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About saiikyo

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  1. Hi ! I used Bodyslide for create my own body for my character so, I wanted to try to change an armor with Outfit Studio. ( the "elegant" armor from Tera armor collection ) I helped me with the tutorial . ( GUIDE 3 ) I modified the armor so that it matches to the body but, this is what happens: I have the bouncing boobs like when it's undress. With the original, there no problem. I don't understand what i missed.
  2. Hi! I 'm looking for a spell that look like a Meteor rain. I saw it on a video but, don't remember where :confused:
  3. Hi! Doesn't know if this exist but, i search a mod allowing the summon of a dragon like the summon of Bahamut in Final Fantasy. A dragon that comes to launch an attack that target only enemies (Ouroboros) and disappears after. Not for fighting with us. Would be great if someone could make a mod like this :smile: http://marconnet.chez.com/image/ff8-bahamut.jpg
  4. Hi! As says the title, i have some problems with these quests. First, the quest who ask me to talk to the Jarl of Falkreath.I talk to him but, nothing happens. He just says his dialogue.I'm still at the beginning of the adventure (like 20-30 hours of game)So, i ask myself if it's a bug or if it's too soon for talking to him ?Maybe this quest is for later ? Second, it's about the quest who ask me to find Valdr.I already found him but, i killed him :confused:I must say that, when I met him, there were other enemies. So, i took him for an ennemy too.But, i have still the quest not completed in my diary.So, i was wondering if it's possible to revive him with the console for finish the quest ?
  5. Hi! I don't know if it's good or not so, that's why i ask here. Is that my signature is ok ? PS: I've tried to post this question here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1721-avatars-and-signature-limits/ but, i don't know why, i cannot reply to this topic.
  6. Hi! I up this post because, it would be great if there could be this Nami's clothes :wub: Please http://image.jeuxvideo.com/smileys_img/60.gif
  7. Ok so, i tried to see if the game would crash and, it doesn't appear. (i tried two times without crash) I've installed the WATER mod compatible RND and it work fine. I use YChildren of the Sky mainly for enhance the child in game.I not active YChildren of the Sky.esp and .esm due to add a child race.Looks like i've no problem with it. I've downloaded and installed the last unofficial pacthes. The BOSS log that done is in my last post, under !!! EDIT !!! The patches are under their master file except for the Dwanguard unofficial patch... Don't know why !? Should I put it manually?
  8. This is my BOSS log: Skse Plugins: Recognised Plugins: Unrecognised Plugins: Does that mean my Unofficial Patch aren't update? !!! EDIT !!! Ok so, i updated the unofficial Patches and this is now the BOSS log:
  9. Hi!I write this post because i have a crash in game and i don't really know why. First, i'm actually build skyrim with mods so, i install mod gradually and i test in game if it work.In the prologue, as soon as we are freed from the bonds in the hands, i teleporte to riverwood. The crash takes place in front of the mine when i encounter the bandit, just when i begin to attack him, near Riverwood. ("Embershard Mine" if I'm not mistaken) I'm not sure but, I think the crash is related to SkyUI.In fact, the game crash only when i install a mod who use SkyUI.I noticed that because, i installed 6-7 mods concerning followers (eff, Nausicaa Tweaker, and other mods who add followers) and the game crash in the same place (in front of the mine).Then, i uninstalled only Nausicca Tweaker (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33562/?), and no crash. I currently this mods who use SkyUI: The dance of death (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10906//?) Customizable camera (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37347//?#) Realistic needs (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26228/?) HDT (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36213/?) Immersive HUD (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3222/?) If someone may help mehttp://image.jeuxvideo.com/smileys_img/60.gif This is my current LoadOrder with no crash (normally), but when i install a mod who use SkyUI, there a crash.
  10. Hi! Is that be possible that someone may create the Menace outfit from Queen's Blade, pleasehttp://www.hongfire.com/forum/images/smilies/onion/inlove.gif? http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/blade_queens_menace_of_desktop_1402x4223_hd-wallpaper-899609.jpg
  11. Hi! Are there the outfit of Menace from Queen's Blade, please?
  12. Hi!. I have a problem with the nocturnal clothe. I don't really understand, when i want to add it i my inventary with the command, he say that he add it to me but, the outfit doesn't appear!? I use Extensible Follower Framework and, when i change the clothes of the followers, when i choose the nocturnal, the outfit appear on them! If someone may explain me what i must do, please.
  13. Think it's that:*http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44098//?
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