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Everything posted by Kelsey473
Amazing amount of work - just keep in mind the prob over 100,000 people will down load and then play for many many hours as a artist few people will ever get the chance to display there talents to that many people. Keep up the good work. Steve U.K
[Trailer/WIP] Falskaar - A New Lands Mod
Kelsey473 replied to AlexanderJVelicky's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
O.K well to help keep this in the air three quick questions I see that you are hoping to release now sometime in early 2013 is that still the case? I also wonder compaired to skyrim main game what kind of size landmass are we looking at? I have a reasonable number of MODs installed but I susspect Falskarr will be far bigger than most what kind of mods will I be able to keep enabled to play Falskaar when it is released and which kind do you think I may need to turn off? Steve -
P.C players SHOULD not have long delay this time the lag before was mainly caused by first two DLC exclusive deal on the X360 well thats done, Dawnguard and Hearthfire - so now its a level playing field
When did you first learn children are immortal?
Kelsey473 replied to LordSarcasm's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
trouble is the `kids` BUST roleplay in the historical past children were very wary of adults and certainly did not Sass them - in fact believe it or not the concept (westen) of childhood did not laregly exist in the middle ages ( this is fairly easy to research look online before you shout rubbish) `children` were treated as adults - in the U.K we hung children as young as 9 as late as the 1800s - thus any `child` speaking to a adult in that manner would be looking at getting a good punch in the head I hate it that Bethedsa break R.P in this way -
When did you first learn children are immortal?
Kelsey473 replied to LordSarcasm's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
what I really really don`t understand is why 1. make children completly un `hurtable` then and here is the great touch that someone in bethedsa scipted and implimented 2. make them sass and insult the player I love bethesda games but that is really really bad -
wow you are moving very fast, you must be working very hard - personally `thank you` - thank you for working on and expanding my faviourate game in a way that will eventually give me many hours of extra pleasure I will continue to keep an eye on this great mod - sorry for spelling I am not a 12yr old but I do have dyslexia - Steve
very nice work - any idea when you are hoping to finish? - not trying to rush you realise you may need years on this just wondered
WhipDiddyWhip, on 01 January 2012 - 03:53 PM, said: why can a character become arch mage, leader of the dark brotherhood, leader of the companions, leader of the thieves guild? (haven't done it yet) all in one play through, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because Bethedsa give CHOICE thats why. Make the game as they did and you can do all those things in one play through IF YOU WANT. Or you can choose not to you have CHOICE BUT Make the game so you can`t well the people who like it that way are fine BUT the people who want to be everything can`t the game has less CHOICE Its as simple as that - like fast travel, I hate it but I want it in so people Have CHOICE, 1st person view I hate but I want it in so people have CHOICE.
Are there some historical inconsistencies?
Kelsey473 replied to sgman1's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think much of the `Lore` is `supposed` to be flexable - because these stories, told before `T.V` and mass communication would be very twisted a bit like a historical game of chinese wispers. When you look back at our real history there are numerious `world maps` that are very wrong, stories of dragons etc etc etc, there is a mass of this stuff. I am sure I have heard Todd Howard say thats how a lot of E.S is supposed to be myth and fact belnding together, which both makes sense historically and makes it easier as a games designer. Hell Princess Diana died in late 20th century in full glare of the press, and still it is contreversial don`t get me wrong I think it was a car crash, the point is history is not just `facts` its stories and what people think, well the Elder Scrolls universe would be like that too, lots of conflicting stories. - sorry for spelling Dyslexia -
The `size of Skyrim` - quests - fully voiced. WOW - if I didn`t know you guys had produced big mods before (I checked out yr previous work) I would not believe this was true. But I really think you will do this. This team really really deseves support this Mod sounds FANTASTIC. Sure it is going to take time but I know one day I will be playing this. Keep going guys, my full resepct to both of you great great work. - forgive spelling / grammar dyslexia. Steve Kelsey
send a message - i.e the horses head in the bed as in the godfather plant something on someone or somewhere threaten off a rival groups enforcer
[Trailer/WIP] Falskaar - A New Lands Mod
Kelsey473 replied to AlexanderJVelicky's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hmm well - The Enclave is a secretive military organization who are believed to have descended directly from members of the pre-War United States government, and military industrial complex, claiming to be the legal continuators of the state, and styling themselves as such. - makes them hardly `evil` just political i.e a different viewpoint and Alduin was a god and so kind of outside the `good - evil` paradigm more a kind of force of nature Sill its yr mod - u are doing something way outside my skill - so I will play it and hopefully fall into the story you weave -
[Trailer/WIP] Falskaar - A New Lands Mod
Kelsey473 replied to AlexanderJVelicky's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Very Nice Just one bit of advice - sure you have already thought of it - but Bethedsa often avoid the Good humans / Bad Humans routine as in their Stromclokes / Imperial story line where neither side is `good` - this makes it a least a bit closer to reality i.e Yes Hitler was a really bad guy but Stalin who we helped to crush him (80% of German losses are on the Eastern front) was probably just as bad. The world is shades of grey and almost never black and white. But again as the first comment this is looking very very good - sorry for spelling dyslexia -
[WIP] Talos Cult (new faction mod) - recruiting 3d modeler
Kelsey473 replied to jkolts's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sounds interesting the warrior cults Templer / Hospitlier of Medievil Europe are a great source - Might I recomend a book The Great Siege Malta 1565 - by Ernle Bradford. Its fairly old, 1961, but its a roller coaster of a read and might have some interesting ideas / names for yr Mod - thats if you have not already read it of course. (sorry about spelling dyslexia) - Steve -
Its only a game and your mod would allow people to play it the way they want so don`t worry - in real life men are always guards / warriors (I am very well read in History and can`t think of any cultures that use women warriors before the advent of firearms and even then its vanishenly small) but if someone would like a game where women do all the fighting well its there game and good luck to them The reason in reality that it is always men is tied into evolution in our species men are biger than women (thats why we don`t have a mixed olympics) plus every women that dies is not just a person but the `baby maker` the `life giver` every womens loss is a disaster ( 1 man plus 2 women can equal 2 babies BUT 1 women plus 2 men only equals one baby) and they have already fight the incredibly dangerious battle of childbirth - which in the past was a very leathal point in a womens life. - sorry for spelling dyslexia
[WIP] Talos Cult (new faction mod) - recruiting 3d modeler
Kelsey473 replied to jkolts's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This sounds like a VERY strong idea for a mod - sorry I am no modder so I can`t offer you any help beyond this reply that hopefully will bump it a bit and give it a chance to be read by someone who can -
Overwelmed with quests, how do you refrain?
Kelsey473 replied to lazzybum's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You say I do like that there is loads to do, but at the same time I will easily lose track and forget quests; therefore, I'm not emotionally involved Is this something you do in real life? - I suspect not, like me I do something if I have agreed to do it - I could lose focus play Skyrim all day but I don`t I get on with the job knowing people are relying on me - treat Skyrim the same if you want the emotional `pull` the state of current A.I means its not yet able to `give` the right responses to you faffing around so you have to imagine that they do. None of the above meant as a crititism just a observation on gameplay from a old (I am 50) D&D player who has learnt through experience how to get emotional `feedback` from a game. Basically you have to play it like it was `real` and try and help - or not - those you encounter. Anyway have fun - Steve (sorry about spelling dyslexia) -
well it shows great dedication - hope you enjoy. I have been keeping my eye on expansion mods that promise to add a great deal of content to the game (and that it seems will actually get built) this has got to be in the top 5 of everything being work on - keep it up I am sure many people are tracking this one - Steve
looking like this is going to be very interesting. Any idea when you are looking at release based on yr current progress?
[WIP] Tales & Tallows: Deathbell
Kelsey473 replied to IncriminatingEvidenceInc's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thats O.K Baumeister`s book is a must read for you then, it looks at States, Criminal Gangs, and historical perspective to show why people act in `evil` ways - Baumeister is a very well respected social psychologist and the book is a easy read not technically difficult. Its about 15yrsold so should be cheap on Amazon .. Good luck with yr Mod its good to see a team doing serious work and trying to understand motivation in humans so that their work `rings true` video game designers need this kind of knowledge to make believable characters and situations. - Steve -
[WIP] Tales & Tallows: Deathbell
Kelsey473 replied to IncriminatingEvidenceInc's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
In psychological tearms dark / evil does not really exist as such - at least in groups Try `Evil inside human violence and cruelty by Rof F Baumeister` When you look at organisations such as the NAZI SS who we would now see as dark/evil thats not how they viewed themselves they saw themselves as the tuetonic knights reborn hard men maybe but fighting for justice. What this means for video game design is that it will `ring true` if the `dark` people do not see themselves as such but as acting out of a certain `cause` or `world view` they will often also have fearce group loyalty and disciplin. (sorry for spelling dyslexia) Steve -
Come one, come all?? - you have been playing TW2 haven`t you. great work by the look of it, I have kept this one on my watch list - keep it up it, you seem to be a serious team who can deliver what they promise Steve
This sounds VERY good I would download - please go ahead and release when you are ready
That was a great Mature talk by the spokesperson for one of the best game studios talking about company ethos and how these ideas come together - I have project managed teams of 40 plus and its bloody hard this is a team 100 plus - with them they made one of the greatest games every made `Skyrim` - average play time 75hrs - 96% rating on Metacritic - Game of the year - give them all some credit for knowing what they are doing, its not about `spears` and `dragon rideing` if it was that easy everybody would make games this good and they don`t - Mr Howard and team thank you.
thought i would ask some questions 1. what kind of land mass - gamewise - are you looking at there its hard to tell with no scale? 2. How long do you expect to take on a project of this size? 3. Do you intend to stick to skyrim `monsters`, make your own, or a combination? Steve Kelsey