Just wondering, what order should I install my mods? Like, should I start with gameplay effects and changes? Or maybe overhauls first, or mods that add weapons? Or retextures? I want a stable game running with a bit less than a hundred mods, most being new weapons and gameplay changes, and I just want to know if I should install big gameplay overhaul mods first or last. If you could give me a detailed explanation that'd be lovely. My current order of installation is this: Massive overhauls first. (Project Nevada, Project Ultimatem, AWOP, EVE, so on) Then weapons. (Millenia, WRP, so on) Then minor gameplay effects. (Perk every level, more perks, headshot instakill) Then retextures Then companions. Of course, I install recommended mods before installing massive overhauls, for example: I install Type3 and Roberts before installing Spice Of Life. If anyone could help me out and tell me the correct order for installing mods, I'd really appreciate it. Also, I'm an immersion prostitute, if anyone could recommend some good immersive mods I'd also appreciate that. Actually, if you could recommend any really good mods that aren't in the Top 100 endorsed, it'd really help me out. Maybe that one not well known mod you can't play without? Thanks. EDIT: I'm not talking about load order at all, all I'm looking for is what order to actually install my mods.