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Everything posted by ChampionKnifeFighter

  1. dont you have to pay for elevenlabs though?
  2. im having this exact same problem. you ever figure it out after all these years?
  3. Well you got farther than me, the marriage option won't even show up when I talk to the character I want to marry
  4. Me too. I can't get texture override to work. Install paths are correct, got my folders correct and everything.
  5. Definitely Captain Renault. She has the prettiest face, you can't tell because of the helmet, but there's something nice going on in that thing. Most of my PCs are the prettier though. I really know how to work those sliders, I don't need mods to make a good looking face B)
  6. thanks Edit: I reinstalled it anyway and it keeps your save data, and clears all mods
  7. Long story shirt, I forgot to back up some files. Is there a way to get Dragon's Dogma to be a mod-free blank slate again? If I uninstall the game and reinstall it will my mods disapear? or will the game remember and I'm stuck with the mods forever?
  8. I think it would be cool if someone made alternative head pieces like deer antlers or a halo or something
  9. Are you trying to make a sort of weird Killer 7 thing? because I'd be down with that
  10. Because clearly there isn't enough female armour mods to go around.
  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2933/? Try Crafting 300 I recommend using the older versions though. The newest version is very buggy and weird.
  12. I like this outfit a lot, the only thing that bugs me is the apron bit. I actually tried making this myself and I think I did a pretty good job here, but I'm having huge issues importing it into my game. I'm not even going to get into it because I tried jumping through a lot of hoops to get old versions of blender just to get a thing called nif script or something, but even that is having problems. So I gave up. Thats as far as I could go. So here I am. I'm not here to ask for advice (but if you have any, that would be nice), but rather to make a request to make a version of the barkeeper's clothes that removes the apron. The best I could do was a .dae file. If it's possible to convert a .dae file to a .nif file, I'd be happy to send it to you somehow. Cheers. http://i.imgur.com/uQ5PEJl.png
  13. He has a valid complaint, Oubliette. Yes, those people have lots of talent, though it feels like it is misplaced talent. The amount of skimpy mods on this website is just staggering. But don't let opinions stop you or others from making this sort of thing. People who run the website isn't stopping them, I don't see how I can. While I stopped caring about this kind of thing ages ago, since I just make my own mods from now on, I do know how it feels not being able to find a decent mod. And just because someone worked hard on something, it doesn't mean it's automatically immune from criticism. Nothing, no matter how good, is immune from criticism.
  14. Personally I think the Iron Cuirass looks enough like that. The only thing that looks different is the pauldrons I suppose. Maybe I can rustle something like that up in nifskope. I'd likely just give the pauldrons from the steel curiass the iron texture and then put them on the iron armor in lieu of of the iron pauldrons.
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