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  1. Last night my system updated to the Windows 10 Creator's Update, as it's now gone live etc.. Seems it really did a number on MO2 and WyreBash :sad: Upon running WyreBash through MO2 I'm presented a "move or replace" for a temp text file to do with WyreBash, and no matter what i select (copy and replace, don't move, move but keep both files) WB just refuses to start. In other words: We need Vortex! :D EDIT: Fixed it, by installing MO2 v2.1.1
  2. Screenshot! Screenshot! Screenshot! Literally dying with anticipation :(
  3. I lined myself up for that one didn't I ;) I know that's what any regular person would do! But I'm awful for temptation when it's staring me in the face.. Three playthroughs I've told myself not to fast travel and yet I still end up doing it after a week or so. I think the patch would be just a slap on the wrist for me - stop fast traveling and enjoy all your immersive scenery mods!
  4. I am using Paper World Map: https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10836 and The "Disable Map-based Fast Travel" esp from: https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8379 However as they both edit the Wordspace, I cannot get them working nicely together - I either have a cool looking paper map, or a vanilla map with no fast travel. I've tried to create my own patch using SSEdit but clearly I don't know what I am doing despite watching many tutorials! So it would be GREATLY appreciated if someone out there could create a comparability patch for me <3 Thanks in advance.
  5. Any chance of a sneaky peak at the UI? :D
  6. I know this has been a bug for many years now, but my mannequins are standing there, turning their head to me and generally just been wrong.. and creepy. They don't move around (I did the navmesh trick underneath them, just incase) but they're still alive like a regular NPC and not stood still in their correct pose :( Am I missing a simple trick to prevent this?
  7. Any news as of late? Or anywhere I can see the latest news whenever it's announced?
  8. Awesome, thanks :) My mod list right now is fairly big (about 197 .esps inc. patches) and I'm currently using SKSE64 and SkyUI5.1 for SE without any problems (except MO2 almost exploding when I quit game, but apparently that's "normal" with having an SKSE shortcut there). I think I'll let it be for a while and keep a close eye on any bug reports before i take the plunge to allow that update! Thanks again :)
  9. Today sees the release of the Creation Kit's "Survival Mode".. however, will updating SkyrimSE to v1. break any current mods from the nexus? The Survival Mode is something I'd like to try, but not at the cost of all my mods </3
  10. Oh wait... The Steam Overlay (I just want the screenshots feature!) actually works when running Steam and MO, and launching through MO.. Steam says I'm not currently in a game but I don't care about that too much ;) I'll keep this post up, in case anyone else is as idiotic as me :D
  11. I've spent the entire day yesterday changing from NMM to MO to give it a try. However seen as MO "simulates" its own folders per mod and not actually drop everything into your data folder, obviously launching SSE through Steam is a unmodded game shortcut. Is there a way to add MO's Skyrim Launcher to Steam? Maybe a "Add non-Steam game" shortcut method.. I just can't find any .exe file relating to SkyrimSE/MO :sad:
  12. I'm creating an arena at Starlight Drive-in, a pretty large one at that. My problem is upon fast traveling the settlers there tend to spawn near the "puddle" in the centre of the drive in. i wanted to load up the area in Creation Kit and move the node in which settlers spawn - however i now see that it's not as simple as that. Is what i am trying even possible? I don't want all my settlers to spawn INSIDE the actually arena because someone's gonna get hurt ;) Is it possible for me to move the location that they all spawn at? Thanks.
  13. Beautiful! I appreciate all this hard work you've put into this :)
  14. I've played through Skyrim many times over the years, but I have been trying to make the game seriously immersive, challenging and tactical. For example, by the time I reach the first town (not necassarily Riverwood..) I have gathered enough materials to craft all of the bandoliers and have massive amount of carry weight.. whereas I was it to be a lot more difficult than this. I want to have to camp in the wilderness for a few days, actually hunt the animals and work towards getting materials to craft things - even if it takes me hours. Another thing that I am having trouble with managing, is I have Campfire installed, and I carry my cozy little tent around with me at all times. But the thing is I never actually need it. I can just walk to the nearest town and pay 10g to stay at the inn. The mods I am currently trying out are: Perkus Maximus Campfire Realistic Needs & Diseases Hunterborn Better Fast Travel (with "Fast Travel" disabled) Complete Crafting Overhaul Immersive Armours Immersive Weapons Deadly Dragons Apocolypse ..and many more smaller mods such as weathers and ambient, sounds etc Are there any other mod that you would suggest I give a try? I've been looking at a mod called Requiem. I've tried SkyRe in my last playthrough last year but thought i'd try its "successor" this time round. Thanks for reading, and I hope this made sense! :)
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