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Everything posted by nikko882

  1. The grand healing restoration spell heals everyone near the player, i think it just heals allies. (ps. the poisoncloak is using ¨isHosileToActor¨ in targetconditions on the spelleffect)
  2. Hello people The one immersion mod I would like to see is a mod that adds some of the NPC animations to the player and to more places. As the animation for searching containers, looting, opening doors, pulling levers, etc.. I saw one mod that did this a while back but could not seem to find it/discontinued. (Also, dialoge choises are awsome, even if they dont affect gameplay)
  3. I agree with you in the point where the meches dosent really keep up with the textures and I would love to see more mods like that. Some animations also need a overhaul. But skyrim actually have facial animations (I think) but they have to be used more. Another kind of mods that are graphical/immersion mods are mods that gives more animations for things like: looting, player opening doors, pulling levers and so on. These animations are already in the game, but cannot be used by the player. The sad think is that I am playing on a 3 year old laptop, and so i dont get to download all these beatuiful mods... (along with my 100 other mods) -Nikko
  4. Sadly, I don't belive this is possible without having access to the dev code.
  5. I did this and got mine back by restoring the savegames folder to an erlier verson. Find the map, go to properties i belive it's called in english (i'm norwegian), then to erlier vesons and see if there is something there...
  6. My dream mod would be to be able to transform into some sort of semi-angel or evolved paladin. Being able to fly around with an angels wings wearing holy (heavy) armor and a sword. Shining my light down on people and casting restoration spells in combat (along with using the badass two-handed sword).
  7. something like this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9506
  8. Can someone make a tranformation to something that looks cinda like the guardian of ancient kings from wow for the holy/paladin type of charater? The behavior would be a copy/remake of the vampire lord (flying mode and ground mode) but with restoration spells and a greatsword. A type of restoration spell visual (the one you see in healing) would be displayed at the character in guardian form. ps. the model does not need to be the guardian of ancient kings but something kinda like it. Tyrael from diablo looks good to (except the "wings").
  9. I guess this MUST be possible seeing the devs have done it. 1+ for this request, both to modders and devs.
  10. There is half-mer in skyrim and they are called bretons(manmer), the race was made by men having children with mer (notice their slightly pointy ears and use of magic). Thank you.
  11. I do not know any mods, no. But I do know that in dawnguard Lord Harkon has verlet physics on his cape in vampire lord form and I think the mod authour jonwd7 is working on making verlet physics on capes and so on. (his youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/jonwd7 , his skyrim nexus account: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/users/2492841 )
  12. Straight to the point: Is it possible to add torch-fire to other armor and weapons, if so how?
  13. After having heard about the ghosts in oblivion that you can not kill by normal means I thought that was pretty cool and I was cind of dissapiontet when bethesda did not include that feature in skyrim. I have also searched around on the internet and found nothing so i wondered, can someone make it so that the ghosts in skyrim are unkillable by normal weapons and spells? Only silver, deadric, lightning spells can hurt them. Also they should be resistant to ice and use frost magic. (http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Ghost) It would also be cool if you culd walk right through ghosts.
  14. I dont know about looking at the cursor but you have the headtracking mod on the nexus as backup. It adds a oblivion-style headtracking system to skyrim. Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23600
  15. Helping the college ¨resetting¨ winterhold would be awsome. (also winterhold is by far the most awsome hold) This could also be lorefriendly if you included some divine power.
  16. What about this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16374 Then you just need someone to make the moot. I myself cant help you as I dont know much about modding.
  17. This would indeed take a LOT of time but all I ask is: if someone want to make this, take your time. I have nothing against one fixed dungeon weekly as long as i, at some point in time, get to enjoy this mod. I also see that people might not want to use their time on this. Any thoughts on the looting system?
  18. In skyrim looting dead bodies, chests and pickpoceting is all about going through menus, lots of menus. It would be nice if someone can make a mod that made chest physically hold items. In the shrine of merunes dagon (and some other places) there are a chest with the ck RefId ChestOpen, if there is a way to place some animations on this to make it open and close you would have a perfectly working real chest. This would make looting not only more realistic and visually pleasing but also limiting the size and content of the chest (you could also bury that deadric dagger under tons of charcoal). This is already done with the doors (kind of) and so i guess that locks, keys and such would be no problem. Loooting dead bodies and pickpoceting is also about menus. If it is possible to have the items physically on the people, items like: neckles, rings, gold (hanging in a bag fron the belt), keys (again hanging in the belt) and armor. this is already possible with the swords who drops on the ground for you to pick up. This would also make pickpoceting more interesting as you have to find the keys and money the npc's are wearing. It would also be nice if you could have and option to skin animals and harvest ingredients from them. This would save me (and possibly many others) from going through loads of menus and make the game more roleplay frendly. As some last words: excuse my bad english, im norwegian. The reason that i dont go ahead and make this my self is purely because of lacking experince, thank you for reading though this post and please: post any constructive or helping comments and if this has been made before.
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