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  1. This is something i wouldn't mind to see as modding or DLC, never in the vanilla game.
  2. Yeah thats true, a true necromancer should never marry before killing and rising the bride to be from the dead, doing it the other way arround is...ugh, disgusting.
  3. I wouldn't call it a problem, per se, just a peculiarity. You have a good point in that stealth is supposed to be viable: you can probably get through a lot of the game by just sneaking past enemies and pickpocketing their stuff. It doesn't change the fact that a purely stealth character would have no way to deal damage besides shouts. As i said, perks will make non offensive skills useful for killing, i think the devs are focusing on the pure thief, the real pure thief, a pure stealth character. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/01/24/skyrim-building-better-combat.aspx This way a pure thief is a true stealth character, that is fantastic while killing in the shadows, even if he is not as well trained in one handed as an assasin or a warrior. But if he is found in the open he will have a hard time as he is a thief, not a assasin or a warrior. For what i can see the pure thief will be a viable class and lots of fun, maybe not the best one to fight dragons and giant spiders, but pure warrior are not the best at picking locks and looting the neighbourhood without being noticed. And i'm sure poisoning by pickpocket and stealthy daggers are not the only weapons given to the pure thief by perks, even there might be stealth perks for the bow.
  4. I would love to see a Sload, i like their lore and they look like pretty dangerous foes.
  5. And how moving archery to warrior skills is a problem? Maybe stealth category has no offensive because is about stealth, and also it has perks to make non offensive skills pretty useful for killing (pickpocket + alchemy), and if you want archery just take it, the way they clasify the skills is not that important for the gameplay... alchemy is on stealth now but as a mage i will be taking it.
  6. Hope the last falmer has is a fat cyborg dude with spider legs :whistling: I would be cool to have something to do related to Falmer, but i would like that race lore to remain something obscure, they could give some hints about them, but too much information could ruin that part of the Elder Scrolls universe.
  7. I think is better to leave interspecies birth out of the game, this is a fantasy world, it's not good to blur it with genetics.
  8. I do see the diference between Imperials and Bretons, they dont look the same at all, sure there are screens that look similar and some races might be confused at a point, afterall they are both "human", but the skin tone and facial structure are diferent, breton look way more "smooth" and less menacing. http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ImperialCompilation.jpg http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/BretonCompilation.jpg
  9. The picture of the dark elf is just not focused, the only thing i can tell is that all elves faces seems thin more closer to the morrowind look, i hope they also have de red eyes on Dummer, and the black eyes on Bosmer.
  10. The birthsigns i usually took in oblivion were the apprentice, the mage and the warrior, so i dont mind having them as those stones and as some kind of specialisation, also some players did not know what birthsign to take and choose poorly, so it is good to be able to change them later.
  11. They will, the release y far enough.
  12. Being a pure mage in Morrowind was hard but you could do it, the point was using alchemy without over using alchemy, that was overpowerful and tempting, also enchanting items was a nice way to obtain firepower. In Oblivion it was also hard at the start, but with a nice combo of spells most enemies would fall quite fast, also with high levels of misticism some of the most powerful foes where just cheap. In Skyrim, with powerful spells and the dragon shouts i dont see too much problem to have a pure mage character, there also seems to be more defensive spells. The ones i fear wont be as god in skyrim are the stealth characters... both mages and warriors could have a great bonus using the dragon shouts, but the idea of a thief shouting is somehow extrange.
  13. It is a great idea... not easy to put in the game in a way it could work. Fable examples are clear, too much could ruin the control over the looks of the character. But i think this wont be a part of the game.
  14. I wish they where perks conected to skills, like sneak, both armour skills (if they remain the same) and maybe some other skills, and that they are not just speed and athletics but more like a perk to ignore some falling damage, other fo high jumps, other to move in sneak mode pretty fast and things like that.
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