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About bcmike71

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  1. Thanx for the reply. You "guessed" I had the House Dres mod. Now, I guess I am very confused. I just went through all my mod lists, those I have checked as "operating" and all my others. (I am finding that my system shuts down if I have too many active. 29 are now active and another 15 or so are not checked.) House Dres mod is not one of them--in any shape or form. Any more and my system will shut down after an hour or so. (BTW, I have 8MG. I have been thinking of buying another 8. Would that help?) Anyway, don't know why these guys keep attacking me. :confused:
  2. Haven't been to Solstheim for about 20 levels in my most recent character (now at Level 72). I have run into characters, called Galangas Dres, who have a house, and a bunch of slaves, who can't be killed( 'cuz they aren't bad, I guess). I have never seen this before and have played Skyrim since it started and Solsthiem since it came out. Anyone else run into these characters? Just curious; I Googled and found no info.
  3. I don't even use NMM anymore. It is so easy to just download mods, follow the simple directions and download w/out using NMM. Then, I just move the bsa and esm files to the Steam Data Folder. I have copied my Steam Data Folder to my desktop, so everything is super, super-simple. Try it, you'll like it.
  4. I died, waiting for the program to "tabulate" my results. Kinda lame . . .
  5. In the Dragonhead quest, I am in the cave and get to where I have to "activate dark light". I don't know what to do and as I move on my health slides down to nothing. Any ideas? I obviously am missing something that other people have figured out. Thanks to any who can give this old guy a clue. :confused: Mike
  6. Summerset Isle is a mod that was never finished. Haven't you walked into caves to find only blackness, no tunnels, nada? SI is a farce (and I don't mean Sports Illustrated).
  7. Thanks for the advice. I am only using the console because--as I mentioned--I am at the quest sight, but the Dwemer Exploding Bolt Schematic isn't there. Will try what you have suggested.
  8. Traveled to the arrow marked destination where Sorine sent me (Steepfall Burrow) and opened the chest for the Dwemer Exploding Bolt schematic. Nothing there. Any help for the code for this item (the actual bolt)? the one listed xx00F1C5 does not work in the console (for xx I substituded 02 and then 04, but no luck). If I can't get this schematic, I won't be able to do any of the other Ancient Technology quests. Thanks, to anyone who can help. Mike
  9. Just helped out good old Merida (again), got my Dawnbreaker and went to Solitude to sell stuff. No problem "downstairs", but when I went up to the Archer and the other weapons dealer, Dawnbreaker had disappeared from my inventory (not that I was going to sell it). Went back to a save from two minutes earlier, there it was, enabled. Got upstairs again--Dawnbreaker gone. Anyone have a situation like this before with a weapon? (I assume it may because of some kind of conflict with a mod)>
  10. I have the mod in my list, and I assume I dl'd it from Nexus, but Nexus says there is no such mod. Does anyone have this mod? How to start? Thanks
  11. I would love to play your mod. Have been playing Skyrim since it first came out. But, I am 72, and I am afraid I will screw up trying to add correctly all the other things that you apparently need to play the mod.
  12. Topic says all. I downloaded, just a couple of days ago the mod umbra sanctum. Put the .esp file in my data files. Today, went back to Nexus to find out where to start the quest/mod. Umbra sanctum (and various other spellings I've tried) come back with "no results." I know I am old, but I can't be going crazy, because I have the mod in my data. Anyone heard/played this one? (For now, I am disabling it, but happy for any suggestons.)
  13. :smile:Right now, your school has to come first (I am sure I sound like your parents). However, you have your whole life ahead of you. When you finally get back to being able to create PC mods--sometime in the future--the tools you will have, and the abilities you will have gained, will make you an even better modder.
  14. Seancass42: Wyrmstooth isn't that good. (Sorry to the author to say that. I could NEVER have created a mod). The storyline is good but the problem is--it was never completed. You start some quests and wander into a cave (or whatever) and there is nothing there, nothing to do.
  15. Awesome! I have been playing Skyrim since the first month it came out. I am a 71-year old American, now living and teaching in the Far East. (Wish I had students as smart as you). My students are amazed that I play computer games (old dude that I am). Unfortunately, here most just play games that only involve mindless killing and not much thinking. Good luck to you and (insert ironic laugh here) "Don't forget to do your homework!" :laugh:
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