refrigerator and safe, and probably some other things. If there's some way to categorize them, then it would make compatibility with other mods much easier. I have to admit, this thinking was inspired by something I saw in AWOP. Somewhere you're reading about the containers, I think in the mini-vault home, and it talks about the ones in the home in one particular place as being made with"4D" technology, allowing you to put an infinite amount of things in them. It was saying this as if this was some new, uncommon thing.
  20. One of the biggest things for me is the whole weight calculation with or without a backpack. A 1 str character is not going to be able to pick up another 50 lbs of stuff. The only way I can think of to do this is to base the weight restriction on what you could reasonably carry in your arms and pockets. At that point you're thinking 30-75 lbs would be about right. Then you put on the backpack which adds str+end*5 weight allowance. This way you'd need 10 str and 10 end to increase your total carryweight by 100. This brings me back to availability of equipment. If you stick your assault carbine in your backpack, it should probably not be readily available in the face of a surprise cazadore. I need to figure out how to make the backpack a container you can wear but only have access to the contents if you take it off. That armor weighs less when you wear it, I don't know. I mean it's definitely easier to carry if you wear it, but if you put on a suit of ancient plate mail armor, it's gonna be hard to move anyway. Maybe instead of it weighing anything when you wear it, it could reduce you weight limit by half of it's own weight. Like 15 lb Leather would stop weighing anything when you put it on, but your weight allowance would drop by 7.5. You'd also need to consider heftier penalties for wearing non-powered heavy and medium armor. Personally, I've always thought Power Armor should weigh like 80 to 100 lbs anyway. So if you're just trying to tote it around, you're in trouble. It comes into it's own when worn by carrying itself, and then some.
  21. I like the pack-brahmin companion, but I think I'd want to make a few changes. It should be killable. It should cost something. You should be able to get one from a rancher or something who sells it to you, and who has more than one if you lose this one. I really think there should be some sort of sled/cart or something you can pull along with you and drop for combat.(maybe keep it in inventory, but the box only has the box's weight, but you can't access it until you drop it in the game world.) These boxes would probably be just what you want for your pack-brahmin, as you can carry far more packaged stuff than you'd be able to in a pile on the thing's back. Thinking about that-maybe the whole carryable/droppable box thing could be part of the solution to the backpack. Just have to figure out out to write a script that would tie the backpack's carrying capacity to your own strength and endurance. Maybe ((str/2)+(end/2))*15, or maybe 10. It'd probably be good to have a slider for this formula as well. I don't know if I want to change overencumbered speed too much. Maybe at 100% encumbered you move 75% slower, at 200% encumbered you can't move at all(or so lowly you might as well not be moving). I think there should also be severe penalties if you are using the backpack or sled box. Like the sled box slows you down, you can't use two-handed weapons with it in inventory. With a backpack you lose 3 to agility and let's say 25 from guns/energy weapons skill, 15 from explosives skill, and 50 from melee and unarmed skills. That's why fighting infantry frequently drops their pack in place at any sign of a fight.
  22. I have been trying to figure out the tools, but beyond a few stat changes I'm not there yet, so if anyone can help me with this (or if you want to make this, that works,too) I'd appreciate it. General Idea: Think about what you can reasonably carry. Can you carry even 100 lbs in your arms without being strongly encumbered? How much could you reasonably carry in a back pack? The military tries to keep encumbrance down to 50 lbs or so on your back. I've only seen one person carry 100 lbs(possibly more, he was a ranger) on his back for a road march, and he was having a tough time towards the end. (Just a note, I've been out of the military for 15 years, these weights are probably incorrect. They are fairly easily researched if accuracy is important to you) How about accessing that backpack to change weapons on the fly? Shouldn't you need to take it off and access it? Or what about that 12 inchx24inchx18inch (probably inaccurate) metal ammunition container you can stick 352 guns 37 power armors and let's not forget 3 million bottle caps in? Finally, how about purchasing a pack brahmin? maybe there could be a tent you could buy for it to carry, but it could carry, say, 1000 lbs. It would need to be pretty easy to kill, though, so you'd have to guard it pretty well. (Perhaps something like Bess Brahmin you could purchase with a quest or something, just without the settlement building.) What I'm thinking-Project Nevada rebal can change your weight calculations, so that's kind of taken care of. A backpack that you wear that you can take off and it turns into a container? I'm not sure where to start. Making that backpack's carrying capacity strength dependent? Is that scripting? I don't know that either. As for containers-Maybe a list of some type for each container to say what could fit into it(no anti-material rifles in desks), plus maybe some kind of high but reasonable weight limit. Say 50 Lbs for a smallish box, 150 for a footlocker, 500 for a medium sized safe. It wouldn't need to change how much any objects or npcs start out carrying, just what can be put into them. Of course it would need to attach some value to all the "weightless" objects, as well as be able to put down quest items. I believe there are mods to do exactly this, and those could be built upon, I'd imagine. This is all with a mind to creating more of a "simulation" feel for the game. Yes, it probably makes it harder, but it would definitely increase the importance of lightweight weapons and armors, as well as making power armor more valuable if it carries itself. I'm thinking of Powered Power Armor Mod specifically. Of course, some allowances would probably have to be made for various things. Can someone in T-51b power armor wear a backpack realistically? What about a super mutant? How do you factor in robot characters? (Thinking Smiley Tops's stuff). Should there be a pre-pack brahmin option-maybe a sled with a container or two on it or something? See why I need help and advice? Please-If you have anything helpful to suggest or add I really would appreciate it.
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