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Posts posted by nolgroth

  1. I just happened to have an account with TESNexus that transferred over to here. Just for giggles I tried to log into the forums with my nexus account and it worked. Generally I find that I like the folks here. So I stayed around to read and toss out a few ideas.
  2. In Oblivion, I always brought up the console and typed "save QS0." I would replace QS0 with QS1-9. That way I had ten alternating "quick save" slots. I trained myself to save whenever I thought I might be heading into someplace potentially dangerous*. Worked out rather well.



    * Dangerous, in this case, was someplace that I either hadn't explored or someplace I knew really tough enemies were. This was especially true after I started using OOO. Some of those marauders could get downright tough.

  3. The first mod I would like to see is something with thrown axes and daggers. I realize that is probably a bit of a heavy load though, so I am not holding my breath.


    I want to build an adventure/dungeon mod. In fact, I even have a story planned out. The only question is whether I can master all of the skills needed to make it transform from an idea to a reality,

  4. Mattilde Berunnsdöttir will be my first character. Nord female and descendant of Berunna, my Oblivion character. Mattilde will probably be a little less of the shining paragon type and more practical. I don't want to jump ahead as to why she is going to the gallows in case the plot calls for a specific reason.


    Caterwaul will be my khajiit (male) character. Basing him off of a PnP roleplaying character. Emphasis on light armor, one-handed weapons, and spells.


    Sossauroth will be my argonian (male) character. Based off a minor divinity that I created for a reptilian character in a PnP game.


    Don't have names for the other characters I plan to make (one of each race).

  5. So many things. I think that what I liked most was the inverse of what I disliked most. I liked the fact that the game could be modded to the point where it was almost a different style of gameplay from the original. And with different mods, the gameplay could be even more differentiated. Combine that with the wide, open world and you had an awesome game.
  6. The fact that I had to mod the hell out of it in order to have a game with a whole bunch of replay value. Other than the very first time I played Oblivion, I always used mods to extend the experience. Fortunately, there were mods to use thanks to Bethesda eagerly supporting the modding community. So overall my complaint is a minor one, when taken in context.
  7. Er...a religious rec center. Learn something every day!


    The YMCA used to be a lot more than just a rec center. I recall stories from my uncles that they used to have a dormitory where you could rent a bunk for the short-term. They also had some limited job training and placement. It sort of did double duty by keeping young kids off the street and providing a place for relocated bachelors to strike out on a new life. I have no idea what services are still available at the YMCA though. When I was young, we used to swim at the YMCA. It had the best pool in the neighborhood and the gangs in the area basically left it alone in favor of the public pool. I didn't find out about the other stuff until later.

  8. Nope but I always play as female because if I am going to paly a game for hours on end I don't want to stare at some dude that long. I will make some orc barbarian / pro flower picker


    LMAO , That is so true , My character is a female chocolate elf , and ya i'd rather watch her butt when she's running then some porky dude !


    i hate these arguments.... are you people that insecure in your masculinity that you fear you're going to start enjoying it? or is it THAT upsetting you cant tolerate it? i suppose its your own choice and i personally always play 1st person... but ive never been a fan of that reasoning

    Well I am not going to speak for the others, but I personally find the female form much more attractive than the male one. :)


    That said, I don't limit myself to one character, gender, or race.

  9. Razer Blackwidow Ultimate keyboard and Logitech laser gaming mouse.


    I had considered using my son's Black Ops 360 controller, just to give it a whirl, until I pre-ordered the game for him. I may even look at alternate controllers just to see if one fits me better.

  10. My wife is actually somewhat upset that she will not be able to pull an all-nighter on 11-11-11 with me (lightweight). I will con her into staying through character creation and the opening though. Should have those done early enough for her. Aside from that, she will probably be glued to BF3 and playing with her clanmates. :)
  11. I typically build several characters. For Oblivion I had a Nord female warrior who I envisioned to be like a Paladan; a psychotic, female, wood elf Assassin; a Dunedain (used the Imperial race) type ranger; and a Nord, male, barbarian that I somehow managed to get to look a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Those were the memorable characters that I built up to high level, finished the main quest with, and did just about everything else with. I also had roughly two dozen "faceless" characters (faceless in that I don't really remember them). Every single character has one or more aspects of my personality, but none of them look like me.


    For Skyrim, I am planning on running at least one character of each race. The Argonians and Khajiit now look like something I can play. My first character concept that I have rolling around is another Nord female. A descendant of the one from Oblivion, but probably not so honorable as her ancestor. From there, we will see.

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