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Posts posted by Ranx31

  1. I was referring to Fallout 3 as I don't have NV but maybe I just got the pistol caliber wrong - haven't played the game in months actually! :smile: As for your search, just use 'Zap Away' as either one or two words and it should get a match unless something's happened to the mod since I DLed it.


    EDIT: OK, found it for you... Went through some folders on my system and located it and it's mod number. The mod was actually called 'Zap-Away' - missed out on the dash is all. Here's the link for you:





  2. There are already a couple mods that do exactly this sort of thing! I've been using one of them for quite awhile now and it does the job nicely - with a weapon and nice effects no less. I think the mod was called 'Zap Away' or something like that and it gives you a modified 9mm pistol that you point and shoot at dead bodies to 'zap them away'. It shouldn't be hard to find on Nexus mods if you do a search. Sorry I can't give you its mod number though.


    I know I've also seen at least one other mod that does the same thing but I don't recall any details on it. You'll just have to broaden your search terms and you should find something that does what you want.


    Good luck!

  3. Don't be alarmed that your post didn't seem to get any views... It seems that ever since the forums went through a remodeling awhile back that the number of views on posts is only ever changed when someone actually replies to that post. It no longer appears to count the number of people that simply read the message and moved on! Hopefully, they'll get around to fixing that one of these days - would be nice.


    Sorry I can't help you with your problem though. Just thought I'd let you know about the view thing so you didn't think you were just being ignored or something! :)

  4. The reason you couldn't find a mod for what you want is because you don't need one... The ability to do proper water reflections is already built into the game engine. You simply have to set it through the game's graphic settings and select the level of quality you want. Just be aware that the higher the quality the more the potential for a hit to your FPS.


    It's been ages since I've mucked with it but I think you need to look for a 'Settings' option when launching the game with its default launcher. Once the Settings window opens, use the correct tab(s) to set your desired levels of detail/quality for many options that are unavailable in the in-game graphics settings.


    Once you've set all that up, run the game to test and be prepared to be amazed by the new look! :)

  5. Have you tried using the 'Update All Tangent Spaces' menu command in Nifskope? I also export with Max (2010) and noticed that either Nifskope and 3ds-Max seem to differ on what proper tangents are or it's part of export process. But anytime I've exported, I load the .nif into Nifskope and use the Update Tangent Spaces as part of my workflow. It seems to fix odd glitches like yours and ensures tangents won't be a problem later. You can find the command under 'Menu>Spells>Batch>Update All Tangent Spaces'. Be sure to save your changes when done!

  6. I have EVE & Fellout, along with the Nightvision, installed but not MMM or FWE so I can't tell you for sure if ARTNV is compatible with the last two but here's my two cents...


    I'm using the Nightvision mod with no problems. The likely source of the pitch black nights is Fellout; many other people have pointed out it's nights are very dark. It was for me when I installed it so I found another mod to deal with it which leaves Fellout's settings alone EXCEPT it cuts the darkness in half. I don't have a specific link to give you but it was called 'Fellout Nights Restored' and it's mod number was 16424 on the Nexus mods site. You could always try that first if you don't want to use the Nightvision or find that it does indeed conflict with your other mods. If at all possible, if I were you, I'd want to have the Nightvision mod running though - it's very good at what it does and for what it adds to the game in terms of items and features!


    Another possible route you could take would be to have ARTNV installed, along with all the others you want to use, and load them into FO3Edit. You could then see right away if there are any conflicts between installed mods. If so, you could then use FO3Edit to create a merged patch which would resolve these conflicts and allow you to play without problems. If you're unaware of this program or why merged patches should be used, search this site for much more info on these topics.


    And as a general tip, you might want to create backups of any important game files before installing a new mod that has the potential to wreak havoc with your game. I know that in the case of Gopher's Nightvision mod that it changes one or more XML files (for the HUD). It may be that these files are not able to be restored to a working state if you uninstall the mod. I don't use NMM so I can't say if it has the potential to restore all files when uninstalling mods that make certain kinds of changes like these. So it might be prudent to do a little digging and research to see what files ARTNV (or any other mods) affects before installing so you can backup the game state first in case things don't work out as planned.


    I hope I've helped out somewhat and good luck!

  7. To check your model with Nifskope, compare it to the original .nif that you got the mesh from. From your description it MIGHT be a case of texture or material settings, so look in these areas first. Just open both at once in separate windows and flip back and forth to check.


    As for settings to use in 3ds Max, I would suggest looking for tutorials with descriptions and/or screenshots of them. Also, search the Net for docs on the niftools plugin that have info on each of the flag's purposes.

  8. Considering you're using popular editing software packages, your best bet is to simply search for tutorials if you want to make your own textures. I'm sure there's plenty out there for 3ds Max and Photoshop. And don't forget to access the built-in help these programs have. 3ds Max's help explains how to do just about anything! It's my first go-to source when wondering about something.


    If however, you're wanting someone to make a texture for you that's a whole different sort of help. In that case, you might want to post in a forum relevant to the game you're modding for and see if somebody is willing to help out.


    Hope this helps... Good luck!

  9. If you're simply after getting a consistent pose and distance, one thing you could try would be to put the clothes on a mannequin and trying to position yourself in the exact same spot for each shot.


    I doubt you're ever going to be able to get every screen grab to be exactly the same in the game. The best you can do is to try to have your shot of the clothes be as large as the screen without spilling past the borders. This way you can always scale down if you're trying to match dimensions.


    The question is are you doing this sort of thing so you can rip the graphics or are you just using screenshots for reference to draw the outfits by hand? The technique needed would be different depending on your answer...


    If your answer is to rip graphics and you want perfection in angle and scale and are only interested in the clothing itself, you can do one of the following:


    - Load the outfit into Nifskope, setup the view, then select the menu option that locks the view into the User view or use one of the other view types that matches your needs. Then either do a screen grab of Nifskope or use the Snipping tool to grab a smaller area.

    - Load the outfit into a 3D editor like 3ds-Max or Blender and do the same as above.


    Neither one of these options is without a bit of work as you'll have to have the meshes and textures available to be loaded in ie. extracted or from a mod folder. Nifskope is the easier and quicker option as you don't need to set up a bunch of other things.

  10. Well, it's pretty easy to re-find the mods you're uncertain about. Every file you DL from the Nexus will have it's mod number tagged onto the end of the file's name.

    So, to find any mod quickly that you want to look at to get it's description, etc. you would enter the following into your browser's address bar:




    In every case, you would substitute the mod's number for the 'xxxxx' sequence. In your example that would be 644.

    Afterward, you would then only have to change the number for each mod file you want to check out by highlighting the mod number in the address bar and then typing a different number.

    I know it works cuz that's how I keep track of a number of mods quickly... So there ya go!

  11. @M48A5: That method works great but is dependent on two things: First, you have to have the item in question in your inventory to be able to drop it. Second, you need FOSE to be able to use that console command.


    Another method (not requiring the above-mentioned conditions) is to load the mod adding the desired item into FO3Edit. Then simply search for the category of the item you're looking for. The IDs of all mod-added items will be shown there.


    Then make a note of the number(s) displayed and adjust the first two digits of each to match the number shown in FOMM of the mod's load order number.


    Once in-game, pull up the console and use that number after the 'player.additem' command.

  12. Sounds like the bornagain textures are too bright for your system/setup. If you want to disable them and still use archive invalidation for other mods, you could rename the textures to something else to test. Might only work for textures that replace game defaults and not unique stuff - shouldn't be a problem here though.


    If you still want to use the bornagain textures and want to tone down the bright look, you could load them into a paint/photo editor and do just that by tweaking brightness/contrast etc.. Just make sure you save as .dds format files if you do.


    If your game is bright overall, you're better off tweaking the game or your setup. Not every game's default brightness is necessarily the best for every setup.


    So, there's a few things to try... Good luck!

  13. You're right that EVE was the cause of the trouble as the Enforcer is part of the mod. However, the problem really lies with the Enforcer's glove... I read somewhere on here that fixing it requires modifying the .nif file of the glove. So, without that fix, if you were to encounter the Enforcer again and put on then remove the glove the problem will return.


    Considering the odds of running into the Enforcer again are pretty slim, I wouldn't be too worried if I were you. I've been trying to see one up close for many hours of the game and I have yet to!


    Just thought I'd make you aware of this - do with it what you will.

  14. Good to hear that you got it to work! Despite the fact that I forgot to say that you have to click once on the door after entering console mode then enter 'unlock' yet besides - OOPS!


    Now if only we could figure out what the common factor was that caused the problem in the first place... All's well that ends well I guess.

  15. If you mean the first available teleporter after doing the spacewalk to the upper section, then good luck getting a game-friendly answer to your problem!


    I had a very similar problem awhile back that I never got any help with... In my case, Sally wouldn't even appear and I had tried everything I could think of including playing sections over again, reading game scripts, trying console commands, etc. and the best I could achieve was getting Somah to appear and she'd do the same thing - run right back into the teleporter again and stand by that bridge door in the lower section along with the other dummies!


    I wanted to get it to work within the game without doing console-style stuff cuz I was pretty sure I would miss out on a cutscene or something like that involving the alien captain. But in the end, and here's what you might have to do too, I had to walk up to that impassable door by the teleporter and use the console 'unlock' command. To do this, face the door, then press the tilde key (top left of keyboard), and you should see the door's ID at top center of the screen. Then enter 'unlock' and exit the console by pressing tilde again.


    You can now activate the door and it'll open, allowing access to the rest of the ship. Good luck!

  16. Hi, I saw your request and thought this would be a rather easy thing for me to help you out with. I've retextured a number of in-game items already so I've got the tools and experience.


    I would have liked to simply put the textures into this post but there's a 250K limit on attachments and I can't be bothered to put them on some file-sharing site. So, I tried to ZIP the files and they came in at 225K!


    If you're wondering why I said files and not file it's because I'm not sure if you wanted a simple retint of the Lucky Shades (which are progressive shade - from clear to dark) or a solid tint. So I made two files, one with progressive shading and one with solid coloring.


    Below is the link to the attached .zip file:




    Within the .zip file are the required textures, ShooterShades01.dds is the progressive one and ShooterShades02.dds is the solid one. Try them both if you like.


    In case you don't know where or how to add them to the game, or for anyone else interested in this file, follow these steps to install:


    -Locate your game's Data folder using Explorer and then open the Textures subdirectory or create one if there isn't one already present (in case you haven't modded your game yet).

    -Within the Textures folder create a 'characters' folder. Enter/open it and create a 'hair' folder.

    -Now go to wherever you saved the ShooterShades.zip and either unpack it somewhere or simply double-click the file to have Explorer open the zip archive.

    -Choose which texture you want to use/try and, using the right-click Context menu and selecting 'Copy' or pressing CTRL-C, copy it.

    -Go back to the 'Textures\characters\hair' folder and 'Paste' the texture there.

    -Lastly, rename the pasted file to 'glassestortoiseshell.dds' and you're done.


    Be aware that this retexture will change both the Lucky Shades glasses and likely the tortoise shell glasses as well - both the wearable and ground object versions.


    I hope the change meets with your approval... Enjoy! :)

  17. Thanks very much for the quick response!


    I was only asking about which author it might have been as your question implied that you were aware of some difference between the two... :confused:


    If you are not able to get any further info that's fine too. Thanks for the effort in any event. Hopefully, someone else will read this and be able to offer some info on how to get a proper export. For all I know, it might be some step(s) I'm missing in the process.

  18. The 3.7.2 version that you got from github, whose version was that, Theru's or Figments?


    I have no idea whose version it was... There was no author info in the readme. The only details I can give you would be on the archive & plugin contained within. If it helps, here it is:


    Niftools - Max 2010 32.7z (which only contained a readme and the plugin)


    NifPlugins.dlu - Filedate: Sat Oct.12 2012 11:45:06 AM Size: 3247 KB


    I have to ask, why does matter which person it was? Was one's release flawed and the other wasn't?


    (UPDATE) Just checked my other machine's history, since it was the one I DLed the file with, and the link was 'github.com/nexustheru/...'. So, I'm assuming it was Theru from that address.

  19. I remember being shocked at seeing this thing from a distance I thought was a heavily armored super mutant. but ..maybe im wrong because i do game drunk at times. That being said, I remember the shock I felt at seeing the text "Enclave Enforcer" when I targeted this thing in VATS.

    But my EVE was very glitchy,and CTDed a lot more often when outdoors than in. So maybe it being at that location was a glitch.


    I agree with to an extent on editing, but I'm one of those guys who takes my car to the shop for any maintenance and pays an expert to do it because I honestly can't be bothered. Call me lazy or whatever but I'm happy to pay an expert to perform any maintenance because I know it'll have been done right. In the meantime I can knockout grocery shopping for dinner or some other chore. If there was a "Fallout mod game tweaker" here in the Tokyo/Yokohama area, I'd gladly pay this guy $40 per hour to fix it, and in the meantime I'd do something else like maybe go for a run. :thumbsup:


    Yea all or nothing. Maybe all the parts are needed for it to work right. But still makes me shake my head and wonder why because those systems just don't work for me :no:


    Hadn't considered his appearance might have been a glitch but you might be right... I had a similar thing happen once early in the game when some weird stuff was happening in the game. I had stepped out of a building into the Wasteland, I think it was around Megaton (doesn't matter), and ran into a female guard from Rivet City at a time when I hadn't even been there yet let alone do any quests at that level. So, it's possible!


    However it happened, at least you got to see an Enforcer - and without even trying!


    As for editing, if you don't want to be bothered, that's fine too. I'm one of those people who would rather do it himself than rely on others to get around to it (and possibly get screwed on the bill ;) ).

  20. You can also check any NPC's (or creature's) attributes in-game by using the console. I had to figure some of this out for myself when my companions inexplicably changed into total chicken-shits and would not fire but run from a fight!


    To check their confidence level, do the following:


    - Make sure Dogmeat is visible on-screen.

    - Press the tilde key (top-left on keyboard).

    - When the prompt comes up, click on Dogmeat so that you see his name and ID appear at the top-center of the screen.

    - Enter 'getav confidence'.


    Now here's the part where things get fuzzy... I'm not sure of the exact values that correspond to each level of confidence. It looks like the max is 5. So lower numbers match other levels. If you can figure out which is foolhardy (which I suspect is 4 or 5) and brave (might be 3 or 4) then it's a simple matter to set it to whatever level you want. You could use trial and error here. I only played with this to get what I wanted then stopped there.


    To set the confidence level, enter 'setav confidence x' in the console, where (x) is the desired value. This should remain that way until overridden by something else like a script.


    This could be exploited in various entertaining ways BTW! It could be used to make anyone/anything turn tail and run or vice versa...


    Good luck!

  21. The thing about Meresti Station and Meresti Service Tunnel is that their orientation is backwards. When you enter Meresti Service Tunnel from Meresti Trainyard it appears you are traveling east. If that was the case then Meresti Station would actually be located south and east of Agatha's House. However the Meresti Service Tunnel connects to Northwest Seneca Station which is located to the west of Meresti Trainyard! Look at the map of Meresti Service Tunnel and you'll see that it is indeed backwards.


    If you take in to account the backwards issue then Meresti Station would then be somewhere between Hallowed Moors Cemetary and Germantown Police HQ.


    There's nothing really stopping you from placing Platz a little closer to Megaton if you wished. Looking at the metro line map it would actually be closest to Sewer Waystion if you wanted to be more correct.


    Actually a section of Abernathy Metro is used, it's part of the path that connects Vernon Square to Takoma Park. Becton Metro is unused but it's location would put it inside D.C. and you didn't want that, right?


    That's not the only thing that looks backwards, Meresti that is. After this post, I played the game, went in a Metro and looked at the map close this time. It looked like the White Line starts curving northeast once you hit Becton and Abernathy and then really aims north by the time it hits Takoma but when you look at the world map, all those metros seem to just line up heading east. If the line map were geographically correct, you'd almost think the Takoma station would be outside the DC area altogether. Weird stuff!


    And so anyway, it seems you're actually right about Becton being within the DC ruins. Which is NOT what NonsenseFactory was really looking for... But my mention of it was before I saw the actual line layout, so my mistake!

  22. Yea that Fat Man's heavy, but when I come across a group of baddies that are like 5 strong and unload one mini-nuke it looks Sooo Cool especially if I can do it in VATS!! It's like SHwoooosh, DING! KABOOOM and then "+268 XP" is displayed in the corner, it's lovely like a nice sunny day :wub: I see that and just smiiiiile


    On the Enforcer I remember it shocked me because it was called "Enclave Enforcer" and had the armor.. well modified Enclave armor. But the guy was green skinned where the armor wasnt covering, and it was large so I thought.. super mutant. Maybe the Enforcer Gauntlet was the "long spikes on the forearms" I described last post. It was definitely called Enclave Enforcer.


    Anyhow it's funny I have time to download these huge files and install mods as long as it's FOMM ready or simply "Unzip into Data folder and select in FOMM" but I don't have the time to delve into these arcane FO3editing this and that. I use the "automatic method" ... you know: run FO3edit, right-click and select Create Merged Patch, save, put into load order and play. I read the FO3edit manual and got lost in the part where it was about looking at columns that showed RED where there were conflicts. I didn't understand how to delete or overwrite the crap you didn't want so the stuff you did want to keep would stay. All this editing this and that.. I figure that's time wasted that could've been time gaming. What do you think?


    It's kinda why after installing EVE and getting crazy CTDs allll the time I uninstalled all mods in FOMM, deleted the entire data folder (which I backed up before installing any mods) and then just re-installed FWE, MMM, Dynamic weather, and DC Interiors. Problem solved. Now the occasional CTD but nowhere near as common as before. I guess I'm just a basic gamer-user, not a super-gamer-file-editor god.

    Yea on that note... I wish that WJS gave OPTIONS on the install the way that MMM and FWE makers did, you know, unselect the things you don't want and only install the aspects you want installed. I mean.. with EVE you are forced to install ALL or Nothing. That's like Communism or something. :rolleyes: Call me selfish but we are living in a Burger King world where we all expect to get things the way we want it, not "how the vendor made it," right? That's why McDonald's keeps changing their menu and Subway never had to :thumbsup:

    Oh man, I'm sorry, I started ranting :sweat:


    About the Enforcer, just checking... If you're sure it was, I'm not going to argue with you. I just wanted to check because I'm kinda surprised you stumbled into one! I've been all over the Wasteland and hung around Raven Rock a few times looking to tangle with one of these guys but no luck so far. He may be scripted to appear somewhere but as far as cell placement, he's only supposed to be inside & at the exterior of Raven Rock. I think I might just COC back inside there one day just to check him out!


    As for wasting time editing when you could have been gaming, I think a bit of time spent tooling under the hood keeps the engine running - get my drift?! Wouldn't you rather know which mods are conflicting yourself than spending oodles of time re-installing this and that and trolling forums looking for answers? I shake my head at these people who re-install the entire game when some little problem pops its head up!


    I can only guess at WJS's motives but MAYBE he did it the way he did because it IS all or nothing. The way all the parts have to work together may be that way for a reason? But yeah, options are always nice!

  23. Just checked the above link to Wiki by Ghostnull and, if you follow the link at the bottom of that page to 'Inaccesible Metro Stations', it mentions another one called the Becton Metro station. Here's a a quote from that page:


    "The Becton Metro station is a pre-War Metro station on the White Line. It is seen on the Metro map. It is north of Vernon station and south of Abernathy Metro station. It is not seen in-game, but the status board says it is still in optimal performance by 2277."


    So there's another possible one to look into...


    Morning! I've never seen the LT Gutsy, just the Enclave Enforcer and honestly I thought it was added by Mart's Mutant Mod but thinking about, it makes sense that MMM didn't add that (more on that in a moment). I'm pretty surprised you haven't tried Mart's Mutant Mod -- it really adds good content, all in the form of Fallout Lore-Compatible variety to the creatures in FO3. Anyhow, about that Enforcer...


    I once saw an Enclave Enforcer between Fort Constantine and SatCom Array NN-03d. It was a

    super mutant wearing enclave armor that had long spikes sticking out of the vambraces. It was pretty cool in appearance but the first thing I thought was "ahhh it must have killed an Enclave soldier and somehow enlarged the armor so it could fit because the Enclave wants to kill all "mutated creatures" in the wasteland.


    EVE is pretty cool. I really like the critical deaths. They remind me of Mortal Kombat's fatalites. The coolest for me was when I was walking near Reclining Groves Resort Homes and a group of Talon Company attacked. One shot with the Fat Man and they were dead. One of them was reduced to charred bones. THAT was cool :) The Super Mutant crits are also GREAT! (when they actually work right)

    I wish there was an option to fix (get rid of) the "pulsing, shiny glow" on energy weapons. Too "Quake 3" for my taste. :down: A Google search for getting rid of that didn't work so I just gave up on it. I consider "time used looking for how to fix things" as time wasted when I could've been playing the game instead. There was also this wierd glitch with some crit kills leaving half-translucent bodies on the ground with electricity sparks when things got crit-killed by the Pulse Rifle. Some crit kills left a half-melted blobs on the ground with corrupted textures so it almost looked cool. I could tell it was trying to make some cool crit-death but it got messed up somehow before it finished... so fail. A few other graphic glitches... anyhow, even using a Merged Patch and a few other mod-fix patches didn't work, nor did uninstalling and reinstalling it and Fallout 3 seemed to CTD a lot so I had to opt for a clean reinstall, and now just use FWE, MMM, Dynamic Weather, and Ironsights. Much more stable than before but still CTD every now and then on a regular basis (always after passing level 10 or 11 for some reason).

    Well apologies for this half turning into a rant. Honestly I wish ALL mods would play nice with each other. I do miss those shredder grenades :confused: Oh well. At least Fallout 3 is still fun regardless, right?! :thumbsup:


    I can't be bothered with MMM because I'm not crazy about these massive DLs. I don't have good luck with them at the best of times. They usually either they get truncated or corrupted and so I stopped trying to DL them awhile ago.


    Are you sure it was actually an Enforcer and not just a Super Mutant Overlord? The Enforcer's armor is unique from head-to-toe and his race, according to FO3Edit's report is Asian but with the Sentrybot's voice. The helmet has horns bent forward like a bull is another way to tell. And was he carrying unique items like the Enforcer gauntlet and Babe Magnet shades?


    And yes, the critical kills are pretty cool... The 'Call to Atom' pulse weapon kill rates pretty high, whether you're close or far away when it executes. I've yet to see the Fatman ones basically because I keep forgetting to lug one of those things around!


    The only times I've noticed the pulsing weapon thing that I've seen others complain about was after I added them to the Underground Hideout's weapon wall. But it only affects some of the weapons (laser ones?) which I stopped using once better ones came along so can't help you there. Apparently, WJS the creator, liked the effect so it stayed in.


    As for glitches, it may be conflicts with other mods or improper/incomplete installs that may be causing your problems. I experienced a similar thing awhile back when some of the new weapons looked the same as before the install. It turned out that a number of other mods I had going were conflicting with EVE and when I dumped them, all was well. To figure out which ones, I used FO3Edit and loaded all mods into it to check the records. Remember that EVE affects more than just weapons... It makes changes to critical deaths, explosions and other things. So mods that you think are harmless may not actually be. As an example, one mod I had was for more realistic explosions - it was conflicting with EVE's explosions. Another gave Deputy Weld a sheriff's hat and badge. Turned out that EVE does this too so I didn't even need that other mod. See my point? Your choice if you want to run EVE or not though. Just making you aware!

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