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About Kaloian750

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  1. Hi everyone, I decided to return to Skyrim after years. Because I wanted to play instead of modding this time, I greatly reduced the number of mods. So I installed the mods read every mod's Nexus page and sorted the dependencies with Vortex, but it seems I still got things wrong... Currently, it seems the issues are with bugged textures and parallax. Thanks in advance. Plugins:
  2. I should have posted here instead of making a new thread. So I am looking for the mod/mods that makes the ground in certain areas of Skyrim green between the stones on the roads. For the years of Skyrim modding I've seen it on videos and photos everywhere but can't seem to find which one is it. If you have an idea which mod is that, please let me know. Here's a screenshot from a video I've seen the mod in.
  3. Hi everyone, So I am looking for the mod/mods that makes the ground in certain areas of Skyrim green between the stones on the roads. For the years of Skyrim modding I've seen it on videos and photos everywhere but can't seem to find which one is it. If you have an idea which mod is that, please let me know. Here are screenshots from videos I've seen the mod in.
  4. Well, they are pretty random. The only specific ones are at the start of the game when I entered Concord. In Sanctuary(any place), the city part of Boston and recently in Hallucinogen. The Concord one was fixed by moving the Minuteman mods later(I think) in the load order. The annoying thing is, that most of the time it looks like I fixed the CTD, but 1-2 days later it happens again and I am like why then it worked for 1-2 days. I just never know if I fixed it or not. Edit: I am pretty sure its not PC specs - Ryzen Threadripper, MB ASUS Rog Strix, 48GB RAM, RTX 2080 Super.
  5. Ok so for anyone who wonders as well - for Vortex it's *Main Drive Letter - usually disk C*\Users\*Your Username*\AppData\Local\Fallout4\ and then plugins.txt file. This is sorted by LOOT. I tried using the Vortex groups and edit them to be like in Fallout 4 Load Order Framework Survival Guide document, but I can't edit groups and only add. Heres my load order. Some plugin names aren't exactly self-explanatory so ask if you need: ccacxfo4001-vsuit.esl *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp *HUDFramework.esm *ODT - Raider Armors Retextured.esl *AORobcoReconScope.esl *Loot Detector.esl *Damage Threshold.esm *SimSettlements.esm *OVT.esp *Sporty Underwear.esp *VtawWardrobe4.esp *MWM4.esp *RussianAssaultPack.esp *Mosin.esp *Nexus_PMC.esp *K9TacticalHarness.esp *BetterModDescriptionsLite.esp *Better Explosives Redux.esp *LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp *KrissVector.esp *SlowTime.esp *CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp *BostonFPSFixAIO.esp *Some Assembly Required.esp *EPO_LowHDR.esp *True-Frags_v1-2_MidDmg_NoKnockdown_MidRange_NukaDLC.esp *WET.esp *BetterOpenSeason.esp *W.A.T.Minutemen.esp *TP-Redux.esp *MilitarizedMinutemen.esp *TrainBar.esp *Mk41GyrojetHMG.esp *ChinaLakeandHolorifle.esp *F4NV-AMR.esp *9mmPistol.esp *F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp *AER15.esp *10mmSMG.esp *F4NV-N99.esp *Crimsomrider's DLC Ammo.esp *SpawnSettlerButton.esp *UsefulCrank.esp *MG42.esp *Better Settlement Defence.esp *PortableRecycler.esp *Subtle Face Tweaks - Piper.esp *MMP4APA-blue.esp *MMP4APA.esp *3dscopes-mosin.esp *3dscopes.esp *BetterModDescriptionsSTCSAdd.esp *DT_GunnerOutfitPack.esp *DTGunnerOutfit_LeveledListPatch.esp *AKM_AKMS.esp *AKM_AKMS_NWPatch.esp *3dscopes-robcorecon.esp *RS2_M60.esp *3dscopes-servicerifle.esp *X01Light.esp *Minuteman_CB.esp *RichMerchantsLessCaps.esp *Craftable Armor Size.esp *BetterModDescriptionsCAS.esp *chem redux.esp *BetterJunkFences.esp *DD_All_the_COncrete.esp *BrighterSettlementLights_LessHarsh.esp *Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp *Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp *Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp *Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp *Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp *Realistic_conversations.esp *AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp *LovingCait.esp *LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp *LooksMenu.esp *DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp *KSHairdos.esp *BetterCompanions.esp *Crows&Creatures_V1.esp *RealisticAccuracy.esp *Impervious Power Armour.esp *ImmersiveVendors.esp *FAR.esp *Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp *The Eyes Of Beauty.esp *CBBE.esp *Grasslands - Healthy.esp *CommonwealthConifersREDUX.esp *dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp *ValiusHDTextures2K.esp *RadioReverbFix.esp *CROSS_CoA.esp *FO4 NPCs Travel.esp *RU556.esp *HuntingShotgun.esp *Sjogren.esp *RU556Armouryprojectv3.esp *DP_CaravanShotgun.esp *MonkeyDepoTommy.esp *AK400.esp *HuntingRevolver.esp *HK_MP5.esp *EveryonesBestFriend.esp *SurvivalOptions.esp *NAC.esp *BetterShackBridges.esp *Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp *NAC-FH.esp *NAC-NW.esp
  6. Hello, I have seriously unstable modded Fallot 4. Sorry beforehand for spelling mistakes as English's not my first language and I am also dyslexic lol. Anyway...I have been modding Skyrim and Fallout before, but it's never been so unstable. I would include my load order, but do I have to write every mod I use or there's like a file with the load order I can just copy and paste here? To be honest just because I have been modding for years doesn't make me experienced so I am kinda like a noob. I am modding with Vortex 1.3.8 on Win 10 64bit. Any help will be nice. Also, ask questions if you need. Thanks beforehand.
  7. Hey everyone, :happy: I am new to the forum, not new to modding, but new to mod creating. I've been wanting to try and make a simple mod for the Witcher 3 and I have a question I couldn't find any info about. So let's say you have witcher 3 installed and did the whole "uncooking the game" thing. Can I play the game after I have uncooked the files and WHILE they are uncooked(since I don't know how much time the mod will take)? Is this "uncooking" like making a copy of the game in a folder but unarchived?
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