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Everything posted by beefsister77

  1. It´s funny how everyone bitches about publisher platforms like Steam, GFWL or Origin but not even half of them know why they are ranting about it. Jumping on the collective hate train just for the heck of it. I have yet to encounter anyone who can bring up at least 3 reasonable arguments against it. I use all 3 platforms and I never ever have encountered any problems. And pulling DRM out of the ass as a negative is also just plain stupid. It´s everyone´s right to protect their property, with the huge piracy movement it´s also necessary. All these things don´t affect the game itself, the gameplay or the fun you can have with it. The game will still be the same. And about those friggin petitions, they are just ridiculous. Mass movements with the goal to forcibly change mostly cosmetic and trivial things. Those people don´t realize they are interfering with an artists work. Like ME3 f.e., there was a writer for that story, he thought it up, spinned plot strings, created characters, dialogues, lore and expressed it in the way he saw it, including the ending. Now some geeks rise up and say "Meh, me don´t like ending! change it at once or I´ll never buy another game! blablacryrantbitch...". Seriously, storywriting is art and you don´t blackmail an author to write it like you want it to. It´s nice to see people standing up for something but it´s a shame when you see for what trivial s*** they do. Put this energy to something useful goddammit.
  2. Well, i´m also a bit dissapointed by the endings but not to the point where i´d call it complete failure. Also, who said this would be the final closure of the ME story? There´s nothing pointed out yet but those endings still leave room for possible continuation. People making a fuss about it while not even knowing yet if and in what direction the story will be developed in future times is just stupid. What pisses me really off is Bioware´s handling of the ME2 squadmates. While Mordin´s little story is well done the rest of them where just mistreated by the laziness of the writers. Jack´s part is mediocre at best, Thane´s downright dissapointing and a real downer, Jacob´s made me facepalm and Zaeed´s an insult (really Bioware? 5 minute appeareance and absolutely no interaction options afterwards? What genius thought that up?!). It can be clearly seen and felt that there was absolutely no love or creativity involved in writing them into the story of ME3. I demand the responsible ones are to be thrown in some dungeon at the end of the world.
  3. I didn´t care for them in DA2 too. That´s because they weren´t fleshed out like in Origins or in ME. Overall Bioware did a poor job on DA2, that includes the characters. In Origins they really felt like family at some point, with so much personal problems, emotional dialogues around the campfire and their changing feelings/development towards my character. Same for ME2. I cared for every single one of them.
  4. Exactly. And now let´s drop that topic. I have to say I didn´t really care about the DLC characters in DA at all. I got them, I played their mission but then never used them again. Shale was just boring and Sebastian pissed me of with his chivalrous personality. Zaeed on the other hand quickly became one of my favourite squadmates. Spot on voiced, hilarious one liners and badass appeareance he was a really well done bonus character. I happened to drag him along on most of the missions. It was a shame that there were no real dialogues or interactions with him besides his own mission. He has one of the most - if not the most - interesting personality. He´s one of the characters I´m definitely looking forward to meet again and hope he has a more significant role this time or at least more interaction options.
  5. Again, do a little thinking before you rage. Protheans are important to some extent to the main story but your bonus companion, which the dlc is about, is not! It won´t affect the main quest in a way you won´t be able to finish it or whatever you were thinking. It´s the same as the bonus mission with Zaeed or Kasumi in ME2.Nice little side story, but that´s all there was to it. Same will be with the Prothean. Maybe you should accept that it is their property and they can do whatever the hell they want with it. They can sell it at any price they want. You have still your free will and choice to just not buy it if it´s too much for you. Nobody´s forcing you to do anything.
  6. No, it´s not. Do your research right before you rage. It consists of one mission to get an additional squadmate, a weapon and one new skin for each squadmate. It was originally bonus content for the collectors edition and wasn´t planned to be available for the normal versions. It´s by no means a crucial element of the main story. They decided to cut it out and make it available for everyone as DLC. Of course they want to make money with it, that´s no crime if you have to run a business. Development of such grand scale games is ressource hungry after all and people need to be paid. Do you work for free? Those raging good for nothing kids get really on my nerves. Life isn´t for free! Nobody works for free! If you want something, pay for it! If you don´t want to pay, you don´t need it! That´s how life is and all your ranting won´t change it! Grow up!
  7. I´m getting it definitely. Gameplay is business as usual, generic 3rd person shooter in the missions, but ME was always about the story. ME is the sci-fi story Hollywood failed to deliver since the beginnings of the film industry.
  8. Dark Souls and it´s prequel Demon Souls are two of the greatest games to ever appear on my screen. And yes, it´s unforgiving. Prepare to die like a thousand times on your first playthrough. The combat mechanics are a masterpiece. You only succeed with the right tactics, careful observation, evading,blocking and striking at the right time. But it´s also rewarding. Your gear and customization actually matter in this game, every little progress can be felt in combat. The game world is huge and beautiful, there are plenty of secrets to discover. And there are no DLC´s, this game is complete. That´s also one big positive. Not many games are like that from the start, I´m almost used by now to get only half a game for my money and have to spent extra to get the rest. Btw, nice approach on the Taurus with the firebombs. I never thought of that. I engaged him in a very tiring sword and shield battle. ^^ But if you think that one was tough wait till you get to battle Smough and Ornstein. Took me a whole weekend to finally get those bastards down. But everytime you beat one of those hardass bosses happiness overflows making you laugh like a child. Haven´t had that since the old Nes/Snes times. One tip for the Taurus though: If you´re fast enough to get on top of the watchtower after the boss drops in, you can do a plunge attack on him, that causes huge damage and gives you an advantage for the rest of the battle.
  9. Did you try fire? I think it´s only possible to remove webs with fire. Any flame enchanted weapon or a fire spell will do.
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