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About templeofninpo

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  1. Making a scene (for recording, not playing) where I've a lady reciting a poem and would like to make a pseudo bard to stand next to her and play lute. I've a 2.46 minute wav file of music I've added as a dialog and am currently troubleshooting how to best get this to work. Seems the lute idle marker doesn't quite do what I want re: length of dialog won't get interupted pre scene so the bard does not move to scene position to resume/commence... PS: just discovered that adding npc to bard faction obstructs my intention re: randomly playing instuments... anyhoo, working on it...
  2. Apparently, there are now gpt plugins that allow for reading online PDFs (only a certain kind, though). I just built my first MCM menu with the help of AI... it's just having some trouble with 'scenes' (re: getting npcs to talk to each other). I tried uploading some pdfs to my friend's godaddy site but it could not access them. PS: anyone have some advice/links on making scenes?
  3. BOSS' masterlist is now quite dated. Should LOOT start being the main load order tool?
  4. Would like to see a quest where a tribe of super mutants set up dozens upon dozens (maybe hundreds) of dead raiders and wastelanders in dioramas akin to Mad Hatter's table. Aanyhoo...
  5. Would it be possible, without some magic with TES3MP, to record, separately away from the player screen, simultaneously? Like from a floating auto camera or a companion view? I believe it could be an intriguing innovation in 'lets plays'.
  6. Make Whiterun actually in the middle of a great plain. Make twice the room for added mods. Would have to transfer every single object, door, quest. Could comfortably redesign every town to be bigger and refined. Almost every location and quest mod would need patches... Any expert innovation thoughts out there? Anyhoo, cheers. Just conjecturing.
  7. Anyone know of a mod that would prevent placed DEADBrahmin from showing in game? SOLVED- they have to be set as quest items.
  8. Found excellent fainting fatigue mod- https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/48864 Pairs excellently with CarryOn (after CarryOn gets a couple tweaks with Enchanted Editor).
  9. I realize its probably not simple, I just discovered Carry On (stamina/running mod) and it would be perfect if running was made impossible with depleted stamina (re: collapsing). I'd do it manually if I knew the ini/openmw setting.
  10. Oh thank gosh, it worked. Prid 00017D07 <enter> Moveto player <enter> then maybe Enable <enter> Didn't need to resurrect.
  11. Its the ref. When I do it the console notification at the top center of the screen does say Dyloras is selected but she is not there. (Also used detect life, but nadda)
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