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Everything posted by zackzalok12345

  1. Having the same issue, man.. This is the tutorial I've followed so far but my weapon keeps showing up invisible. I have no idea what to do. I've spent the last two days trying to figure this out. Watch it and let me know if it works for you. I have my own custom mesh/textures, perhaps we could work together. 2 brains are better than one.
  2. So I've followed Gambsmoore's guide to a T and I keep coming up with the same problem: My mesh turns up invisible. I don't think it's the bounding sphere because the weapon's shadow doesn't show up either. I've spent so many hours trying to figure this out, I've swallowed my pride to ask for your help. I used the same Chinese Officer sword .NIF as the base (just like in the tutorial) and made all the same adjustments. I'm using the same .OBJ/Texture .DDS file I used for a Skyrim weapon mod I made a while back but I converted the mesh to the correct Fallout 4 format (I'm pretty f*#@ing sure) and I feel like i'm missing something simple. I just can't pinpoint it. I can provide the files and any details you might need. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, one thing to note: When I try using the Creation Kit, the mesh seems to appear just fine with the textures when I click on "Art and Audio" when editing the weapon file. Then; after I enable the mod, I log into the game and find that the Vanilla Chinese Officer Sword mesh that I supposedly replaced with my own custom mesh is still there but with my weapon's textures applied to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Sorry, the image is a little blurry (Snippit tool sucks). I have the OBJ, I have the developed NIF file. I have the texture DDS. I Just need someone to bring this bad boy to life in Fallout 4. I've spent two days looking at guides only to find my mesh is invisible when I finally get my custom weapon into the game. SOMEONE HELP!!! Can provide further details. Feel free to email me @ "[email protected]" or just respond in this thread. This would be a dream come true. Thanks.
  4. http://wowwalkthroughs.free.fr/Weapons%20Model/mace4.jpg one of my favorite weapon models of all time. If you could embellish the low-pixilate model with a cool skyrim metal sheen/skin to make it more realistic, that'd be a cherry on top. on the slim chance that you end up making this, please let me know at [email protected]. It would be a dream come true. Thanks again
  5. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=might+of+menethil&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1G1LENN_ENUS465&biw=1138&bih=519&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=eZoc057bg6R5NM:&imgrefurl=http://motion.parba.cz/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D6%26t%3D1540%26start%3D120&docid=oI_doD2jN7N2PM&imgurl=http://wowwalkthroughs.free.fr/Weapons%252520Model/mace4.jpg&w=693&h=637&ei=FiMNT6TwB4nt0gH72_T0BQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=115&vpy=194&dur=2821&hovh=215&hovw=234&tx=146&ty=164&sig=106899001416634676454&page=1&tbnh=157&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0 The item's name is might of menethil from vanilla version of WoW. The same model appears again in Naxx (WOTLK). its so badass, someone just needs to make this
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