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Everything posted by amirrezasepehr

  1. DRM. Steam gave Bethesda lotsa money and Bethesda turned prostitute.
  2. I prefer to use the Bump mods by Yuril which look better at distance, which is all that matters to me. Skyrim HD is incomplete so I won't use it until it's been completely remade. With Skyrim HD ill probably drop down to 30-50fps in the 1.3 patch. I haven't tried it on the 1.4 patch. The ENB series are shader enchancers. They improve shadows and lighting in the game. The SSAO is the shadowing aspect of the ENB and it is a huge performance hit. I suggest downloading the one without SSAO if you're only looking for nicer colors and better lighting. The performance hit is minimal. I get about 3fps less than normal and the game looks fantastic. Give it a try. P.S. I have Vsync on because of my monitor.
  3. delete enb, run skyrim, load a save and save again, exit, redownload enb. the new patch is out and isn't compatible with older versions of SKSE so you might wanna download it.
  4. Go yiff with all your little furfa*gets shot by Admin* But in all seriousness I don't mind this, but don't make it all gay. Seriously use something else other than furry porn or corny animes as inspiration.
  5. Steam can go rot, I honestly don't know why Bethesda linked it to Skyrim... :wallbash:
  6. If you want better performance, download confident enb performance version (the one without SSAO). I basically have the same stats as your computer (Intel i7 2600K, MSI NGTX 580 Lightning, G-Skill 8GB RAM, Kingston SSDNow V200 128GB) and this fixed it for me. I was using confident ENB before with SSAO and I would get frame rates around 20-40 with the 1.3 patch. I removed SSAO and now I get 45-60 in Whiterun (because I have switched it to a 120HZ monitor, it actually jumps to about 70-120fps in some areas inside buildings and small caves) with the 1.4 patch. Patch it with 1.4 and you'll get a massive frame rate boost. You can still mod with it. I have so many mods on this game right now.
  7. It's going to be more complicated than that because when you notice the decapitations of anyone wearing helmets they actually lose their heads physically. This is proven when a helmet-equipped head decapitation results in only the wound under the severed head rolling around, but the rest of the head is invisible until you unequip the victims helmet. And what if you were dismembering a naked person? That wouldn't work with what you've given here. The creation kid should help out a lot though! Man I'd love to chop that snitch Astrid in the Dark Brotherhood into a million pieces :hurr:
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