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About lordsoulstrike

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    Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, X3: Albion Prelude

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  1. There actually is an enchantment that raises your stamina regeneration rate.
  2. I believe the only way would be to edit each individual NPC and do it that way. Go to Character Gen Morphs tab at the very end of an NPC's file (whatever you call it).
  3. Tinkering with the CK I have finally been able to a race within a game to have a different skin, eyes ect...... Directions -Navigate to Characters section on the Object Window. -Click on Race. -Choose a Race and double click on one. -Race window pops up. -Under General Data tab (first one) go to the Copied Data section. -Change the Morph Race to ArgonianRace (whatever you want) and Armor Race to ArgonianRace (this will change the body skin). -Go to the Body Data and change the Skeleton to skeletonbeast.nif or leave it if you don't want a beast race Khajiit/Argonian. -Go to the Face Data tab and you will see Base Head Parts and under that the Additional Head Parts. -Still under the Characters section on the Object Window look for the HeadPart section. -From here you can drag and drop a new face, hair, eyes, whatnot. To help speed things up you can use the Filter on the top of the Object Window to narrow your search down and just drag and drop. -Please note that I do not know how to mess with the hair colors as of yet and any NPC with a special hairstyle will keep it so you may have to edit it out within the CK. If I have made any mistakes please excuse them as it is around 1:20 am as of writing this. If screenshots are needed please ask and I will provide them. Update: For the hair you will have to open up the head parts section for hair to see exactly what the mesh is and where it is located. -Open the Skyrim - Meshes.bsa file with an extractor and navigate to meshes > actors > Character > Character Assets > Hair -Select whatever race you wish to switch to and copy their head parts and rename them to the race you are switching to. (EX. Argonianhair01.nif becomes Dremorahair01.nif) -After switching reload the CK and see if it works, if there is a hairline that does not match go back into the headparts hair section and reopen the hairparts you were switching and look for Extra Parts. If one of the extra parts says hairline just delete it. To switch hairlines just drag and drop a new one from the Object Window. -Within the Headpart section when you open a Headpart if you look at the right you will see a drop-down box called Valid Races. From here you can set what race gets to use the headpart/hair/whatever. -Texture Set is under the Valid Races section which "should" change the texture set of the hair/whatever (have not used this feature yet) -Lastly I would NOT edit an npc character unless you know it will not interfere with another mod (I've had this happen). Thanks to JesterKing over at this topic for the body switching.
  4. Currently I do not think there is a way. Skyedit does not have any scripting functions as of yet. The CK may be released soon and then your mod might be possible. However as of now I do not think it would be possible without scripting. :confused:
  5. I can see everything to and have been able to edit somethings, however I have not been able to get any minor edits of armor in game. ><
  6. Currently the web page where you could get it is down.
  7. They probably did it just to annoy the modders. I'm trying to be patient myself so I can tinker around with the meshes as well. Even the CS would be helpful, however until then......... Back to smashing Bandits and raising em as my undead minions! :devil: (Dance my puppets, dance!!!!)
  8. Everything on the new site looks nice, however I see you added the normal links that were on the right are now on a drop down menu.
  9. Never mind, I figured it out. FOOK overwrote certain things and I had to undo that and it works again.
  10. The mesh which the texture is based is subcouch01.nif Couch texture I forgot to say that if you just drag and drop into the appropriate folder it will modify all couches in game that use that mesh/texture. You will have to make a new ID in the GECK so you don't over-right vanilla files.
  11. How is this? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Modding/th_couch.jpg
  12. Right before all your crashing occurred, did you install/uninstall a bunch of mods? This has happened to me before and the only real way to get rid of this was to either load a previous save a bit back, or if it didn't work a good old fashioned New Game usually fixed it. FO3 to me can/was a bit finicky about installing/uninstalling mods unnecessarily.
  13. Do you have ArchiveInvalidated? That is needed to make meshes and textures show up in game. You will also have to go to your base game folder and edit your Fallout_default.ini. AII.bsa is the same empty bsa file, however it is shortened because of the 255 character limit. It cannot be first because after the 1.1 update it messed things up a bit and doing so would crash the game. Make sure to put all the NVSE under the main folder and not the Data folder. SArchiveList=Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa, AII.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa Hope this helps
  14. There is a mod for Fallout 3 called Monster Costumes. In it there is a skeleton costume a companion could wear if you wanted to go that route or whatever. :mellow:
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