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Everything posted by maymay1588

  1. Hi jgreybear, I tried to message you for permission, but it would not let. May I use your Knights texture for a follower mod?
  2. Aw that is sweet of you, I would definitely visit! Danke gleichfalls! Traveling anywhere in the near future doesn't look possible as of now, too much going on at the moment, nothing bad though.
  3. Yep it is me, not a very good picture, but I don't like cameras haha. I'll probably post a better one sometime. Where I'm at doesn't get too cold, only a little snow a year. I wish I could go visit over there, but I have been fortunate to of visited over 10 different other countries, so I guess I can't complain. Oh and thanks for the correction, Ich bleibe am Ball!
  4. Hallo Shepshy! Leider habe ich nicht Nachricht früher. Wie geht es dir? Okay let me know if I totally butchered that, I have been trying to learn a bit. Unfortunately America only likes to teach Spanish or French, though my boyfriend has helped me with Japanese, making fun of my accent of course haha. I really like your new avatar by the way!
  5. You too or Schönes Wochenende! Sorry no good at German, but I will try anyway lol.
  6. I finally finished up your story and I must say, it is very unique apart from all the others I read, which I love. It gets old reading the same scenarios or the ones that follow every little detail from the game verbatim. Didn't blush much, but it did get several "oh my"s out of me, lol. Wonderful work though, you are an excellent writer.
  7. I normally skip over the dirty bits when reading, but heck I will give it a shot this time. I'm to the age I need to stop blushing when reading anyway lol.
  8. Don't worry about it! I had to hide my mod, because of another issue that needs to be resolved first. I did something really dumb on accident from lack of experience and I need to hear back from the other modder before I put it back up. Oh and I see a story down below I want to read!
  9. Of course I don't mind, thank you for adding me and I'm glad you are back :)
  10. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to or has a mod to add Fenris's facial tattoos to Dragon Age Origins. I tried making the tattoo myself using GIMP, after many horrible looking attempts, I then tried using the .dds file from DA2 and added that to my toolset, but the textures looked awful as well. Is there ayway to convert it better or has someone already created it? I have seen several using it thus far.
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