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Everything posted by Dragionnatsu66

  1. The files are packed. You need gibbed tools to unpack the patch.dat file. Open the gibbed folder in one window then drag thd patch file over the gibbedunpack.exe . Rename the folder to just patch. Then find the the entitylibrary.fcb file. Use convertbinary.exe in the gibbed tools to unpack this file. You'll get one folder and a xml file named entitylibrary_converted. Rename them by deleting the _converted part (and delete the entitylibrary.fcb file) Then to to the weapon properties folder . Find the weapon you want to mod. Open it with notepad. Press ctrl+find and search ammo. It'll be the first one. Then under that line find iclip (probably the 3rd or 4th line ) then change the value with the desired number and save. Then go back to the entitylibrary folder. This time drag the entititylibrary.xml to the convertbinary.exe . Again rename the new entitylibrary.exe you get. Then backstep to your data32 folder and pack your patch folder using gibbedpack.exe . And you're done.
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