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About screamin4urlife

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    Skyrim, Dota2
  1. My computer: HD Radeon 5450 AMD Anthlon II X3 440 Processor (3.00 GHz) 4GB of Ram 64bit Windows I've tried everything, performance .dlls, playing just vanilla, even removing shadows entirely. But no matter what I do, I always have to play low setting for Skyrim. I have all my drivers up to date, and overclocking to near maximum. I'm running Skyrim with: Updated to 1.5.26 No shadows Simple lighting Text/Mesh/EverythingElse is low quality and threaded Running at 1280x768 fullscreen Only necessary background programs (windows explorer, antivirus etc) With everything above, I hover around 25 fps, rarely hitting 30. And no, I don't play with my fps meter on, just to test what it's at. Normally I'd blame my ram and gpu, but I have friends with same stats running at least 30 fps on medium/high. I was wondering if anyone knows if it's my computer's parts? Or the way I have Skyrim set up? I'll gladly take any help I can get :D
  2. SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Wildlife = Any kind nature plugin WiS could ever need.

    Also, I'm a graphic designer, if you guys need any HD custom textures, let me know.

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