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Everything posted by Shaundi7

  1. This here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35056/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D35056%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Creator says, he no longer supports the mod. So is anybody willing to port it to the SSE?
  2. I think perhaps you're missing the point somewhat. While backups are always a good idea and it's a good habit to get into to make regular backups, focusing on that as the concern of your post is showing pretty much a complete disregard for the author. Boasting then about your freedom to use it and possession of it, is showing a pretty strong focus on your own self-interest above anything else. I don't see the problem here. If you are one of those people who delete mods when the author deleted them - go on. Do as you wish. :D But I'll keep them. Forever.
  3. Good thing I always save my mods. Got about 4 GB of mods for Fallout 4. He can't delete his stuff from my hard drive so I can use it whenever I want.
  4. I save the mods regardless, but if it is found that they are using stolen assets, I won't use them in game, and will most likely delete them. but if they are just suspected, then I won't use them in game, and wait until they are either convicted of it, or absolved of it. The question is: why do you stop using them? They were stolen and not using them can't make things un-stolen I understand your point, but myself can't think of a logical reason to stop using my beloved "The Rebel" armor, even if the mod was removed. It's kind of sad, really - that so many good mods are removed. For example: anybody remembers this "The Last of Us" mod which added a lot to the world like really dark and thick jungles, green grass, vines, huge trees and made the game feel more "alive"? It was done by a Russian guy and after some time it was taken down, because he stole some assets. That's the point where you just stop using the mod? How could that possibly make things better?
  5. Just allow me to craft all the weapons used by the Wehrmacht, the Red Army and the U.S. Army. Modern firearms like the stuff they use nowadays, like an AK-47, M16, M60 and all the stuff you could find in games like Counter-Strike or Rainbow Six.
  6. When the game was released, I played for 14 hours straight. I loved the game and I still do. I was surprised how good the shooting feels and how the game was fun, even for the vanilla version. Sure, here and there were things mod corrected now, but overall, it was great. And now, with the CK, I'll love it to death. I started with the Bethesda titles at the time Oblivion was released and I never was disappointed.
  7. Damn. It seems you need to be very quick to download good mods which don't suck, before they're closed/removed by the Nexus. I'm glad I downloaded it before it's been gone. That's what you should do: download mods; so you always can use them even if the Nexus or the creator decides to remove it. They can't delete it from my hard drive. Serious question @ all the people who are against mod theft and won't upload mods they downloaded for other people if they're removed: do you delete the mods from your HD when the creator removed it? I'm just wondering ...
  8. Du sprichst von Formatierungen und allgemein der Anzeige der Beschreibung der Mod? Oder was genau meinst du? Ich steige da irgendwie noch nicht so ganz durch.
  9. Hi there! Yes, I noticed that, too. Something is a little bit buggy right now as for me, I experience yellow triangles all over the place saying that the mod was nowhere to be found on the Nexus. Maybe if we wait until another version of the Mod Manager is released, problems will be fixed.
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