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  1. AAAHHHH! HA!... Got it. UVII Uses a set FNeardistance call between gametime views and menues. It is improperly setting this value when switching. However this can also be switched off in the UVII.ini file. Any one having similar problems may want to check 3rd party ini's.
  2. using obse directly. whats funny is that i have been experimenting and have found that certian situations within the game is causing it. talking to an npc or loading certian cells. now whats funny is that i set my ini file to read only yesterday and this still happens. still cant figure out wht setini fneardistance,1 will not work. maybe windows 7 is the problem. if i figure this out i will post the answer... always wanted to have an answer for something.
  3. This is rather annoying but not completely detrimental. Running 4 mods. Franchscos stuff, natural enviroments, and all the stuff needed for UVII. The new animations in UVII clip horibly in first person so i edit my ini in My Games folder fNearDistance=10.0000 to 3 or 0. at some point during playing this ini resets itself and even my sliders for grass and tree fade verert back to default. Is there anything i can do to stop this. I also try the console command setini fneardistance,3 but it cant find the ini command.
  4. Just got it for my laptop for christmas. Played many times on x box and ps3 but now i can mod and am enjoying it all over again. Still play morrowind also.
  5. yea real sweet! Shure we cant get one in pig latin? Pleese! Realy why only spanish?
  6. A lot of things in fallout are unrealistic... take combat for one... however the game is fun. realisim is added by the awesome modders that populate this site. if you want a realistic looking earth from the mother ship you will need to edit the texture yourself or recomend the change in a forum. if a modder thinks its a good idea they will do it! Shouldent be hard. Take the texture, load into an art program, add a little bit of green and place back into texture folder.
  7. Bingo! Thats the one I read about and was interested in trying (RKR) Thank you so much for the thread. you have saved me a lot of time hunting this back down. I give to you a Kudo for your help.
  8. Playing with the awesome fook2 ,MMM and combat enhanced mods (along with about 15 others) with intrest in combat enhanced. Like the new battle styles for the most part but raiders still seem to not notice thair buddies are droping like flies from my hunting rifle or sniper rifle. I could of sworn i saw a small mod once that added something like a token on a dead body that made other raiders more alert (paranoid) but i cant for the life of me reamember the name of it. 150 something pages of mods is a bit daunting and would love to find this mod again. can anyone help?
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