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Everything posted by amirrezasepehr

  1. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/17582-4-1338460111.jpg anyone know which enb this is?
  2. sorry i was trying to draw attention with infuriating remarks lol well i cant favorite anything or recharge anything which mod are you using because this is nonsense and honestly makes me want to punch Bethesda as a whole in the face for being so lazy and not taking their time to fix this.
  3. anyone else get this? which mod is causing this glitch? the first room u enter when ur going with the imperial guy, this happens... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/3687257-1336689832.jpg
  4. Or am I a fool for not coming to this website often enough to find the bug fix 'cause this is pissing me the F*** off...
  5. I don't want HD for everything because my fps drops from 60 to 35 on my GTX 580. However I do like the HD textures of characters, creatures, and items. Can someone please make this mod? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  6. I can't run it anymore no matter how many times i redownload. What gives?
  7. Well it's like this. My GTX 580 loses half its frames with the Hi-Res DLC. Going from 60 to 35fps outside is really ugly to me. It's bullscheisse. Now I only want the characters, creatures, and item skins if I can't have it all. Anyone have the know how ready to post here? I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  8. Remove Skyboost. 1.4 without Skyboost is about 1.5x faster than 1.3 with Skyboost. Hope that helped.
  9. Keybinding glitch, bethtrollsda hasn't done a damn thing about it yet
  10. Get better hardware. MSi NGTX 580 Lightning 1.5GB There's nothing better out there other than the 7970 for $600 lol
  11. If you want your FPS to drop from 60 to 30 for no reason then sure.
  12. Man I shouldve gotten the GTX 590, oh well I can get it this christmas or something.
  13. It's still slow as hell. I'm just gonna delete Skyrim and redownload...*sigh*
  14. I think it's the Steam Workshop mods you subscribed to.
  15. So far I haven't seen anyone complain so I thought I'd make a topic on it. I use to get a wonderful 45-65fps outside in Skyrim on Ultra. 45fps for me is low in consideration of the fact that I paid $600 for the damn graphics card...and one day I saw the High Resolution Pack and got cocky. Thought to myself,"Hey it's not THAT hi-res like the Skyrim 2K HD pack, I should only lose like 5fps max." Dead wrong... :wallbash: So when I'm in Riften I get 30-45fps in the city. Before I'd get around 45-70. Now for the worst part...when I leave to go outside. 24-30fps. :facepalm: Seriously, am I the only one here who's having these problems? Here are the specs to my rig just to give you an idea of the PC I'm having the problems with: ASUS P8Z68-V Pro MSi GTX 580 Lightning 1.5GB Intel i7 2600k G.Skill Ripjaws 2x4GB LG Blueray Player Kingston SSDNow V200 128GB SSD Western Digital 1TB HD Corsair HX 1050W Share me your stories with the DLC and tell me what you have done to fix it or remove the DLC altogether.
  16. Before I'd get 40-65fps outdoors (average 55) on outdoors and around 80-120fps indoors. Now I only get like 25-40fps outside and maybe 55fps max inside the cities. This is after I downloaded the official high resolution textures DLC for Skyrim.
  17. Seriously I don't know why it's doing this. Could it be because I tweaked the shadows and have the NVIDIA ambient occlusion on (assuming both are related)? Here are my specs: ASUS P8Z68-V Pro MSi GTX 580 Lightning 1.5GB Intel i7 2600k G.Skill Ripjaws 2x4GB Kingston SSDNow V200 128GB SSD Western Digital 1TB HD Corsair HX 1050W
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