I've played through Skyrim many times over the years, but I have been trying to make the game seriously immersive, challenging and tactical. For example, by the time I reach the first town (not necassarily Riverwood..) I have gathered enough materials to craft all of the bandoliers and have massive amount of carry weight.. whereas I was it to be a lot more difficult than this. I want to have to camp in the wilderness for a few days, actually hunt the animals and work towards getting materials to craft things - even if it takes me hours. Another thing that I am having trouble with managing, is I have Campfire installed, and I carry my cozy little tent around with me at all times. But the thing is I never actually need it. I can just walk to the nearest town and pay 10g to stay at the inn. The mods I am currently trying out are: Perkus Maximus Campfire Realistic Needs & Diseases Hunterborn Better Fast Travel (with "Fast Travel" disabled) Complete Crafting Overhaul Immersive Armours Immersive Weapons Deadly Dragons Apocolypse ..and many more smaller mods such as weathers and ambient, sounds etc Are there any other mod that you would suggest I give a try? I've been looking at a mod called Requiem. I've tried SkyRe in my last playthrough last year but thought i'd try its "successor" this time round. Thanks for reading, and I hope this made sense! :)